Sushi Go brings all the fun of a sushi buffet to a board game! Players reach for various types of sushi to score points before all of the good stuff is gone. Each game consists of 3 rounds where each player picks a card before passing the rest of their hand to the person next to them. At the end of the game, the player who grabbed the most valuable rolls and dishes wins. We’ll tell you how to set up and play a game, how to strategize, and how to count up your scores to see who won.
Sushi Go Rulebook
Shuffle the deck and deal 10 cards to each player for a 2-player game. Pick one card from your hand and pass the remaining cards to another player. Continue picking and passing cards until you run out, then score the cards by adding up their types and values. Play for 3 rounds, then tally the final scores.
How to Set Up Sushi Go
Gather 2-5 players and deal each player a hand of cards. Play Sushi Go! at a spacious table, and shuffle the cards before you start. The number of cards you deal depends on how many players you have. For a standard 2-player game, each player gets 10 cards. For each additional player, deal 1 less card, so deal out 9 cards in a 3-player game, 8 cards in a 4-player game, and 7 cards in a 5-player game. [1] X Research source
- Keep your cards face down so the other players can’t see them.
- Variation: When playing with 2 players, deal a “dummy” hand for a ghost player, and take turns playing for the dummy each hand. This can add variety and strategy to a 2-player game.
Place the remaining cards face down in a center pile. Don’t look at these cards yet. You won’t use them during a round of Sushi Go. These cards are dealt out between rounds so you can play again. [2] X Research source
- Variation: If you like, shuffle the dealt cards back into the deck after each round.
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Choose a scorekeeper and give them paper and a pencil. Scores are tallied after the end of each of the 3 rounds. Pick someone who doesn’t mind doing a little math. At the end of each round of Sushi Go, that person looks at the cards each person played and adds up their values according to the scoring rules. [3] X Research source
- The math involved is simple and all the cards are labeled, so following along with the game isn’t too difficult. You can use your phone as a notepad, since it's just simple arithmetic.
Pick a card to keep and reveal it after everyone has picked. Look at your hand and select a card you wish to keep. Set the card face down in front of you. With some exceptions, the card will stay there until the round ends. Once everyone has chosen a card from their hand, flip the selected cards over to reveal them. [4] X Research source
- The card you choose depends on your unique strategy and the sushi available in your hand. Get familiar with the scoring rules before you begin in order to make the best choice.
Pass your remaining hand to the player on your left. Give each card you didn’t keep to the player sitting to your left. To prevent the other players from seeing these cards, place them face down on the table as you pass them. Wait for the player on your right to slide their hand over to you. When everyone is ready, pick up your new cards. [5] X Research source
- The remaining hand will have 1 less card.
- Variation: Switch the way you pass the cards each round. In a standard game, the cards always go to the left. Try passing them to the right during the second round, for instance.
Continue playing and passing cards until you run out of cards. Sushi Go is a simple game of picking and passing cards. Each time you pass the cards, you end up with a smaller hand. Eventually, each player will have 1 card left and have no choice but to play it. [6] X Research source
- Every time you select a card, place it in front of you and flip it over after everyone else has chosen a card. Keep all of these cards until the end of the round.
Score the cards by adding up their card types and values. Each type of sushi, from maki rolls to nigiri, nets you a different amount of points. Read the scoring rules below to determine how many points each type is worth. Write down how many points each player earned and save the totals until the end of the game. [7] X Research source
- Only sushi and dumpling cards score points during the round.
- Any unused wasabi or chopstick cards are worth 0 points.
Discard all of the played cards except the pudding cards. Gather up all of your sushi, dumplings, and other cards. Leave any pudding cards you played during the round. Like a true dessert, you have to wait until the end of the game to enjoy them. [8] X Research source
- Set the gathered cards in a face-up pile next to the remaining deck.
- Set your pudding cards off to the side, in a personal pile.
Deal cards and play again for 3 rounds total. Each game of Sushi Go consists of 3 rounds. You deal the same number of cards per player each round. Continue picking and passing cards to try to score as many points as you can. At the end of the third round, the person with the most points wins! [9] X Research source
- After the final round, be sure to add up the number of pudding cards each player has and include them in the final score.
Sushi Go Strategies & Special Cards
Play a wasabi card to score triple points on a future turn. Wasabi is a special score multiplier card that can only be used on nigiri sushi. When you pick a wasabi card, place it in front of you like any other card. Pass the rest of your hand as you normally would. Then, when you find a nigiri card you like, place it on top of the wasabi for extra points. [10] X Research source
- Squid nigiri, for example, is worth 9 points with wasabi, but only 3 points without it.
- If you have a wasabi card face up, the next nigiri you take has to be placed on top of it. For instance, you can’t place an egg nigiri down, then wait to get a better card. The egg nigiri has to be placed on the wasabi.
- You can have as many wasabi cards as you like, but remember that unused wasabi isn’t worth any points at the end of a round.
Take 2 sushi cards on a future turn if you play a chopstick card. A chopstick card is like an extra turn, but you have to play it like a normal card first. Then, on a future turn, when you wish to use the chopstick card, call out “Sushi Go!” before the other players have revealed their cards. Choose a second card in your hand to play. Put the chopstick card back in your hand so other players have a chance to use them. [11] X Research source
- If you have multiple chopstick cards face up in front of you, you are only able to use 1 per turn.
- Like wasabi, chopstick cards are worth 0 points at the end of a round. Make sure you use them during the round to rack up points.
