Someone pls explain Libra and Scorpio compatibility
For a complete guide to this topic, read the wikiHow article Libra and Scorpio Compatibility: Love, Sex, and More
I’m a Scorpio (F) and I’m super into this guy who was originally just a friend. The thing is, he’s a Libra and I’ve never really dated a Libra before. I’m normally not attracted to Libras and I never really planned on exploring this in the first place, so I’m kind of trying to navigate my feelings in a healthy way. I’d like to learn more about the nature of the Scorpio-Libra relationship so that I can start to get my head around whether this is a good idea or not.
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Expert Comments
Libra and Scorpio can have a fiery connection full of attraction. The two of you are well-matched on an intellectual level and won't run out of things to talk about. Scorpio and Libra are also a great match in the bedroom.
These signs handle emotional matters pretty differently, though. As a Scorpio, you might have a tendency to feel emotions deeply and be a bit moody. Libra takes a more intellectual approach to emotional matters, so the two of you could struggle to understand how the other is feeling and handle conflicts in your relationship.
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These signs handle emotional matters pretty differently, though. As a Scorpio, you might have a tendency to feel emotions deeply and be a bit moody. Libra takes a more intellectual approach to emotional matters, so the two of you could struggle to understand how the other is feeling and handle conflicts in your relationship.
This can be a very rewarding relationship, but it will have its challenges; the good news is that as the Scorpio, you’re more likely to cause the hiccups than he is, which means a lot of the headwinds are in your control.
Libra is a very peace-loving sign; they care about keeping things even-keeled and respectful. Scorpio, on the other hand, is a fixed sign that doesn’t tend to be very open to change. This presents a bit of a challenge for the judicious Libra, but it’s nothing that the two of you can’t work out if you can avoid feeling jealous or threatened by your partner.
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Libra is a very peace-loving sign; they care about keeping things even-keeled and respectful. Scorpio, on the other hand, is a fixed sign that doesn’t tend to be very open to change. This presents a bit of a challenge for the judicious Libra, but it’s nothing that the two of you can’t work out if you can avoid feeling jealous or threatened by your partner.
Reader Comments
Every relationshp is different! I think Libra and Scorpio can go great together, and the relationship can actually get pretty intense ;) I'm a Libra and I was blown away by my Scorpio's passion. That definitely stems from how in touch with his emotions he is and that can be frustrating for me sometimes because I want things to be balanced and fair and his emotions challenge that here and there, but we have a great relationship.
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At first, it was hard for me (Scorpio) and my bf (Libra) to find a middle ground in our communication because I don't like conflict and he can get intense in disagreements...but when we learned to work through our communication issues, our relationship got that much more rewarding. Our bond is super strong now!
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