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A guide to the supposed subliminal messages in Disney media
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While Disney is known for its wholesome shows and movies, some fans theorize that there are subliminal messages with weird or adult themes hidden in their programs. Many of these supposed secret messages have been debunked by former Disney employees or journalists. Still, people continue to wonder about them. Below, we’ve rounded up 10 of the most famous alleged subliminal messages in Disney media.

Are there subliminal messages in Disney movies?

Most Disney subliminal messages have been debunked (proven false) or can be explained as a coincidence. The only confirmed subliminal messages are The Rescuers showing a topless woman for a few frames, DuckTales referencing the Illuminati, and Pixar’s subtle nods to Apple Inc.


The Lion King Dust Spells An Obscenity

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  1. Viewers believed a Lion King scene hid the message “S-E-X.” In the scene, Simba, Timon, and Pumba are looking at the stars. Simba moves, causing a dust cloud to form. When paused at the right moment, the dust wisps appear to spell the word “sex.” [1]
    • Animator Tom Sito, who worked on the film, confirmed the dust was meant to spell S-F-X as a nod to the special effects department. [2] Thus, the subliminal message is considered debunked—simply a misunderstanding.
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DuckTales References the Illuminati

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  1. An eye chart in a DuckTales scene mentions the Illuminati. In “Yuppy Ducks,” the thirteenth episode of season three of Disney’s DuckTales , there’s a subliminal message about the Illuminati. When Scrooge McDuck goes to the doctor’s office, an eye chart in the background reads “Ask About Illuminati.” However, it changes a few frames later. [3]
    • The Illuminati is a historical secret society that’s been the subject of numerous conspiracies. [4] These conspiracies usually suggest that members of the Illuminati secretly control the world.

The Rescuers Shows a Topless Woman

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  1. A nude image appeared in a few frames of The Rescuers . About 38 minutes into the original home-video version of the movie, viewers spotted a photograph of a topless woman in the window of a building in the background. The image only appeared in two non-consecutive frames, which explains why it went unnoticed for decades. [5]
    • Disney recalled the home-video version of the film in 1999 after it came to public attention, claiming it had been placed there in post-production—not by their animators.
    • Supposedly, this subliminal imagery appeared in almost every version of The Rescuers from its 1977 release until the 1999 recall.
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Aladdin Talks About Taking Off Clothes

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  1. Viewers claimed to hear Aladdin tell teenagers to get undressed. In 1993, a rumor spread that Aladdin said, “Good teenagers, take off your clothes.” The supposed subliminal message could barely be heard in a scene in Aladdin where Aladdin steps onto Jasmine’s balcony and her tiger Rajah growls at him. Disney debunked this in 1995. [6]
    • In a 1995 Associated Press article, a Disney spokesman explained the line is actually “Scat, good tiger, take off and go.”
    • In a 2015 interview with HuffPost, former Disney animator Tom Sito claimed the animators of the sequence were religious and would not include such a message. [7]

Pixar Alludes to Apple Products

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  1. Several Pixar films feature subtle Apple references. In Monsters, Inc. and WALL-E , there are multiple subliminal references to late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and Apple products. This is likely because Steve Jobs was an early investor in Pixar Animation Studios before he sold it to Disney in 2006. [8]
    • When WALL-E the robot recharges in the film, the Mac startup sound plays.
    • Old Apple mice appear in the movie as part of a joke about mice (rodents) in the future.
    • WALL-E watches the movie Hello, Dolly! on an iPod early in the film.
    • In Monsters, Inc. , the slogan “Scare Different” is a riff on Apple Inc. campaign slogan “Think Different.” [9]
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The Little Mermaid Artwork Is Suggestive

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  1. People spotted a phallic castle spire in The Little Mermaid artwork. In the mid-1990s, a rumor caught on that a disgruntled artist at Disney had hidden a phallic symbol in the castle on the cover of The Little Mermaid ’s videocassette case. However, the artist did not work directly for Disney, denies being disgruntled, and says the shape is a coincidence. [10]
    • The artist shared with Snopes that he didn’t notice the inappropriate resemblance because he was rushing to complete the project on time.

The Tangled Poster Hides An Obscenity

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  1. Fans think Rapunzel’s hair spells out “sex.” On the movie poster for Disney’s 2010 film Tangled , some Internet sleuths believe there’s a subliminal message. They claim the shape of Rapunzel’s hair wrapped around Flynn Rider’s body spells the letters “S-E-X.” However, this is probably just a coincidence and not an intentional subliminal message. [11]
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The Lion King Poster Has an Undressed Woman

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  1. Some believe Simba’s face hides a topless woman. Conspiracy-minded fans theorize that the poster for Disney’s The Lion King hides a subliminal symbol. An image circulated online outlines the area above and below Simba’s nose on the poster, revealing what looks like a topless woman bending away from the viewer. [12]
    • This inappropriate image is probably just a coincidence, and isn’t really visible in the poster without the outline.

Toy Story Contains a “Hooker” Toy

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  1. The design of one toy in the Pixar movie is a subtle innuendo. In the film Toy Story , a character named Sid fuses pieces of toys together. One of his creations is a pair of doll legs with a hook suspended between them. Fans, including Cardi B, noticed this could be interpreted as a hooker, although it’s unclear if this is a coincidence or an intentional subliminal message. [13]
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The Walt Disney Company Logo Has 666

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  1. Some people claim the Disney logo references the Antichrist. They point to the curly font in The Walt Disney Company logo, suggesting there are three hidden 6’s that subliminally form the number of the beast, “666.” This number is associated with the Christian Antichrist.
    • This is a coincidence—the logo is simply a recreation of Walt Disney’s handwriting. [14]
    • Conspiracists claim the 6’s appear in the left of the “W” in “Walt,” the swirl over the letter “i” in “Disney,” and the swirl in the letter “y” in “Disney.”

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