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Strengths, weaknesses, compatibility, and more
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If you were born between October 19th and the 26th, you might feel the influence of both diplomatic Libra and secretive Scorpio. People born on this cusp, or the transition between two zodiac signs, have the balancing scale’s fair-minded nature and the scorpion’s thirst for knowledge, making for an honest and passionate personality. Follow along as we break down what a Scorpio Libra cusp is like, what they look for in a partner, who they’re most compatible with, and how to attract this captivating sign!

Things You Should Know

  • Libra Scorpio cusps are born between October 19-26. Known as the Cusp of Drama and Criticism, they’re honest, direct, passionate, and charming.
  • A Libra Scorpio’s tendency to tell it like it is can sometimes make them come across as judgmental and harsh.
  • The stable, dependable earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are most compatible with a Libra Scorpio cusp.
Section 1 of 6:

Libra Scorpio Cusp Dates and Overview

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  1. As the Cusp of Drama and Criticism, this sign isn’t afraid to say what’s on their mind. With Libra’s egalitarian spirit and Scorpio’s desire for the truth, they’re fighters for justice who call out inequity and unfairness when they see it. A Libra Scorpio cusp is equally passionate about love and always has someone on their arm, which is likely due to their charming and seductive aura! [1]
    • A Libra Scorpio cusp gets their impassioned spirit from their planetary rulers. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules over Libra. Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, and Mars, the planet of passion and ambition.
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Libra Scorpio Cusp Personality Strengths

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  1. A Libra Scorpio cusp prizes the truth above all else, so they’ll tell it like it is without sparing anyone’s feelings. With Libra’s discerning eye and Scorpio’s cynical sting, they simply can’t keep their opinions to themselves. If you want the truth about a new outfit or date, asking a Libra Scorpio cusp is your best bet—just make sure you’re ready for their critique! [2]
    • Libra Scorpio cusps are driven to seek the truth, too. If someone is spreading rumors about their friend, they use their Libran diplomacy skills and Scorpion obsession to dig deeper to find out who it is.
  2. The combination of fair-minded Libra and intensely emotional Scorpio makes a Libra Scorpio cusp a fighter for equality. Injustice has no place in their world and they aren’t afraid to call it out when they see it. You’ll find them confronting their teacher about unfair grading practices or leading a protest about unjust leadership in their community. [3]
    • Libra’s kindness and Scorpio’s deep empathy means they stick up for friends and strangers alike.
    • As the diplomatic scales of the zodiac, Libra balances out Scorpio’s dark, ruthless side. This sign considers both sides of an issue to find a way to ensure injustices are corrected and everything is fair.
  3. Reading the room and picking up on vibe shifts is second nature to a Libra Scorpio cusp. They’re extremely sensitive to other people’s emotions and always seem to know exactly how things will play out. Luckily, they use their sixth sense for good, helping their loved ones make good decisions and sussing out how their friends’ crushes really feel.
    • As the combination of an air and water sign, this cusp is incredibly smart. Libra’s airy nature makes them analytical and clever, while Scorpio’s watery depths make them insightful and emotionally intelligent.
    • This cusp’s deep intuition also makes them very spiritual. They might attend religious services, be interested in tarot readings, or have a daily meditation practice.
  4. There’s something intoxicating about a Libra Scorpio cusp. The disarming, friendly charm of a Libra combined with Scorpio’s sensual, magnetic energy makes this sign hard to resist! While their sweet but edgy aura draws people to them, it’s their quick wit and intelligent conversation that turn intrigued acquaintances into friends and lovers. [4]
    • Scorpio’s secretive side tones down Libra’s social butterfly ways. While this cusp likes to mix and mingle, you’re more likely to find them observing others rather than being the center of attention.
  5. A Libra Scorpio cusp is a big, hopeless romantic at heart. While they can hide it away, they have a lot of love to give and crave sharing their life with their soulmate. They’re waiting for someone to give them their rom-com movie moment and whisk them away with dozens of red roses and a promise to love them forever.
    • Because this cusp loves love, they’re almost always in a relationship. Whether they’re seeing someone long-term or dating around, you’re hard-pressed to find them single!
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Libra Scorpio Cusp Personality Weaknesses

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  1. A Libra Scorpio cusp’s blunt honesty and fierce desire for equality can cause them to come off as harsh and critical. They tend to look at things in black and white, so when something is wrong to them, their judgment is severe. This can hurt their loved one’s feelings and potentially harm their relationships in the long run.
    • If you’re a Libra Scorpio cusp, practice being tactful when you speak. Think about what you’re going to say and how it might make other people feel.
    • If you’re a giving criticism , keep your critique constructive and helpful by using a friendly, warm tone. Start by giving your friend or loved one a compliment, then move on to the criticism.
  2. Because a Libra Scorpio cusp is so passionate about honesty, truth, and justice, they can be very cynical and suspicious. They often have a pessimistic outlook and question people’s motives, even if they’re a long-time friend. Their distrusting, secretive nature can also mean that they have trouble letting people in. [5]
    • If you're a Libra Scorpio cusp, remember that it’s okay to be vulnerable every once in a while. Talking to your loved ones about your worries can actually help you form deeper, more trusting relationships.
    • Then, trust in your intuition and remember how smart and sensitive you are to the world. Listen to your gut when it tells you people are suspicious instead of assuming they are from the jump.
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Libra Scorpio Cusp In Love

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  1. As true hopeless romantics, it’s no surprise this cusp wants a kind, loving partner. They’re looking for someone to sweep them off their feet, woo them with candlelit dinners, and stick by their side through the good times and the hard. If they’re also unafraid to speak their minds and fight for what’s right, then a Libra Scorpio cusp is beyond smitten! [6]
    • A Libra Scorpio cusp doesn’t expect to get love without giving it in return. They also make loving, trustworthy partners who are ride-or-die.
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Libra Scorpio Cusp Compatibility

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  1. These earth signs provide a Libra Scorpio cusp with the grounding, stable energy they need. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are honest and dependable, reassuring this cusp that they have their unwavering loyalty and trust. The earth signs also match a Libra Scorpio cusp’s passion and drive, making them the ultimate power couple that chases their dreams and champions for justice.
    • Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces also make a great match for this cusp. The water signs give a Libra Scorpio cusp the intimacy and romance they crave and share their empathetic heart.
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Attracting a Libra Scorpio Cusp

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  1. If there are two things a Libra Scorpio cusp can’t resist, it’s eye contact and an intellectually stimulating conversation. So, capture this cusp’s attention with your daring philosophical opinions and psychological analyses. If you can keep up with their intensity and passion for the topic at hand, they won’t be able to stay away!
  2. Trust and loyalty are incredibly important for this sign, so they want someone who sticks by their word. If you promise to take them to an exclusive, romantic restaurant, keep your promise and ask them to dinner for your next date. When they confide in you, validate their feelings and reassure them that their secrets are safe with you.
    • A Libra Scorpio cusp will be extra touched when you remember small details about them. For example, if they have an important meeting at work, text them to see how it went.
  3. With Venus and Mars ruling over Libra Scorpio cusps, this sign is won over by beautiful things and fiery passion. Appeal to a Libra Scorpio cusp’s eye for aesthetics by grooming yourself to perfection and wearing clean, crisp outfits. Then, show this sign that you want them! Flirt and give them compliments, find excuses to touch them, or simply tell them that you’re interested .
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