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You may think that notebooks are just for writing and drawing in; they can be used for much more. This wikiHow will give you instructions on how to create the notebook, as well as giving you some ideas.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:


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    • It might take a while to figure out what to turn your notebook into, but you'll be finished with creating the notebook in no time. Here are some ideas for you to use inside of your notebook:
    • Turn it into a diary. Write down your personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Also write about your family, friends, house and pets. Write about all of your secrets.
    • Turn it into a poem book. Come up with poems in your notebook. Try to make one up yourself. It doesn't have to rhyme.
    • Make it into a photo album. You can put whatever photos you fancy into the notebook. Find old photos and put them into the notebook. Put in photos of you, your family, and your friends. Keep them safe. Photos are memories of the past.
    • Use it as a calendar or to-do list.
  1. This is easy, so you'll probably have fun and finish soon. If you make a mistake, try again and never give up. It is your notebook and you can make it just for you.
    • First, Find 20-85 sheets of paper.
    • Line them up vertically. Try to line them up straight.
    • Try not to move them.
    • Now, either glue (does not matter whether it is a stick or tube) or staple them together at the left.
    • If you use glue, make sure to use an old, heavy book or your hand to press down to keep any paper from hanging out because it can be difficult to find a solution to.
    • If using a stapler, make sure not to get your finger stapled. However, getting your finger stapled isn't as serious or painful as it seems. In fact, some experience no pain at all.
    • If you want, just buy a personal notebook or diary from a store.
  2. It can look however you want. You can draw flowers, pumpkins, butterflies, and whatever you want!
    • Be careful using a pen or marker to design the cover because you can't erase mistakes.
    • Personalize it! Make it match your personality.
    • When you are all done, start writing and drawing whatever you fancy.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Writing And Drawing

