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Plus, expert tips on getting a Leo to fall in love
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Leos like to be the center of the universe, and with the Sun (the literal center of the solar system) as their ruling planet, it’s easy to see why! When it comes to romantic relationships, Leos shine just as bright: they love to lend their radiant energy to those they love, but sometimes their knack for attention and drama can bring strife into their love lives. Whether you’re dating a Leo or are a Leo yourself, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about this fiery star sign—from what Leo love looks like to who their soulmate sign is. Plus, we interviewed astrologers Stina Garbis and Tara Divina for expert insight on understanding and attracting Leos in romantic relationships.

How Leos Act in Love

Leos love to be in love and will sweep their partner off their feet with romantic displays of affection. They’re extremely affectionate and shower their partner with gifts and compliments—but they require the same level of attention and adoration from their S.O.

Section 1 of 4:

Leo Personality in Love

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  1. Deep down, Leos are extremely sensitive and emotional, but they’ll hide it from potential partners until they feel completely secure. To be more vulnerable , Leos must feel completely loved by their partner. [1]
    • To feel loved, Leos need words of affirmation from a significant other in the form of frequent praise and adoring comments.
  2. Leos are natural flirts, and it may be difficult to tell whether they’re actually interested or just being their flirtatious selves. If they like someone, however, “they have little tells,” explains astrologer Stina Garbis.
    • “They’ll twirl their hair, flex, puff out their chest, check their posture, or have a sexy walk or strut—think ‘big cat,’” continues Garbis.
    • Due to their generosity, Garbis also describes Leo as showering their romantic interest with compliments and buying them whatever they want.
    • Other signs of a Leo being romantically interested in someone is by sending poetry, a life-changing TED talk, or a truck’s worth of flowers. [2]
  3. Once things are serious and they’re very much in love, Leos excel at all love languages, especially gift-giving and acts of service. They love giving their partner attention and offering special experiences and gifts. [3]
    • Leos also show love through a lot of physical touch—they are very affectionate and enjoy kissing, hugging, or cuddling with their significant other.
  4. In fact, psychic astrologer Stina Garbis describes them as “the most affectionate sign in the zodiac. They’re friendly, generous, love to touch, and are not shy about public displays of affection.”
    • Garbis describes how Leos may often “call you by your name a lot or whisper in your ear.”
  5. They are drawn to people who are living life to the fullest and finding adventure in their daily lives. Leos will quickly find themselves attracted to any partner who can offer them new experiences, especially involving glamour or prestige. [4]
    • However, Leos will lose attraction if their partner shows any sign of possessiveness or clinginess.
    • Leos, and fire signs in general, don’t like being controlled. Their partners must let them have the flexibility and freedom that they crave in order to have a successful relationship.
  6. They like to be treated with indulgent meals, beauty treatments, and glamorous outfits. Physically, they enjoy receiving a massage from their romantic partner or having a partner run their fingers through their hair. [5]
    • Leos are also turned on by someone who is loyal, intelligent, and unafraid to challenge them.
    • On the other hand, Leos are turned off by partners who neglect their appearance, dress in unflattering styles, or embarrass them in public.
    • While Leos dislike an overly submissive partner, they also dislike a partner who competes with them and wins, making them look bad.
    • These traits, as well as being a homebody or cynic, will turn off a Leo and make them lose attraction.
  7. A Leo will believe “that Leo is right and important,” details Vedic astrologer Tara Divina. According to Divina, Leos need to hear an apology in the form of “‘You were right, and I was wrong.’ A Leo would probably really appreciate that, [and] you should compliment them as well.”
    • However, you shouldn’t disingenuously apologize to a Leo if they were really in the wrong.
    • A self-aware and mature Leo should be able to see the error in their ways and apologize to you.
  8. Leos love the idea of being in love, so they will stand by their romantic partner and do almost anything to keep the relationship together. However, this sometimes means they tolerate toxic or abusive behavior and often drag out relationships until they have no other choice but to end them. [6]
    • When a relationship does end, however, Leo takes it very hard and will likely be extremely emotional and upset for weeks on end—often drawing the concern of their loved ones.
    • To move on and heal their heart after a breakup, Leos should stay far away from social media and any tendency to broadcast their breakup drama outside their inner circle.
    • Leos should also give themselves some time before jumping back into the dating pool—it’s a good idea to take time to unpack the baggage from their past relationships with a therapist or qualified counselor.
    • Creative projects are also a good outlet for heartbroken Leos—they can try writing song lyrics , painting , or writing short stories .
  9. They like to turn intimate time into a romantic, unforgettable event. Leos are also great kissers who love to sweep their partners off their feet—but they also want to feel like the star of the show themselves. [7]
    • Leos are thrill-seekers in their daily life, and this quality also applies to the bedroom. They may ask partners to experiment with exhibitionism or video-recording intimate acts.
    • However, some Leos are hesitant to bring toys into the bedroom as they may see it as a challenge to their own perceived sexual prowess.
    • A Leo’s biggest challenge in the bedroom is being so focused on their own needs that their partners may feel like props in their performance.
    • Leos should focus on being as attentive to their partner’s needs and desires as they are to their own and using intimacy to connect with their partner emotionally .
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Section 2 of 4:

