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This article will teach you how to survive the Glowing Sea, one of the many unique places that make Fallout 4 a truly mind blowing game. It is full of dangerous creatures and packed with radiation! If you want to survive it, read this article!

  1. A hazmat suit is an absolute must if you are traveling to the Glowing Sea. Hazmat suits provide you with 1000 radiation resistance. There are several ways to get a hazmat suit. The easiest way is to go to Becky Fallon in Fallon's Basement located in Diamond City. However, if you are short on caps, other ways would be to go to the Yangtze, Marowski's Chem Lab, or Cambridge Polymer Labs. Another method is to do the big dig quest in good neighbor.
  2. Power Armor is mandatory if you want even the slightest chance of surviving in the Glowing Sea. It will protect you from Deathclaws, Radscorpions, Feral Ghouls, and other dangerous enemies. It also provides radiation resistance.
    • You can wear power armor over your hazmat suit for ultimate radiation protection.
  3. Rad-X will protect you from 100 points of radiation (it’s best to take multiple to improve its effectiveness!). RadAway will automatically remove 300 points of radiation out of you (note that these amounts may change depending on mods and perks).
  4. When you go to the Glowing Sea, you will encounter many dangerous creatures that you will need to kill. At the Glowing Sea, it is kill or be killed!
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    I'm level 26. What will spawn?
    Belle K.
    Top Answerer
    Radscorpions, molerats and 1 or 2 deathclaws, depending on which areas of the glowing sea you will be.
  • Question
    If I am going to Virgil at level 16-17, what will I see?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you are in the Glowing Sea. If you take a direct route to Virgil's cave, (which is the best thing to do) you will most likely encounter a few molerats, radscorpions, and possibly a Deathclaw if you don't take a straight path.
  • Question
    I'm only Level 10. What will spawn in the Glowing Sea and is it a good idea to go there?
    Pumpkin spice cupcakes
    Community Answer
    This depends on your character's stats, inventory and combat ability. The Glowing Sea is very irradiated, and there are Deathclaws in the area.
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      • Power Armor ignores all armor/clothing you wear underneath, so you won't get extra rad resistance by wearing the Hazmat suit. I would also highly recommend to stock up on rad meds instead, since you will need to wear proper armor to survive the Deathclaws, Radscorpions, Bloatflies, and Stingwings.
      • Give any companions heavy weapons and a spare suit of power armour in order to take down enemies.
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