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  1. Doodle in it. Doodling and drawing can be a great pastime and boredom buster. Use your imagination to draw whatever you want. Practice drawing block letters, realistic flowers, realistic animals, and people. Be creative and try drawing yourself. Colour it any way you want.
    • If you draw and colour with pens or markers that aren't water-based, be careful because you can't undo or erase.
    • If you use thick, wet markers that leave marks on the back of the paper, remember that the ink may bleed through to the next page.
    • As said above, feel free to draw whatever you fancy, however, don't draw anything inappropriate, violent, or something that implies something mean or bad about another person or yourself. You might regret that later.
    • Where do you live?
    • What is it like? Is it always a certain temperature or weather? Why? What kinds of people do you meet? Do you or your country/state speak a particular language? What language is it? If you have answers to all of those questions, write it down in your notebook.
    • You can even draw a picture of what your home looks like!
  2. Write about where your name came from, who your parents are/were, who your grandparents are/were, and so on. You can also write about your personal experiences and opinions.
    • Write about your daily life as well. What's your favourite food? What do you do every day? Do you go to school, work, or somewhere else? Do you live alone, or do you live with others? Who exactly do you live with? Do you limit your screen time? If so, why? When did you begin limiting it?
  3. What are you planning to do when the time comes in the near or far future? Are you planning to move to a new house? If you are a kid or teen reading this right now, are your parents going to have children soon? Are you going to adopt a new pet? If you are going to go through those situations, write about how you think you will feel, and what you'll miss and enjoy.
  4. Was it a gift? Did you make it yourself? When did you first write in it? Write about how you acquired it. Also write about what you think about the notebook. Do you like it? Why or why not? What colour is the notebook?
  5. What holidays do you, your family, and your friends celebrate? When do they celebrate it? How do they celebrate it? Why do you celebrate it? What is the holiday called? What do they do on the holiday?
    • Do you enjoy it?
    • Do you and your family dress, act, or behave a particular way?
    • Do a particular group of people celebrate it?
  6. What do they sound like, look like, and act like? What is their breed, age, height, width, weight, and gender? How many pets do you have? Are they siblings? Are your relatives and friends involved in taking care of them? What is their species?
  7. Try to boost your writing skills. Try writing a long paragraph and proofreading it. Boosting your writing skills can be fun, but also hard if you don't know how or what to write about. Come up with a topic, person, place, or species of animal (living or extinct) to write about.
    • Try to use active voice instead of passive voice. For example, write "The dog was chasing the car" instead of "The car was being chased by the dog." Passive voice makes it sound like the car was doing the action, not the dog.
  8. Do you know who your ancestors were? How many generations do you think your family had? Write about your parents lives, your grandparents lives, and so on.
    • Also, if you have siblings, children, or grandchildren, don't forget to write about them as well.
    • There are infinite combinations and styles you can come up with.
  9. Did someone recommend wikiHow to you? Did you find it yourself by searching something up? Have you started any articles? Who do you know on wikiHow? Do you have friends you know personally that contribute to wikiHow? If you have answers to all of these questions, write them down.
    • Write about wikiHow in general. Do you like wikiHow? Why or why not? Do you participate in the forums? Why or why not?
  10. Write song lyrics. Are you planning to sing a song or create a piece of music? If so, then plan it by writing how you want it to sound. Then, rehearse. That means to practice the song. Then, sing or perform the final version. Make sure to record it so you can keep your song safe.
  11. . Scribbling for a short amount of time can be the ultimate boredom buster. However, after a period of time, you'll be bored again. But there are more fun and better ways to scribble rather than just scrawling on paper.
  12. Do you have goals? What are they? By when do you want to complete them? Why do you have these goals?
    • If you have a goal and you haven't accomplished it in weeks, months, or even years, write about it anyways!
    • Do your friends or relatives have goals too? Write about their goals too!
    • Make sure to keep your handwriting legible, otherwise, you may forget something important. Also, keep everything organized and in place.
    • Try keeping the to-do list somewhere it won't get damaged or destroyed. Try experimenting with different ways to make the to-do list. Also, personalize it.
  13. Write about your biggest secrets if the notebook is private.
    • If you are going to keep secrets in your notebook, then don't leave it out or show it to others, even if it has a lock. Someone skillful and determined could easily break or pick the lock, but it depends on what type of lock you have and how secure and hard to break it is.
    • Write about situations you end up in often. If they are embarrassing, then hide the page that you are going to write it on.
  14. Write a profile about yourself. If you are in school, write about what grade you are in, what class you are in, and whether the school is public, private, or is a boarding school. If not, then simply write about your age, gender, height, and weight.
  15. If you are in a relationship, write about your favorite things about him or her, the times that you've both spent together, and the things you've learned while spending time with this person. If you are not in a relationship, write about a crush, best friend, or someone that you like.
  16. Try being creative. Usually, stories have themes, plots, settings, and characters. The main hero or heroine is called the protagonist. The villain or bad guy is called the antagonist. The plot is what happens in the story. The theme is the topic that the story is revolved around. The setting is where the story takes place.
  17. Write about your family, your friends, personal experiences, and more. Also write about your thoughts, opinions, secrets, and feelings.
    • You can also sketch, add stickers, and use a coloured pen to write.
    • Make sure not to write mean things about other people. You don't want to risk them finding out and hurting you.
    • Make positive comments inside of your notebook and honor them. They will very much appreciate it and they'll return the favor.
  18. Keep important dates such as holidays, school days, work days, birthdays, and anniversaries. Also do things such as scheduling appointments and vacations.
  19. Do you fancy something that would automatically do all of your chores and homework for you? Write about what you would like the invention to do, and draw a picture of what you would like it to look like. Also, search on the Internet if you wonder if any other people want it.
  20. What is the weather? Is it usually sunny, cloudy, raining, or partially cloudy? Do you like the environment? Why or why not? Also, what is the climate in your region like?
  21. Is there something you like to write about a lot? Then there is a lot of space for you to write about them.
    • Do you like writing about things such as school, your family, your house, your friends, or your pets? Then write about it in your notebook.
    • Write about your favourite topics in school.
    • Be careful when writing about controversial topics. You definitely don't want to hurt the feelings of someone else.
