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An inside look into someone with a Leo Sun and a Capricorn Moon
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The person born with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Capricorn often seems like a walking contradiction. While they typically long to be the center of attention, their fiery flamboyance is balanced with an earthly practicality and conservatism. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the dynamic and determined Leo-Cap, including who they're most compatible with.

Things You Should Know

  • Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon people tend to be determined and ambitious. They have plenty of discipline, too, so you can always count on them to get the job done.
  • The Leo Sun gives Leo-Caps a healthy flair for the dramatic, but the Moon in Capricorn means they're also practical and disciplined. They do everything in style.
  • Leo-Caps tend to be ambitious people-pleasers, which means they work really well in leadership roles but can be quite demanding of the teams they lead.
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Overview

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  1. These confident and charismatic people won't take no for an answer! While the Sun in Leo means they tend to seek out approval and attention, the Moon in Capricorn gives them more respect for tradition and the discipline to get things done. [1]
    • Elements: fire (Leo), earth (Capricorn)
    • Planets: Sun (Leo), Saturn (Capricorn)
    • Modalities: fixed (Leo), cardinal (Capricorn)
    • Leo Sun Traits: authoritative, active, open
    • Capricorn Moon Traits: steady, reliable, in control
    • Famous Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon People: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Martina McBride, Kylie Jenner, Alexis Arquette, James Hetfield, David Spade
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Personality Traits

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  1. Leo-Caps tend to set pretty high goals for themselves. Luckily, they also have the work ethic and stamina to do what it takes to reach those goals. They're typically driven by success and will do everything in their power to ensure they're at the top of whatever they set their mind to.
    • The downside of this is that Leo-Caps often have the tendency to put relationships and domestic duties on the back burner so they can focus on their career.
  2. If you need something done, a Leo-Cap might just be the best person to ask. The Leo Sun gives them a desire to be admired and approved, and helping out is often the best way to get that. The conservative Moon in Capricorn also means they believe the best way to be admired by others is to have a sterling reputation, so they do what it takes to make sure they never let anyone down.
    • On the flip side, it's not uncommon for a Leo-Cap to overextend themselves by taking on too many responsibilities. They just don't like to tell people no! Check in with your favorite Leo-Cap before you add anything else to their plate.
  3. The Sun in Leo gives these folks a flair for drama, and they're likely to have a killer style full of bold, trendy looks that help them stand out in a crowd. Whatever a Leo-Cap sets out to do, chances are they'll do it in style in a way that's sure to get them noticed.
    • At the same time, that Cap Moon gives these folks a practical, conservative side. While they might take risks with fashion, they aren't going to take too many risks that could endanger their livelihood.
  4. The Leo Sun gives the typical Leo-Cap confidence to spare. They have no question in their mind that they're strong and capable, and they have plenty of energy to devote to pursuing any goal they set. Expect a Leo-Cap to have a sort of swagger about them that only incredible self-confidence can produce. They really know how to take life by the horns.
    • At the same time, they do tend to be the attention-seeking type and can start to feel fairly insecure if they're not getting as much attention (and accolades!) as they think they deserve.
  5. It's that Moon in Capricorn that causes most Leo-Caps to place a huge emphasis on practicality in their daily lives. This might seem to clash with their flamboyant, dramatic personalities in some ways, but they simply have the willpower and tenacity to get things done. [2]
    • Financial security tends to be very important to these folks, so they don't want to do anything that might jeopardize that. At the same time, this practicality and discipline can make them really good at accurately assessing the risks before undertaking anything.
  6. Leo-Caps have a reputation for being natural-born leaders—after all, they love being the center of attention (and won't hesitate to take all the credit). They also have the confidence to believe that their way is the right way. They like to be in control, typically, so they feel better when they're calling the shots and everyone else is falling in line.
    • They're also dedicated and loyal, though, so while they might insist on being the boss, they're also keen on taking other people's viewpoints and preferences into account.
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Careers

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  1. A Leo-Cap person typically wants to be in control of all aspects of an operation and this quality doesn't go over very well unless they also happen to be calling the shots. They can excel in management or executive positions where they're allowed to bask in the glory of a job well done.
    • Leo-Caps also tend to be dramatic and creative, which means they could also work well in independent sales or advertising roles.
    • Your typical Leo-Cap is also a pretty talented actor, so don't be surprised if they're successful in the entertainment industry or just really active in your local community theater.
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Love and Relationships

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  1. The typical Leo-Cap expects their partner to be just as ambitious and driven as they are. They're usually not interested in tugging their partner along or waiting for someone else to catch up. They want someone who's going to be right at their side every step of the way.
    • At the same time, a Leo-Cap's ideal partner typically needs to be someone who's willing to cede the reins. Leo-Caps like to make the lion's share of the decisions in a relationship and usually aren't willing to compromise.
  2. These determined and driven folks are also incredibly self-sufficient, so they often feel like they know what's best for both them and their partner—even if their partner doesn't feel the same way. They tend to have an authoritarian streak as well, so if you don't like being bossed around, they probably aren't the best long-term partner for you.
    • At the same time, Leo-Caps tend to be very dedicated and loyal to everyone they love, including their partners. You don't have to worry about your Leo-Cap abandoning you in your time of need—they've always got your back.
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Compatibility

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  1. People with their Moon in Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus give the Leo-Cap the stability they need while also understanding their ambition and drive for success. As long as they can match the Leo-Cap's fiery energy, they could be a match written in the stars. [3]
    • Leo-Caps also tend to get along pretty well with folks whose Moons are in the water signs Pisces or Scorpio. While they might have different ways of expressing their emotions, they appreciate each other in a special way that helps them find harmony.
    • Leo-Caps tend to clash with Libra Moon or Aries Moon people. They're just too different to entirely understand each other and have conflicting values that mean they're too often stepping on each other's toes.
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Woman

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  1. A Leo-Cap woman typically knows what she's worth and won't settle for anything less. She's determined and classy and isn't out to play games—she knows what she wants and has the energy and focus to get it.
    • Strengths: entertaining, great people skills, responsible
    • Weaknesses: can be a bit of a control freak, might seem demanding to laid-back types, could get nit-picky about order and cleanliness
    • In Love: intense, loyal, prefers serious long-term relationships to casual hookups
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Leo Sun-Capricorn Moon Man

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  1. When he speaks, he expects others to listen—and they usually do! He has an aura about him that gives other people the impression that he knows what he's talking about and he's the guy to get things done. He has the fire of an artist combined with a more buttoned-down sense of practicality.
    • Strengths: driven, energetic, creative
    • Weaknesses: Can seem arrogant, prone to drama, might seem too obsessed with work
    • In Love: Devoted, dedicated, and loyal but likes to be the one in charge and is often reluctant to compromise

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