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Want to learn the fastest way to make Godzilla in Little Alchemy? To make Godzilla in Little Alchemy (or Kaiju, as it's known in Little Alchemy 2), you'll need to combine one city with one dinosaur. But how do you get a city and a dinosaur? Once you have the recipe, it's easy! This step-by-step guide will walk you through making Godzilla in Little Alchemy 1 & 2.

Section 1 of 2:

Make Godzilla in Little Alchemy 1

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  1. To create Godzilla in the classic version of Little Alchemy , you'll need to combine a dinosaur with a city. [1] The fastest way to make a city is to combine village with village , although you can also combine skyscraper with skyscraper . [2] We'll show you two ways to make a city:
    • Combine village with village:
      • Combine earth and water to make mud .
      • Combine mud and fire to make brick .
      • Combine brick and brick to make a wall .
      • Combine wall and wall to make a house .
      • Combine house and house to make a village .
      • Combine village and village to make a city .
    • Combine skyscraper with skyscraper:
      • Combine fire and water to make steam .
      • Combine earth and water to make mud .
      • Combine air and steam to make cloud .
      • Combine fire and mud to make brick .
      • Combine air and cloud to make sky .
      • Combine brick and brick to make wall .
      • Combine wall and wall to make house .
      • Combine house and sky to make skyscraper .
      • Combine skyscraper and skyscraper to make city .
  2. Now that you have a city, it's time to make a dinosaur. To make a dinosaur, you'll need to combine a lizard with time: [3]
    • Combine air and water to make rain .
    • Combine rain and earth to make a plant .
    • Combine plant and mud to make a swamp .
    • Combine air and fire to make energy .
    • Combine energy and swamp to make life .
    • Combine earth and fire to make lava .
    • Combine lava and air to make stone .
    • Combine stone and life to make an egg .
    • Combine egg and swamp to make a lizard .
    • Combine stone and air to make sand .
    • Combine sand and fire to make glass .
    • Combine glass and sand to make time .
    • Combine time and lizard to make a dinosaur .
  3. Now that you have a dinosaur and a city, combining the two will create Godzilla. [4]
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Section 2 of 2:

Make Godzilla in Little Alchemy 2

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  1. In Little Alchemy 2, Godzilla is called Kaiju, which is a monster common in Japanese fantasy films. [5] Kaiju is made by combining a dinosaur with a city, just like creating Godzilla in Little Alchemy 1 . The fastest way to make Kaiju requires you to have the time element.
    • Once you've collected 100 elements, you'll be rewarded with the time element automatically. [6] You can't create time with other elements—you can only earn it.
    • There's a way to make Kaiju without the time element, but it takes a lot longer. We'll cover both recipes in case you don't want to collect 100 elements first.
  2. To make Kaiju (Godzilla) with or without time , you'll first need to create a city: [7]
    • Combine earth and water to make mud .
    • Combine mud and fire to make brick .
    • Combine brick and brick to make a wall .
    • Combine wall and wall to make a house .
    • Combine house and house to make a village .
    • Combine village and village to make a city .
  3. Now that you have a city, you'll need to make a dinosaur, which you'll be able to combine with the city to make Kaiju. If you have the time element, making a dinosaur is simple: [8]
    • Combine air and air to make pressure .
    • Combine pressure and earth to make stone .
    • Combine water and water to make a puddle .
    • Combine puddle and puddle to make a pond .
    • Combine pond and pond to make lake .
    • Combine lake and lake to make sea .
    • Combine sea and earth to make primordial soup .
    • Combine primordial soup and time to make life .
    • Combine earth and earth to make land .
    • Combine land and life to make animal .
    • Combine animal and stone to make lizard .
    • Combine lizard and time to make dinosaur .
  4. If you don't have the time element, you can still make a dinosaur. Here's how: [9]
    • Combine air and air to make pressure .
    • Combine pressure and earth to make stone .
    • Combine water and water to make a puddle .
    • Combine puddle and puddle to make a pond .
    • Combine pond and pond to make lake .
    • Combine lake and lake to make sea .
    • Combine sea and earth to make primordial soup .
    • Combine fire and fire to make energy .
    • Combine primordial soup and energy to make life .
    • Combine earth and earth to make land .
    • Combine land and life to make animal .
    • Combine anima and stone to make lizard .
    • Combine land and land to make continent .
    • Combine continent and continent to make planet .
    • Combine water and earth to make mud .
    • Combine mud and stone to make clay .
    • Combine clay and life to make human .
    • Combine stone and air to make sand .
    • Combine sand and fire to make glass .
    • Combine planet and fire to make sun .
    • Combine sun and energy to make solar cell .
    • Combine solar cell and sun to make electricity .
    • Combine electricity and glass to make light bulb .
    • Combine light bulb and human to make idea .
    • Combine idea and human to make philosophy .
    • Combine philosophy and planet to make big .
    • Combine big and lizard to make dinosaur .
  5. Now that you have a dinosaur and a city, combining the two will create Kaiju. [10]
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      Article Summary X

      1. To make Godzilla in Little Alchemy 1 and Little Alchemy 2, you'll need to combine a dinosaur with a city .
      2. In Little Alchemy 2, Godzilla is called Kaiju. 3. The steps to make a city are the same in Little Alchemy 1 and 2, but the steps to make a dinosaur are different.
      4. If you have the time element in Little Alchemy 2, making a dinosaur will be much faster.

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