Duplicating items in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion can be very helpful, especially when it is money.
Get around 100 gold at most.
Go to a store that sells scrolls. The Imperial market district is a good place to look.Advertisement
Buy at least two or more of the same scroll.
When you have one of another item, click the two scrolls twice, then drop the item you want to duplicate.
When it drops there should be the number of items duplicated, depending on the number of identical scrolls in your possession when you clicked.
Have fun with the duplicated items and your gold!
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- Examples of good duplicated items:
- Potions
- Madness ore and Amber ore works (if you have Shivering Isles). These can be incredibly helpful.
Thanks - You can actually click the scrolls once, but in case it doesn't work click it twice. This is the perfect method for making money. You can duplicate potions jewelry and armor.Thanks
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- Not all items will duplicate. Example are staffs, they will not work.Thanks
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