Emolga, the Sky Squirrel Pokémon, is an Electric/Flying-type Pokémon that was introduced in Pokémon Black and White. Read this article to learn how to get this cute squirrel Pokémon.
Obtain a Boldore. It evolves from Roggenrola at level 25, or you can catch one at Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, or Giant Chasm.
Go to Route 7. Route 7 is north of Mistralton City.Advertisement
Go inside the first house you find on the route. There, you'll find a Hiker trainer asking for a Boldore in exchange for his Emolga. Agree to the trade, and he'll trade you his Emolga. It'll be level 30, nicknamed Minipete, and holding a Lum Berry.
Go to Routes 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Dragonspiral Tower, Village Bridge, Giant Chasm, Abundant Shrine, or Lostlorn Forest.
Run around until a part of the grass starts to shake. Go to this part of the grass, and you'll encounter a Pokémon. You'll know if you did this correctly by the different music playing for the encounter.
While you're most likely to encounter Audino, you'll eventually encounter Emolga. Catch it and it's yours!
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- Emolga is fairly rare, so it might take a while to encounter one.Thanks
- Make sure to bring Poké Balls, preferably Ultra Balls and Quick Balls. Dusk Balls also work well if you're playing during the nighttime.Thanks
- Using status effects will make it easier to catch. Your best bet is to use a move that puts it to sleep such as Sleep Powder or Hypnosis.Thanks
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