Leo Compatibility with Each Zodiac Sign

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  1. This compatible pair contains a lot of star power—think power couple vibes. While both Leo and Aries both tend toward self-centered or bossy behavior, they match each other’s energy and understand each other’s need for praise. [8]
    • To make this coupling work, Leo has to remember that, despite their tough exterior, Aries needs a lot of nurturing and care.
    • On the other hand, Aries has to work on being more laid back and allowing softhearted Leo to do things at their own pace.
  2. 2
    Leo & Taurus Leo and Taurus share a love of luxury and command attention everywhere they go. They’re both focused on family and look forward to cultivating a lively household together. While Leo will nurture their children’s creativity, Taurus will ensure they have healthy routines and boundaries. [9]
    • To have a long-lasting relationship between big-ego Leo and stubborn Taurus, both need to learn how to compromise and put arguments to a stop before they explode.
    • Since both partners enjoy material goods, it’s also important to build a budget together and handle finances responsibly.
  3. 3
    Leo & Gemini This couple is all about play, drama, and fun! If they end up having kids, Gemini and Leo will see that as the next part of their adventure and use it to keep their inner child alive. If they choose not to have kids, this couple can channel their youthful energy into a joint creative project like starting a band or a glamorous business venture. [10]
    • Since both these signs are constantly thinking ahead to the next thing, they may sometimes end up with lots of unfinished projects or unfocused plans.
    • A Leo and Gemini pair should find intentional time to slow down and check in with each other.
    • They can start by setting aside one 30-minute period per week to set achievable goals and discuss their feelings.
  4. While Leo and Cancer have little in common, they can balance each other out well. The superstar Leo and humble yet intelligent Cancer make a great team as both romantic and business partners. They share a love of family and party planning, so they’re likely to be the social heart of their friend group at any point in their lives! [11]
    • Both these signs command attention in their own ways, but the showboating Leo needs to make room for the quiet yet powerful Cancer to shine through.
    • When around Cancer’s closest friends or loved ones, Leo should find opportunities to bring up Cancer’s latest accomplishments or heap praise on them for what a great partner they are.
  5. 5
    Leo & Leo Two Leos make for a deeply passionate and exciting connection. This romance is bound to be larger than life, whether it’s a short-term fling or both signs are in it for the long haul. [12]
    • With two large egos in one romantic partnership, this pairing may find conflict if one Leo finds more success or stardom than the other.
    • A Leo-Leo couple must make sure that their connection is about more than looks, image, or status.
    • They should find ways to connect emotionally and remember that an achievement for one of them is an achievement for both!
  6. 6
    Leo & Virgo While Leo and Virgo aren’t naturally compatible, they can balance their differences to have a successful romantic relationship. Virgos are a down-to-earth and practical counterweight to the exuberant and flashy Leo. [13]
    • When balanced, a Virgo’s selflessness can bring out Leo’s generosity, while Leo’s vibrancy adds some color and excitement to Virgo’s life.
    • There will be lots of clashing and conflict in this relationship—the best way forward is for each sign to accept the other’s different styles and needs and appreciate them for what they are.
  7. Leos and Libras have high compatibility due to their extroverted and social natures, as well as their love for dressing up and attending glamorous parties. They also share family-oriented values and love to get sentimental and reminisce about their fondest memories. [14]
    • Since both these signs are big talkers, they must practice active listening and develop coping skills for discussing unpleasant topics.
    • Other conflicts may arise because of Leo’s love of the spotlight.
    • While Libra doesn’t want to take that away from them, Leo should help Libra find their time to shine by giving them pep talks and some tough love.
