If you work with digital photos or images, you've probably noticed that if you resize them to be larger, they lose resolution and either become pixelated or blurry. This degradation affects raster images, a category of image files such as JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG, all of which are based on pixels. If you convert that image into a vector image, however, it can be enlarged to a billboard and will still look as sharp as the original. This tutorial shows you how to use Inkscape to create a vector outline from any digital image.
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- If you are good at using a photo editor, start with your image - using desaturation and maximization of the contrast, you will get a strong outline of your image ( http://imgur.com/szawt.png ). Save it, import it into Inkscape, then choose menu Path > Trace Image. Select Edge Detection, press Update; you should see the desired outline of your image. If it looks reasonable, press OK, wait until Stop is not active anymore, close this window. You should have the outline overlaid over the original image.Thanks
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