A guide to adjusting your Friends List privacy settings
This wikiHow teaches you how to adjust your Facebook privacy settings so that only your mutual friend are visible to other users.
How Display Only Mutual Facebook Friends: Quick Steps
- Click on your name at the top-left of the page to go to your profile.
- Select the Friends tab below your cover image.
- Click the pencil icon at the top-right corner of your friends list.
- Select Edit Privacy to open your privacy settings.
- Click the drop-down menu next to “Friends List.”
- Select Only me and then click Save .
Navigate to https://www.facebook.com . When you’re using a computer, you can access Facebook using any web browser (such as Chrome or Safari).
- If you’re not signed in to Facebook, enter your account information to sign in now.
Click your name. It’s in the blue bar at the top of Facebook (to the right of the tiny version of your profile picture). This brings you to your own profile.Advertisement
Click Friends . It’s in the white bar beneath your cover image.
Click the pencil icon. It’s at the top-right corner of your friends list, to the right of the “Find Friends” button.
Click Edit Privacy . This opens your Privacy Settings.
Click the first drop-down menu. It’s the one next to “Friends List.” A list of audience options will appear.
Click Only Me . This makes it so you’re the only one who can view your entire friends list. Everyone else will only be able to see a list of your mutual friends.
- If you still want your Facebook friends to be able to see your entire friends list, select Friends from the drop-down menu instead.
Click Done . Your new settings will take effect immediately.
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Article Summary
1. Sign in to https://www.facebook.com
2. Click your name.
3. Click Friends
4. Click the pencil icon.
5. Click Edit Privacy
6. Click the first drop-down menu.
7. Click Only Me
8. Click Done
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