    • If you don't know what controversial means, according to Google, it means "giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement."
    • Write about your friends, family, house and pets as well. It'll make you feel great.
  22. If you like drawing and want to improve your skills, here are some ideas:
    • Practice drawing simple objects like childlike flowers and 3d objects. Then, move on to complex drawings such as realistic flowers and people.
    • However, do it gradually. Don't immediately move from simple to complex.
    • You can colour your drawings whatever colour and shade of colour your heart desires. It's your notebook, so you can do whatever you want with it.
    • Be creative! Don't let other people prevent you from accomplishing your goal!
    • Practice drawing objects and people in real life.
  23. 25
    Write theories, fanfics and draw fanart of your favourite books, TV shows, and movies. Fanfiction is a type of story written by fans.
    • Good sites include fanfiction.net, deviantart, and quotev.
    • Think about what the characters would do, say, or act in a situation you want them in.
    • Research the characters you want in the story. If you don't, they may end up acting out of character.
    • Think of the situation or problem the characters will have to deal with.
    • Decide whether they will deal with it alone or with other people.
  24. Freewrite. That means to write whatever comes to your head, whatever you want, or something totally random.
    • Even thinking "I don't know what to write about" or "I don't know where to start" can be fun to write.
    • Think of yourself, your family, your friends, or anything random and write about them/it.
    • Freewriting is supposed to be entertaining. You can write anything you desire.
    • Think of freewriting as a way to pass time, entertain yourself, and express yourself thoroughly.
    • Although you can write whatever you desire, don't write profanity, mean or hateful claims about other people, inappropriate things, and negative things about yourself and your life. Also, don't take a risk writing about controversial topics. Doing that is a good way to hurt someone's feelings, ruin relationships, and lower your self-esteem.
    • Unlike usual writing, freewriting doesn't need proper grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
  25. Find old pictures to put into your notebook. In the future, keep those photos as memories of the past.
    • You can also use really new pictures. Their age does not matter.
    • Even as a joke, never, under all circumstances, keep mean, embarrassing, threatening, hateful, or attacking photos of anyone. They could find out someday and hate you for it.
  26. Kill time. Draw random things and freewrite. See above.
    • Killing or wasting time doesn't have to be bad. In fact, if you are frustrated and bored of waiting, it could be a good thing.
    • Write nonsensical words and phrases, draw random things, scribble, doodle, and freewrite if you want to.
    • Killing time is fun if you make it fun.
  27. Plan a wikiHow article with your notebook. If you want, plan to write a wikiHow article with your notebook. Let's use step by step instructions on planning.
    • Plan on what exactly you are going to write about.
    • Plan whether you are going to use advanced editing mode or guided editing mode.
    • Plan the introduction. This is the very first part of an article.
    • Plan the article itself.
    • Plan the conclusion, the final part of the article. The article should never stop mid-sentence, or else it will be nominated for deletion for incomplete and look unprofessional or unfinished.
  28. If you are in a mood to be silly, then write nonsensical things!
    • Write the craziest and stupidest things anyone could ever write if you want.
    • You can write as quickly as possible and as sloppily as possible.
    • Write random letters, numbers, and symbols that have no real meaning, but pretend that they do.
    • You could write fantasy fiction.
    • You could write historical fiction.
    • You could write horror fiction.
    • You could write action.
    • You could write anything you want! The story is yours and you can make it yours.
  29. Plan essays with your notebook. Not only can notebooks be fun, they can also be really helpful.
    • Write a rough draft of your essay. If your grammar isn't correct or the draft looks sloppy, fix it even though the word has "rough" in its name.
    • Get a new sheet of paper. You'll write the final result.
    • Begin writing your rough draft, but make it cleaner and better.
    • Copyedit and proofread. Look out for mistakes and fix the essays spelling, punctuation, capitalization, structure, and style.
    • Your final result should be nice and polished.
  30. Practice like a kindergartener or first-grader would, writing the alphabet on widely spaced out lines over and over again. Practice writing your name, age, gender, address, country, state name, and anything else you can think of.
    • Try writing numbers, special characters, and emoticons to improve both your writing and drawing skills.
    • If you write in cursive, practice connecting each individual letter, and then move onto words.
    • Practice making 3D and block letters too! Be artistic.
  31. If you can't see something with just your eye, use a microscope. If you can and want to learn more facts about it, draw a picture of it, read books and articles about it, and do self-research.
    • Write down their appearance, personality, and other traits.
    • Remember to keep the organism safe. If it dies, don't stop researching about it.
    • You might learn what you want to learn about it, maybe even more.
    • If you are observing something like germs or bacteria, be careful to not get sick.
    • Remember to make a password that is at least 8 characters, having a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters, and totally different from your address, real name, or anyone else's name, so your account doesn't get stolen.
    • Remember not to use the same password for several sites.
    • Keep the notebook somewhere where no one would look.
    • If they find your passwords, politely ask them to not log into your account.
    • If they really did find your password, change your password to something lengthy, confusing, and hard for others to guess but easy for you to remember.
    • If they get into your account, tell them that it's wrong to snoop on other peoples stuff.
    • Forgive them if they apologise.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I want my notebook to be unique. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Decorate, add glitter, free-write, write in good handwriting, fill it with drawings and photos.
  • Question
    I have a notepad. It's spiral-bound at the top and has my initial and the moon and stars on the front. But I don't know what to do with it. Any ideas?
    Community Answer
    The above article is full of ideas. Re-read it.
  • Question
    What are some more ways to fill up a notebook?
    Top Answerer
    Write funny dialogues between OCs and/or real characters, make character profiles and story prompts.
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      • If you adore flashy colours, then use pens or pencils to write. Consider changing the colour every so often.
      • If you've already filled up your whole notebook, don't throw it away. You'll regret it sooner or later. Instead, keep it so you can look back at everything you've written inside of it.
      • Print off your favorite animal and trace it on your notebook and colour.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Pencil or pen
      • 20-85 sheets of paper
      • Some markers
      • Some glue (does not matter whether it is a stick or tube) or a stapler

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about writing, check out our in-depth interview with Alicia Cook .

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      • Waldemar

        Aug 1, 2022

        "About to do poems and diary. I want to say a massive thank you."
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