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Craft a cauldron from Iron Ingots easily
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Cauldrons in Minecraft don't have a whole lot of uses, but they can help make your crafting area look more productive. You can use Cauldrons to wash dyes off of armor, or to extinguish yourself if you're on fire. If you spend a lot of time in the Nether, a Cauldron is essential for brewing powerful potions while away from home.

Crafting a Cauldron in Minecraft

To make a cauldron in Minecraft, place 7 Iron Ingots in a U shape in a Crafting Table. To get Iron Ingots, you'll need to smelt Iron ore in a Furnace. You can also find a cauldron in the Overworld.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Obtaining Iron Ingots

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  1. You will 7 Iron Ingots in order to craft a Cauldron. You can find Iron Ingots in Fortresses and Dungeons, and Iron Golems drop them, but you may find it easier to craft them yourself from Iron Ore. [1]
  2. You will need a Stone Pickaxe or better in order to break Iron Ore blocks. You can find Iron Ore underground, and it is one of the most common metals. It can usually be found between layers 1 - 63, and will be in a vein of 4 - 10 blocks. [2]
  3. If you want to make the ingots yourself, you'll need a furnace to smelt the Iron Ore. Place 8 Cobblestone blocks around the edges of the Crafting window to make the furnace.
  4. You can use any type of Fuel when making Iron Ingots.
    • Lava Buckets, Coal, and Charcoal make for the most efficient fuels, but you can also use Wood Blocks, any object made from wood (crafting table, chair, etc.), and saplings.
  5. After a few moments, an Iron Ingot will appear in the box on the right. Repeat until you have 7 Iron Ingots.
    • More efficient fuel will allow you to craft your ingots much quicker.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Crafting a Cauldron

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  1. Once you have your Iron Ingots, you can create the Cauldron from the Crafting Table.
  2. The Ingots should form a "U" shape in the Crafting window.
  3. You can then place the Cauldron anywhere in the world.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Using the Cauldron

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  1. The Cauldron doesn't have a whole lot of uses, but it is very important for spending time in the Nether. This is because it's the one of the only ways to get water to make your potions. [3]
    • Take your Cauldron to your outpost in the Nether.
    • Return to the surface and fill as many Buckets as you can carry with water.
    • Place all of your water Buckets in a Chest near your Cauldron in your Nether outpost.
    • Fill the Cauldron with water using a Bucket. You'll be able to fill three Glass Bottles with water before you'll need to refill the cauldron with another Bucket.
  2. If you're settled in an arid area, you may not have many water sources close at hand. The Cauldron can come to the rescue and collect rainwater for you. Just place a few cauldrons outside, and they'll fill up the next time it rains.
  3. If you find yourself on fire more often than you'd like, you can hop into a Cauldron to put the flames out. just make sure it has water in it first!
  4. If you want your Minecraft home to look a little more authentic, place a Cauldron in the crafting area and keep it full. This will make it feel more useful and active.
  5. If you don't like the color of your armor anymore, you can wash it off by holding the armor and then using the Cauldron. You can also do this to remove the top layer of a banner. You could also dye leather by putting dye of any color in the cauldron (turning the water that color) and then tapping/clicking the cauldron with any type of leather armour. You can also combine dyes in cauldrons to make different shades of water.
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  • Question
    Can you fill a cauldron with lava?
    Minecraft Noob
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, but be careful not to step/fall into the cauldron when it's filled with lava.
  • Question
    What the use of beacon?
    Belle K.
    Top Answerer
    Beacons are used alongside blocks of valuable materials to provide a constant buff of your choice while near it.
  • Question
    How can you make a potion using a cauldron?
    Top Answerer
    You cannot make a potion using only a cauldron, but it can assist in the potion making process. You use cauldrons to store water in, and then you use that water to fill bottles with water which you can then use to make potions with using a brewing stand.
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      • You can also find cauldrons in Witch Huts. Witch Huts can be found in Swamp areas, usually in water.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Get 7 Iron Ingots.
      2. Open a crafting indow.
      3. Place three Ingots in the left vertical column.
      4. Place another three on the right vertical column.
      5. Place one Ingot in the bottom-center square.
      6. Drag the cauldron to your inventory.

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