Want to impress your friends with your fuzzy magic worm? Here are a few tricks to cause their mouths to stay open wide or to get a few good laughs.
Make the fuzzy magic worm follow you. Twist all the way until it is fully extended.
Hold the piece of white cardboard in your hand and make a fist to hide it.
Make a fist with your other hand and start walking. The worm will start to follow you.
- To make it even funnier, pretend you don't know it’s there, and when turning to see, move your fist so that it goes behind you. This works best on younger children. If you want, try with a younger sibling first.
Make the fuzzy magic worm "hide" in a "cave". You will need to extend the worm to about 12 inches and put it under a pillow.
Lean the pillow against the side of the sofa or a chair so that it’s in a "cave".
Gently tug on the string slowly, with jerks, and out will come the frightened worm.
- To make it go back, pretend to view the back of the cave and move your hand with you, therefore pulling it back.
Make the fuzzy magic worm twist and twirl. Choose a cylinder, from a pencil to an oven handle, and wrap it around three to five times.
Gently pull and it will twist around the cylinder.
- To make it do a little extra, with more "pizazz", wrap it on a chair with bars on the back, and do it any pattern you want.
Pull and watch as it goes crazy!
Make the fuzzy magic worm "ultra jump". Find two flat surfaces that are slightly shorter than the full length of the string.
Put the fuzzy magic worm on surface one, walk behind surface two, and pull! The magic fuzzy worm will fly through the air and land right in front of you.
- To make this more believable, stretch your hand out, say, "come here wormie" and then pull to put your hand back in place.
Make the fuzzy magic worm "sniff" and "follow a scent". Put it on the ground at full length or long enough so that it is on the ground and when you pull all it does is moves its head.
Gently tug the fuzzy magic worm and move it around, so that only the nose sticks up and it looks like it's sniffing.
Drag it along. Stop occasionally for sniffs, and continue.
- To make this more believable, light a scented candle or make a scent and then start the action!
Community Q&A
QuestionAre they waterproof?Community AnswerNo, they are not.
QuestionWhat do I do if I can't afford a fuzzy magic worm?Community AnswerThey are actually really cheap - you can find them in those little machines at the grocery stores for a quarter or two.
QuestionDo I have to put a string on it?Ralph's AdventuresCommunity AnswerIt should actually come with a string so you don't have to attach a string to it.
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- If making a show, do this with young kids for free, if do it with older kids for 50 cents or otherwise. It's best if the money goes to charity, but if you're needing money, that's okay too.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
- Do supervise closely around very young kids under 6. They may try taking the worm to show you, not realizing it could get broken. The tricks work better on older kids.
- Take good care of your worm and don't let it get destroyed. They are cheap toys, but you can get attached, and they are delicate. Store it safely when not using it.
- Avoid getting your worm near open flames like candles, as the material is flammable. Also keep it away from water since it's not waterproof. Handle with care!
- Give your worm a fun name like Frenchie or Mr. Fuzzies. People enjoy the tricks more when the worm has some personality. Just don't actually try to feed it!
- You can buy affordable bulk packs of fuzzy worms on Amazon to have extras on hand. Just watch out for pets that may see them as tasty treats!
- Although worms look yummy, they aren't actually edible! Make sure little kids and pets don't try biting yours. It's not food.
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- Do not get this toy near a fire (candle or otherwise); it is flammable. Do not get this toy near water; it is not waterproof.Thanks
Things You'll Need
- Fuzzy magic worm
- Props (as required)
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- "After learning how to teach my worm to do tricks, it's become an amazing addition to my friend group. This has definitely been a very helpful article! Thank you, wikiHow!!" ..." more