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Learning the alphabet backwards takes a little bit of time and patience. There are several helpful ways you can choose to learn it, such as using an online video to sing the alphabet song backwards or creating a story to help remember each letter in order. With a bit of practice, you'll be saying the alphabet backwards in no time at all!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using a Video

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  1. Type “learn to sing the alphabet backwards” into an online search bar to find useful videos that sing the alphabet backwards slowly so that you can easily practice. Look on sites like YouTube for videos, making sure the video shows you a visual of the letters so that you can sing along.
    • These videos will sing to the tune of the regular alphabet song.
  2. This is the best way to learn the alphabet backwards, as the tune and visuals help your mind remember the backwards alphabet faster. Many videos start off singing the alphabet backwards slowly before gaining speed and going faster, which will give you lots of opportunities for practice. [1]
    • Rewatch the video as many times as needed before you feel confident that you can sing it without help.
  3. This will help test you to see how much of it you truly know. Don't worry if you can't recite it perfectly the first time you try without the music or visuals. Keep practicing, going slowly to give your brain more time to remember which letter comes next. [2]
    • If you get stuck and need help, rewatch the section of the video that you're struggling with.
  4. Once you can sing the alphabet backwards, try removing the tune and just saying each letter. Your brain will sing the song in your head, making it easier for you to remember which letter to say next.
    • Write the alphabet on a piece of paper to help you if you get stuck, only looking at the paper if it's necessary.
    • There are several helpful videos online that recite the alphabet backwards without singing it too.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Combining Letters

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  1. Chunking helps you remember groups of letters, similar to how you memorize phone numbers in chunks of 3-4 numbers. Starting from the end of the alphabet, group the letters together into more manageable memorization chunks. [3]
    • For example, the chunks might be "ZYX," "WV," "UTS," "RQP," "ONML," "KJ," "IHG" "FE," "DCBA".
  2. Once you've chosen the chunks, start mentally grouping them together. For example, as soon as you say 'Z', you should start thinking of Y. After you're able to remember the letters of each individual chunk, you can start practicing associating each chunk with the following group. [4]
    • For example, once you've learned the chunks "GFED" and "CBA," start practicing thinking of 'C' right after you say 'D'.
  3. Repeating the chunks in the correct order over and over again is one of the best ways you can teach your brain to remember them. Start from the end of the alphabet and repeat the chunks of letters, going slowly at first, until you're confident you know each group of letters.
    • It may help you to write out the chunks as you're saying them, as a visual aid will help you remember them even better.
  4. Once you've mastered each chunk of letters, begin going through the entire alphabet backwards, saying each chunk back to back. By stringing the chunks of letters together, you'll have learned how to say the alphabet backwards. [5]
    • Add a melody to the string of letters if it helps you remember them in order.
    • You may have to practice linking all the chunks together several times before it comes to you naturally.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Forming a Story with Letters

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  1. Many children learn the alphabet by linking words and images to the letters, and you can do the same thing to help you learn it backwards. Try to choose words you can imagine as vividly as possible. [6]
    • For example, let “m” stand for mouse and “l” stand for log.
    • "S" can stand for sun and "t" can stand for turtle.
  2. Working from Z to A, combine your words. Make the words flow into one another when you can. For instance, you can think of a mouse leaping onto a log next to a king, who jumps up with his ice cream. The keywords in your story, such as mouse and log, will tell you that the letter order is m, l, k, j, i. [7]
    • While some people can learn the alphabet backwards by simply recalling a list of words, creating a vivid story is a more powerful mnemonic device.
    • It may help you to write out the story and the image assigned to each letter so that you don't forget.
  3. As you go through the story, try to imagine it in as much detail as possible. The more vivid the images, the more easily you'll recall what comes next. Refine the words you use as you go to make your story more memorable to yourself. [8]
  4. Once you have a concrete story imagined, start at Z and go all the way to A. Recall and visualize each word, taking out the letters starting the keywords when you reach them. With practice, you'll be able to recite the alphabet backwards.
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  • Question
    How do your memorize it backwards if you don't already have it memorized frontwards? Would learning it backwards first be better?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It's better to learn it the regular way, from A to Z, first. Start working on learning it backwards after you memorize A to Z!
  • Question
    What is the record for the fastest time saying the alphabet backwards?
    Community Answer
    On January 19, 2011, Gita Smith recited the English alphabet backwards in 1.93 seconds, recorded on recordsetter.com.
  • Question
    If I’m going to challenge a friend to see who could say it faster, how do I win?
    Community Answer
    Keep practicing these techniques. The only way to get better and faster is to practice.
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      Article Summary X

      Learning the alphabet backward can seem daunting, but there are a few tricks you can use to make it a lot easier. Separate the alphabet into chunks so it’s simpler to say. For instance, try to remember, “ZYX,” “WV” and “UTS” to start, then go from there. Repeat each chunk of letters out loud 5-10 times before moving on to the next chunk. Once you’ve mastered each chunk of letters, see if you can say the entire alphabet backward. You can also link words to each letter, then make a story with them to help you remember it. For instance, “Z” could be zebra, “Y” could be “yawn,” “X” could be “xylophone,” “W” could be “wake,” and “V” could be “Victor.” So to remember the first part, you’d say “Zebras yawn. Xylophones wake Victor." To learn how to visualize the alphabet backward, read on!

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