  8. 8
    Leo & Scorpio Leo and Scorpio share magnetic and spicy personalities that quickly attract them to each other. Their relationship is likely to be passionate and exciting, but they may end up in a power struggle due to both signs’ need to feel superior and like they’re always in the right. [15]
    • Since neither sign is willing to give up control, conflicts between Leo and Scorpio are difficult to resolve.
    • These stalemates are the main reason why these two signs have low compatibility.
    • But that doesn’t mean a relationship between Leo and Scorpio will never work! Both partners must work on openly communicating and trying to see things from their S.O.’s perspective.
  9. 9
    Leo & Sagittarius These twin fire signs love to party and really know how to work a room. A Sagittarius and Leo pairing brings passion and confidence wherever they go, and they mutually support one another’s ambitions and endeavors. [16]
    • However, the impatient Sagittarius may sometimes struggle to give Leo all the attention they need and grow tired of Leo’s need to be the center of attention.
    • Leos are very sensitive and can’t always handle or bounce back from a Sagittarius’ blunt honesty and inability to hold back the truth about their feelings.
    • However, these similar signs also innately understand each other’s needs. While communication is still key to this relationship, Leo and Sag don’t have to do too much explaining to understand where the other is coming from.
    • The key to this pair is to be aware of each other’s needs and take turns having the upper hand or control of any given situation.
  10. This couple is highly compatible on paper, but they have to work hard to make their romance work beyond the surface level. Both Leo and Capricorn prioritize looking good, having a polished image, and having a high social status. They also have an extremely strong romantic spark and palpable chemistry that anyone in their orbit can pick up on. [17]
    • However, Capricorn may see Leo’s party-loving behavior as superficial and shallow, while Leo may want the practical Capricorn to be more optimistic and flexible.
    • If both signs play to their strengths, this relationship can see a lot of success and create a life full of power, achievement, and love.
    • Capricorns need to work on being more open-minded , confident, and direct, while Leos must be more patient and sensitive to the Capricorn’s needs.
  11. 11
    Leo & Aquarius Aquarius and Leo couples are all about lighthearted adventures and building in time for fun in their daily lives. However, Leo falls hard in love, while Aquarius tends to be more commitment-phobic. Since both signs have a flair for the dramatic, this may result in some pretty explosive emotional outbursts early on in the relationship. [18]
    • Despite their many similarities, the mismatched communication styles between Aquarius and Leo are the reason for their low compatibility.
    • When one is on, the other may be off. As soon as Aquarius commits, Leo may decide they’re not worth the trouble.
    • To make this romantic coupling work, both partners must surrender their egos and be direct about their feelings.
    • When emotional situations do arise, they should give each other a 10-15 minute break to walk away, calm down, and come back to the conversation after regulating their individual emotions .
  12. 12
    Leo & Pisces This dramatic duo loves creative, romantic, and imaginative endeavors of any kind. While Leo likes to take center stage, Pisces is more private and will entrench themselves deeply in the creative process. As a couple, these balanced yet aligned energies can make some real magic in any area: business, charity, or family life. [19]
    • However, it’s important that both Pisces and Leo value what their partner brings to the table. They need to see each other as equals with individual strengths and weaknesses.
    • This pairing also requires a commitment to spiritual and personal growth.
    • Before walking down the aisle toward a potentially emotionally volatile marriage, both Pisces and Leo should read some self-help books, see a therapist, or do whatever they need to keep their strong emotional reactions in check.
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Section 3 of 4:

