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This wikiHow teaches you how to download and run the setup file for the Battle.net desktop app when you're using a computer. You can install Battle.net for free on any Windows or Mac computer. You won't need an account to download or install the desktop app. You can log in with your Blizzard account when the installation is finished.

  1. Type https://www.blizzard.com into your browser's address bar, and press Enter or Return on your keyboard.
  2. You can find this button next to the BLIZZARD logo on a navigation bar, near the upper-left corner of the page. It will open a new menu panel with a list of games.
  3. You can find this button below the game list on the pop-up panel. It will open the product page for the Battle.net desktop app.
  4. This is a blue button in the middle of the page. It will download a ZIP file to your computer.
    • If you're prompted, select a saving location for your download.
  5. Double-click the ZIP file in your Downloads folder to extract the Battle.net setup file.
    • Alternatively, right-click on the ZIP file, hover over Open with on the right-click menu, and select an unzipper app here.
  6. Double-click on the setup file to launch it. If you're prompted, enter your computer's admin user password to start the installation.
  7. You'll be prompted to select a language before the installation starts.
  8. This is a blue button in the setup pop-up. This will automatically start installing Battle.net on your computer. When your Battle.net installation is complete, you can sign in with your Blizzard account.
    • You can download and install the Battle.net app without logging in on the website or in the installation wizard.
    • If you don't have a Blizzard account, you can open the Battle.net login page at https://us.battle.net/login , and click Create a free Blizzard Account at the bottom.
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    Do you need to run setup every time you want to start battle.net (such as when I restart my pc)??
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    No, since the app will have been installed after setup. You'll only need to repeat this process if you uninstall the battle.net app.
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      Article Summary X

      1. Open https://www.blizzard.com in your browser.
      2. Click GAMES on the top-left.
      3. Click Battle.net App .
      5. Extract the downloaded ZIP file.
      6. Launch the extracted setup file.
      7. Select a language.
      8. Click Continue to install the program.

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