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Have you ever thought about creating a customized mode that everyone can play? You now can with Mobile Legend's new mode called Creation Camp. With the opportunity to include all marksmen only, make it a one hero stage, or adjust stats for quick-paced games, this wikiHow will assist you to create a customized mode in Creation Camp!

  1. To open this mode, click on the center of your screen and choose Custom - or you can select the arrows until Custom pops up. You will see a Creation Camp section, select it.
  2. On the left, you will see four sections.
    • Lobby List is where you can join created modes freely.
    • Featured are modes that have been recommended by Moonton.
    • Trending are popular modes that have been voted by users who have already played a specific custom mode. You can also start a lobby based on that mode.
    • Custom is the place where you will create a custom mode.
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Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Creating and Starting a Mode

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  1. You will see a button saying "Create New Gameplay". Click on it.
  2. In this section, you can select the mode/map of the mode (Classic, Necrokeep/Brawl, Minoan Labyrinth/Survival, and Chess-TD), determine the number of teams on one side and the winning condition.
    • Destroy Base means the game will end if players manage to destroy the base turret.
    • Takedowns require a specific number (maximum 50) of kills before the game ends. The game can also end if the base turret is destroyed.
  3. In this section, you have the choice of being selective to a certain hero, changing battle spells, and determining if you want to allow emblems to enhance the hero.
    • Hero Selection can either be similar to a classic mode (one different hero per player) or Mirror Mode (the team votes on what hero to select).
    • Heroes can include all heroes, owned heroes per player, or specific heroes.
    • Battle Spells can be adjusted to include a select number of spells, owned spells, or change the addition of two battle spells. You can also adjust the default battle spell from Regen to something else.
    • Switch Hero is what enables Deathbattle mode. The minimum of heroes that can be swapped is 6, with the maximum at 12.
  4. In this section, you can change minion size and damage, the minimap avatar, creep size, and toggle equipment.
    • Creep Chase Distance is the distance required for the creep to chase after you before it goes back to its spawn point. There is also Creep Size that can enlarge creeps.
    • Minions can be adjusted to Mid Lane only, all three lanes, or without minions at all (plus with minion size). This can be adjusted for Necrokeep/Classic maps.
    • Minimap Avatar can either be the default (you only see allies avatar and enemies avatar when detected nearby), hide (where all avatars are hidden), or show all (all avatars will be shown regardless).
  5. By this point, you are in the Battle section. This is where adjusting the mode is important to keep the game fair.
    • Movement Speed is the speed at which a hero can move, with 500 percent as the maximum.
    • Attack Speed is how quickly a hero can use their basic attack, with 300 percent as the maximum.
    • Damage Dealt is the amount of damage given per skill/basic attack, with 500 percent as the maximum.
    • Damage Taken is the amount of damage earned when hit with a basic attack/skill, with 1000 percent as the maximum.
    • Cooldown and Battle Spell Cooldown is the time needed before the hero can reuse their basic attack, battle spell, or skill. Putting it into maximum is recommended for Overdrive/quick modes, although this can depend.
    • If the stats are for the same team, you can toggle Edit Both Teams.
  6. This is where heroes can keep themselves death-free with their HP, depending on the settings. The Max HP can be set up to 1000 percent (where they are mostly immune to damage), although this is not recommended. Healing Received can be put to 200 percent for quick healing without the need to recall back to base.
  7. These stats can quickly up the dose on regenerating skill costs on mana/energy. You can put it up to the maximum amount for quick modes, or lower it for an interesting challenge.
  8. In most cases, you will need this, but if your mode requires the usage of skills/battle spells, you can toggle it off.
  9. Controlled Time is the usage of Crowd Control and the duration of its effect. You can increase it to 1000 percent for easy kills when the mode needs it, but keep it 100 percent for a fair mode.
  10. Although this may not be important (if the equipment is not your forte in this mode), you can adjust the initial gold cost to 10000 gold to quickly get equipment, and you can also adjust the gold gain.
    • Passive Gold Gain is the amount of gold given per a certain time limit. Time Interval is the number of seconds the gold will be given. Starting Time is where the extra gold bonus is given.
    • This is also the same on EXP gain, where the passive and starting time can be adjusted at the same time.
  11. By default, all heroes start at Level 1, but you can adjust their initial level up to Level 15 if you desire. The max level can be put to Level 99 (as in Overdrive mode) as well.
  12. The Respawn Time is where players have to wait before respawning. You can either keep it as 100 percent for normal times, 1 percent for quick respawns, or 200 percent for longer wait times. For quick games, try putting 1 percent (or for longer games, higher than 100 percent).
  13. This may not be adjusted, but if the hero is overpowered, you can adjust the hero's damage taken, dealt, and skills (if needed). To quickly access heroes, click on Hero List.
  14. Before you can save, you can adjust the lobby's title, description, and picture. Once completed, click on confirm and the gameplay will be set.
  15. When the lobby is created, you will have a lobby preset set. You can adjust the lobby name and password.
  16. This ticket costs 50 diamonds and is the only way you will be able to start your creation to life.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Joining a Mode

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  1. You will most likely see a list of available lobbies. You can see the winning condition, the user that created the lobby, and the number of people available to join the mode.
    • If you need to find your friend's lobby, check the Friends Only button.
  2. Once you join in, you will be able to start playing for free!
    • In some cases, you may need to type in the four-digit passcode for private servers.
    • To quickly join a lobby, click on Quick Play to find a public server!
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Why can’t I access some heroes in Creation Camp?
    Top Answerer
    Some heroes (including Yi Sun-Shin and Argus) have an unfair advantage if properly used in adjusted modes and some heroes may not work as expected per the map (Ling in Necrokeep).
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      • For specific modes with one hero, try these:
        • Moskov Ult Damage (level 15, max HP 1% with high damage taken/no cooldown, 50 takedowns)
        • Natalia's Hide and Seek (max level, no minimap help, no cooldown, high mana regen, 50 takedowns)
        • Franco's Hook Battle (check Featured for this mode)
        • Johnson's Driving Lesson (high max HP, damage taken, 50 takedowns)
        • Fanny Battle (Destroy Base, high energy regen)
        • Bane's Sharks (high cooldown, low ult damage, destroy base)
      • For modes based on Classic, try:
        • Overdrive Mode (high cooldown (mana/energy/skills), high movement/attack speed, quick respawn)
        • Mirror Mode (hero selection to mirror, put specified if needed)
        • Deathbattle Mode (Toggle Switch Hero, place specified goal as death takedowns, max 50)
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      • You may need to balance the mode first before you start. In some cases, one hero may be immune and deal damage quickly to end the mode quickly (e.g., an all marksman party where all have increased damage and no cooldown, but adding Yi-Sun-Shin could end the game quickly due to an unfair advantage from their ultimate).


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