Getting a Leo to Fall in Love with You

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  1. Don’t be afraid to show obvious interest in a Leo. Make direct eye contact and show them how powerful and confident your energy is. They’ll likely admire and be drawn toward your bravery and dominance. [20]
  2. The easiest way to seduce a Leo is to make them feel like the center of the universe. Give them an adoring gaze and tell them how beautiful or handsome they look. [21]
  3. Leos like to feel like everyone sees how much they have to offer. If you invite them to spend time with your nearest and dearest, they’ll feel like a VIP and know that you recognize how special they are. [22]
  4. Leos are very much a lust-driven sign, so they’re drawn to people who are a little bit crude or sexually experienced. Crack some adult jokes or tell anecdotes about your recent trysts or newly discovered kinks. [23]
  5. Offer two tickets to an upcoming Broadway show or circus performance—Leos are lovers of the arts. Even taking them to a critically acclaimed film will make a Leo appreciate you and feel more attracted to you. [24]
    • After your show, take them to a club or upscale lounge and make them feel like the VIP date that they are!
    • Make sure to dress the part for whatever show you go to. Leos love to dress up at any opportunity, so an opera or theater date is a great opportunity to show them your best looks.
  6. Join him for his favorite activities and do things with him. Astrologer Stina Garbis gives examples of how you could go about this, suggesting that “if he likes football, go to the game or bring snacks on game day to show you’re interested in the same things he is.”
    • “Laugh at his jokes, even the dumb ones,” Garbis continues. “Make him feel like he is the big man on campus and always compliment how handsome, strong, and clever he is.”
  7. Astrologer Stina Garbis recommends “showing her that you’re investing time and resources into her. Text her often and…compliment her on everything. Show up to her events and make sure she is the center of attention.”
    • Garbis adds that you should put extra effort into your appearance to impress your Leo woman.
    • “Dress sexy, make sure your hair is nice, and show a little chest,” Garbis advises. A Leo woman “likes arm candy and likes to be shown off as a sexy partner.”
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Section 4 of 4:

Leo Astrological Sign Overview

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  1. They are one of three Fire signs and are ruled by the Sun. The fire element represents leadership and passion, while their ruling Sun represents their fierce ego and fiery energy. [25]
    • Best Careers for Leos: Actor, Teacher, Artist, CEO, Religious Leader, Politician.
    • Famous Leos: Madonna, Kylie Jenner, Barack Obama, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Brady.
  2. Many Leos can be described as expressive and flamboyant, but even more introverted Leos give off a magnetic appeal to everyone around them. Leos are also highly emotional and inspire others to follow their hearts and dreams! [26]
    • Leo personalities are adept at leadership, entertainment, and endless generosity.
    • They believe in honest self-expression and confidently go after what they want in life.
  3. Leo is symbolized by the lion, also known as the king of the animal kingdom. Due to this connection, explains astrologer Tara Davina, “Leos embody some of those qualities of being at the top and feeling like they’re meant to be served like a king or lion.”
    • As a result, Divina describes how Leos “have a strong selfishness, are self-oriented, [and enjoy] receiving compliments and praise.”
    • However, every Zodiac sign and personality type has traits that they struggle with.
    • To become less selfish , Leos should work on actively listening to others, learning to compromise , and showing genuine interest in others when they’ve accomplished something or deserve to be the center of attention. [27]
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      • Remember that someone’s behavior in romantic relationships depends on more than just their star sign—a Leo in love may act totally differently than expected due to their upbringing, attachment style, or life goals outside of marriage.
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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about astrology, check out our in-depth interview with Stina Garbis .

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