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TThe best ways to get in touch with Kansas City’s star quarterback
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Want to get in touch with American football player and Kansas City legend Patrick Mahomes? You’ve come to the right place! He might be number 15 on the field, but he’s number 1 in our hearts, so it’s no surprise that you might want to offer your praise or send him some fan mail. The best way to get in touch with him is to reach out through the KC Chiefs themselves. However, we’ll outline every possible way to get in touch with Showtime himself—over the phone, on social media, or in person!

Best Ways to Contact Patrick Mahomes

  • Call or email Patrick Mahomes through the Kansas City Chiefs organization. Dial 816-920-9300 or send a message to 65TPT@chiefs.nfl.com .
  • Send fan mail to Patrick Mahomes, c/o Kansas City Chiefs, University of Kansas Health System Training Complex, 1 Arrowhead Dr., Kansas City, MO 64129
  • Reach out to Mahomes through his social media accounts on X , Instagram , and Facebook .
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Can you call or email Patrick Mahomes directly?

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  1. You can’t call Mahomes’s phone number or email him directly. However, you can reach out to him through the Kansas City Chiefs or the 15 & The Mahomies Foundation (Mahomes’s nonprofit organization for children's well-being). [1] Send inquiries to these phone numbers and email addresses to contact Mahomes through his affiliated organizations:
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Contacting Patrick Mahomes’s Publicist, Agent & Manager

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  1. Like most celebs and sports stars, Mahomes’s communication with fans is funneled through his business team. To try getting in touch with Patrick Mahomes, send an inquiry or letter to one of the individuals below—each of whom works closely with Mahomes.
    • Patrick Mahomes’s Agent: Leigh Steinberg. Call 949-270-2777 or send an email to leigh@steinbergspeaks.com . [6]
    • Patrick Mahomes’s Publicist: Kansas City Chiefs Public Relations Department. Send an email to chiefspr@chiefs.nfl.com .
    • Patrick Mahomes’s Manager: Brett Veach, General Manager of the Kansas City Chiefs. [7] Mail a letter to: Brett Veach, c/o Kansas City Chiefs, 1 Arrowhead Dr., University of Kansas Health System Training Complex, Kansas City, MO 64129.
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How to Contact Patrick Mahomes on Social Media

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  1. For the most direct way to get in touch with Mahomes and his team, send him a message through social media or leave a comment on one of his posts. Mahomes is fairly active on the following public social media accounts:
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How to Send Fan Mail to Patrick Mahomes

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  1. To write Patrick Mahomes a personal letter or request an autograph, you can send your inquiry to the Kansas City Chiefs at the address below. Along with your fan mail letter, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope so Mahomes can easily return his response and autograph. Send your fan mail to this address: [8]
    • Patrick Mahomes
      c/o Kansas City Chiefs
      University of Kansas Health System Training Complex
      1 Arrowhead Dr.
      Kansas City, MO 64129
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How to Meet Patrick Mahomes In Person

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  1. The most surefire way to catch Mahomes in person is to attend a Kansas City Chiefs football game. While you might not actually get the chance to meet Mahomes, you may be able to chat with him or catch one of his footballs if you get a seat close to the field! Just buy tickets from the official Chiefs Ticketing Site and attend the game at a stadium near you.
  2. Mahomes runs his own nonprofit charity and often appears at post-game press conferences and celebrity events. If you want to try to meet or get a photo with Mahomes, search on Google for any upcoming appearances or events hosted by his charity. If you’re able to find out when and where the event will be, show up early and get a spot close to where Mahomes will be speaking or walking.
    • For instance, Mahomes hosts the annual 15 and the Mahomies Foundation Gala.
  3. Rarely, the Kansas City Chiefs will host paid meet and greets where you can grab a photo with one of their star players. Keep tabs on the Chiefs' social media pages ( Facebook , Instagram , and X ) to see if any upcoming in-person opportunities arise.
    • Or, book a private appearance by Mahomes through the Athlete Speakers website . You may be able to book Mahomes yourself for an official speaking engagement, grand opening, or meet and greet!
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About Patrick Mahomes: Life, Education & Career

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  1. Mahomes has won three Super Bowls during his time as quarterback for the Chiefs, and he was also named the team’s MVP (Most Valuable Player) for each win. Mahomes arguably has a birthright to athletic excellence, as his father is famed MLB pitcher Pat Mahomes Sr. [9]
    • As the Chiefs quarterback, Mahomes wears the number 15 jersey. He’s stated that he wears 15 for a number of reasons, including being #15 on his high school team and #5 on his college team. [10]
    • Mahomes was born September 17, 1995 and grew up in Texas state. He went on to attend Texas Tech University, leaving his senior year to enter the NFL draft.
    • Mahomes met his current wife, Brittany Mahomes, in high school. The pair married in 2022 and have since gone on to have two children, Sterling and Bronze.

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