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One day, you may be playing your perfectly fine Xbox 360 when it suddenly freezes. When you reboot the system, it gives you 3 flashing red lights in the front. This means your 360 has encountered a hardware problem. If you don't want to return your console to Microsoft right away, you can do this "towel trick."

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  2. You'll get your usual RROD. Let it run for 15-20 minutes.
  3. It should work.
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  • Question
    Does doing the towel trick mess up my Xbox?
    Community Answer
    It can mess with the thermal dynamics (fans and cooling). I would recommend just taking off the front plate, removing the hard drive and put it in a cold place (but not in a freezer or fridge!).
  • Question
    How do I get the red ring of death without doing anything?
    Community Answer
    It overheats while inactive. If the Xbox is left on for extended periods of time, it heats up.
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      • A fire extinguisher would be nice if you feel the need you might want to use it. (Make sure it's for electrical fires)
      • When heating your 360, keep a close eye on it, just in case it might overheat too badly.
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      • While this may solve the problem, it might only last a few more hours before showing the RROD again. In this case, call Microsoft (1-800-4-MY-XBOX) to place a repair order. This may take 3-4 weeks, but the repair is free if you have the RROD problem and if you're still under warranty.

      Things You'll Need

      • An Xbox 360 with the Red Rings of Death (3 flashing red lights on the front)
      • 3 towels
      • 45-60 minutes to waste
      • Optional: A fire extinguisher for electrical fires

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