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Cross dressing to look and be feminine requires many steps to success. Such steps include attire such as dainty and frilly underwear and clothes, personality and behaviour such as speaking politely and most of all image. A man wearing a skirt with hairy arms and legs is not a feminine look nor a good look in general.

  1. To look feminine to be feminine, body hair must be obsolete, shave or wax (preferable wax) body hair off completely. Legs, [1] arms, back, neck, nose and ear, and genital hair including between the crack of your bum this is called a Brazilian or Hollywood wax where you will be waxed on the shaft and base of your penis, scrotum and anus. You can seek a professional to do such waxing for you. The feel and sensation of soft smooth skin next to silk or satin is amazing if this step is achieved to be feminine.
  2. [2] Attire is very important to achieve a feminine look, feminine fashion, is categorised more by color and by fit. Colors such as pink, lilac, and yellow are feminine colours and look great as underwear. For underwear avoid skimpy looking underwear such as g-strings and thongs, but adopt a more conservative image such as full brief, cheeky or bikini style. Don't forget to also have on your panties lots of feminine lace and dainty bows to complete the look. With underwear ALWAYS, AND I MEAN ALWAYS hand wash your bras and panties then hang them outside to dry. [3]
    • For night wear, a pair of pretty panties and a lacy nightdress or baby doll will look so feminine yet so dainty, ensure that the panties and nightdress match and have lots of lace and bows to achieve your feminine appearance.
  3. A bra can be an option if you feel comfortable, ensure that the bra is well supportive otherwise it will hurt you. Make certain that your bra and panties are a match. Loose fitting clothes such as skirts and dresses are great to feel feminine as the feel of a skirt blowing around between your legs is incredible. For tops avoid loose fitting items as they will decrease your bust and curvaceous shape.
  4. For bathers, avoid skimpy two piece bikini costumes as they are too small in size to support a male (bikinis are not cut or designed to fit a male figure) A one piece will look feminine as a bikini would on a female.
  5. But I emphasize that you don't overdo it. Apply minimal foundation and blush to your cheeks to obtain a radiant appearance. Eye shadow and liner is also a sweet look if not over the top. [4] A sweet feminine cologne is also a terrific method to look and feel feminine plus smelling sweet as sugar.
  6. High heels also come in handy to achieve height if you are small in height, however don't overdo the size of the heel. If you are uncomfortable in heels nice feminine flats are just as great.
  7. [5] Personality and behaviour must be perfected to achieve a feminine persona. Avoid crude remarks and attitude, and always use please, thank you and excuse me when speaking. When walking stand straight, shoulders back and head up, avoid slouching as this is perceived as a masculine trait.
  8. [6] When seated I emphasize this: DO CROSS YOUR LEGS AT ALL TIMES, otherwise all will have an opportunity to look down under at your pretty panties, that is NOT a feminine thing to do, showing off your panties. When wanting to get up uncross your legs, then with your legs together, then sit up (this technique will avoid any panty action a passing by person will see)
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is it okay for a male to dress up like a slutty female?
    Community Answer
    You might get some stares if you're in public but there's nothing actually wrong with it. Dress however you want to!
  • Question
    I'm in 7th grade but I'm a boy and I want to dress like a girl. How do I go from wearing my trousers and guy stuff to wearing plaid skirts and other girl stuff?
    Community Answer
    If you mean that you're not sure what to wear, I would recommend going through the girls' department and getting what you like. If you mean you're worried about making the transition, maybe you could start by wearing girls' accessories and tops first, and then switching to skirts and girls' pants when you're feeling more confident. Also, talk to your parents. Let them know how you feel. You need to embrace who you are, but you don't have to do it alone.
  • Question
    Should breast forms be used to fill out the bra?
    Belle K.
    Top Answerer
    This would be the best option, yes. If you don't have access to breast forms, I would recommend stuffing your bra with socks and/or toilet paper.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Be sure you like what you see in a mirror (preferably a full length mirror). This is how you are presenting yourself to the world so consider how others will evaluate this image. Make sure you are mentally comfortable looking like this image (this is probably the biggest step you will take). Realizing and accepting "This is what I look like" is a huge part of presenting yourself well. And, don't forget to put on your best smile.
      • Consider getting your body hair removed to look more feminine. While women do have body hair, many of them remove it (via shaving, waxing, laser, etc.). A woman's natural body hair is also different from a man's, so if you have heavy body hair over much of your body you may stick out a little bit. If you want to leave it you totally can, but if you don't feel as confident or feminine with your body hair you can remove it.
      • If you have to wear masculine clothes for an event or something, try wearing something feminine underneath to make yourself feel better.
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      Things You'll Need

      • A mirror (nothing looks worse than a botched makeup job)
      • A shoe rack (cross dressers love shoes too)
      • A perfume sachet (have to keep our panties smelling sweet)

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