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Hay Day Gift Cards are special and valuable in-game currencies that you can use to buy special items called Mystery Packages that contain Diamonds or random in-game farm items. Gift Cards are hard to come by since you can only get it from your friends. Knowing how to get gift cards can be really helpful when you want to avail of Mystery Packages. Currently, there are only two ways you can get gift cards in Hay Day: reviving trees and bushes of friends, and helping out with boat orders.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Reviving Trees and Bushes of Friends

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  1. Tap the app’s icon from the Springboard (iPhone devices) or Home Screen (Android devices) to open the game. Wait for the game to load and display your farm.
  2. Tap the Social button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to slide open the Friend bar.
    • Tap the picture of your Hay Day friend whose farm you want to visit, and the game will take you to their Hay Day farms.
  3. Look around your friend’s farm and try to find a sign post beside dead trees or bushes with an exclamation point on it. These signs are meant to tell other users that the owner of the farm has requested his or her friends to revive the tree.
  4. Tap the sign post with an exclamation point you see on your friend’s farm, and the tree or bush right next to the sign will turn green and alive again.
  5. Tap the House icon on the lower left-hand corner of the screen to go back to your own farm. When your friend checks his or her farm again, they’ll see the sign post with your picture, in place of the one with an exclamation point. When your friend taps this sign post, it will automatically give you one gift card.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Helping Out with Boat Orders

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  1. Tap the app’s icon from the Springboard (iPhone devices) or Home Screen (Android devices) to open the game. Wait for the game to load and display your farm.
  2. Scroll along your game screen to where you’ve placed your boat (commonly docked on the river). Tap your boat and the “Load Cargo” screen will appear.
  3. The Load Cargo screen shows the different item requests sent out by your Hay Day friends. Item request are usually farm produces like fruits and dairies.
    • To send out cargos to your friends, tap any of the open cargo box with a picture of an item requested. Tap it as many times as needed (depending on the number of requested items) until the cargo box closes.
  4. Once you’ve filled up all open cargo boxes, you’ll see the boat icon on the lower right-hand corner of the Load Cargo screen change from black and white, to full color. This means that your items are ready to be shipped.
    • Tap the boat icon to send out the items to your friends. The Load Cargo screen will close and you’ll see the boat sailing out of your farm.
  5. Boat orders usually take a few hours before your requesting friend receives it. Once they do, they’ll see a sign post with your picture on their boats. When your friend taps this sign post, it will automatically give you one Gift Card.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get my feed mill to start?
    Community Answer
    There should be a cash register icon in the bottom left corner. You're now in the shop. Go to the tab in the shop with the icon that looks like a structure of some kind. Look for the mill (it's at the top) and buy it.
  • Question
    How do I get more XP on Hay Day?
    Community Answer
    XP is really easy to get in Hay Day, but depending on which level in the game you are on, it can take a little while to get to the next level. You can get XP from reviving trees and bushes or filling boat crates, whether it's on your boat or someone else's. A fast way to get XP is to keep farming crops like wheat, even though they only give a little XP. Farm lots of wheat and then sell it. Doing this also helps you to get items for your barn and silo. Also, collecting animal products is good. Depending on what level you are on, the town is a good place to get XP, and you can also fill truck orders, although it may take a while to get all the products needed.
  • Question
    How do you earn a lot of gift cards from Greg?
    Community Answer
    Greg only asks for help once, to demonstrate how helping works. After that, you will have to help real people. If you have a neighborhood or have friends or followers, you can help them. You can also search the newspaper.
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      • You can only get a maximum of 5 gift cards per day.
      • When you receive the maximum amount of gift cards received per day, you’ll no longer get any from those Hay Day friends that you’ve helped.
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