Select different types of nigiri to score a set amount of points. You can pick up 3 different types of nigiri in Sushi Go. The best type to get is squid, which is worth 3 points. Salmon nigiri is worth 2 points each, while egg nigiri is worth 1 point. You get points for each piece of nigiri you have at the end of the round, so nigiri is the most consistent way to score points. [12] X Research source
- Don’t forget the wasabi! Each nigiri on a wasabi card is worth triple points. Squid becomes 9 points, salmon is worth 6, and egg is worth 3.
Remember that tempura and sashimi can be risky. Tempura and sashimi only count for points if you pick up matching cards during a round. You need 2 tempura cards or 3 sashimi cards. This makes chasing them a little risky, since these cards are in limited supply and other people will be looking to match them as well. [13] X Research source
- These cards are worth more than nigiri, but you have to use multiple turns before they have any value. It’s a gamble that may not be worth it if you have wasabi or other valuable cards to play.
Watch what your opponents eat. The remaining card types are dumplings, maki rolls, and pudding. All of these cards have unique scoring rules. The more dumpling cards you play, the more points you gain. Meanwhile, the player with the most maki rolls at the end of the round gets a bunch of points, and pudding cards come into play a similar way at the end of the game. [14] X Research source
- Of the 3 card types, dumplings are the surest way to get points. Other players may overlook them, making them a sneaky choice for big points.
- Maki rolls and pudding need to be balanced with your other card selections. If you ignore them, other players take them and gain points. However, you may gain more points by focusing on nigiri and other cards.
Scoring Points in Sushi Go
Add up the maki roll icons to see who gets 3 to 6 points. The icons are printed at the top of each maki roll card. Each card has between 1 to 3 icons. The person with the most maki roll icons gets 6 points. The person with the second most icons gets 3 points. [15] X Research source
- In case of a tie, split the points evenly between each person. For instance, the players tied for the most maki rolls each get 3 points.
- If players tie for first, don’t award any points for second place.
Count each pair of tempura as 5 points. Tempura, the fried shrimp cards, only work as pairs. A single tempura card is worth nothing. Every pair you have gets you more points. [16] X Research source
Assign 10 points for every sashimi set of 3. Sashimi cards work similar to tempura cards, but in 3s instead of pairs. If you have 1 or 2 sashimi, you don’t get any points for them. Every set of 3, though, nets you 10 points. [17] X Research source
- Getting multiple sets of sashimi per round is tough, so you may wish to focus on other types of sushi.
Add up the total score from the nigiri each person has. Include the wasabi cards underneath the nigiri. Remember that squid nigiri is worth 3 points, salmon is worth 2, and egg is worth 1. Triple the nigiri’s point value if it is on top of a wasabi card. Write the total down on a scoresheet to keep track of it each round. [18] X Research source
- Wasabi cards without nigiri aren’t worth anything. Similarly, nigiri is only worth triple points if it is played on top of a wasabi card.
Award an increasing amount of points for each dumpling card. The dumplings take a little more effort to add up. A single dumpling is worth 1 point. Each dumpling after that comes with an extra bonus. The more dumplings you have, the more points you get. [19] X Research source
- For 2 dumpling cards, you get 3 points. If you have 3 cards, you gain 6 points. For 4 cards, the total rises to 10. If you manage to collect 5 or more cards, you earn 15 points.
Count the pudding at the end of the game to see who has the most. After you finish the third round, look at how many pudding cards each player has. The person with the most pudding gets 6 points. If you have more than 2 players, the person with the least amount of pudding loses 6 points. [20] X Research source
- If players tie, split the points between them. For instance, if 2 players tie for the least amount of pudding, each player loses 3 points.
- In case all players have the same number of pudding cards, no one gets points. It’s rare, but it can happen.
What’s The Best Way To Rack Up Points In Sushi Go?
Expert Q&A
- When dividing up points from maki rolls and pudding, ignore remainders. For instance, if 2 people tie for the second most total of maki, award each player 1 point instead of 1.5. It makes adding up the scores much easier.Thanks
- Use wasabi and chopstick cards when you can. You don’t gain anything if you don’t use them before the end of the round.Thanks
- Adapt your strategy as you play. High-scoring cards are sometimes difficult to come by, so successful players adapt on the fly.Thanks
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About This Article
Sushi Go! is a fun card game for 2-5 people where players try to score the most points by playing different sushi cards. To start the game, shuffle the deck of Sushi Go! cards and deal 10 cards to each player if you're playing with 2 players, 9 cards each for 3 players, 8 cards each for 4 players, or 7 cards each for 5 players. Place the rest of the cards face-down in the middle of the playing area. Each player picks one card from their hand to keep and places it face down in front of them. Then, everyone reveals their face-down card and passes their hand to the player on their left. Players again choose a card they want to keep from their new hand and place it face-down in front of them. Once everyone has chosen, players reveal their chosen card and pass their hand to the left again. Play continues like this until all of the cards have been played face up on the table. If a player chooses an egg, squid, or salmon nigiri card from their hand and they have a wasabi card face-up in front of them, they must place their nigiri card on the wasabi card, which triples the card’s value. Only one nigiri card can be played on each wasabi card. If a player has a chopsticks card face-up in front of them, they can choose 2 cards from their hand instead of one on a future turn. They then place the chopsticks card back in their hand before passing it. Players can only use one chopsticks card per turn. Once all of the cards have been played, each player scores their face-up cards. The player with the most total maki roll icons (found along the top of the cards) wins 6 points. The player with the second most total maki roll icons wins 3 points. If there is a tie, the points are split evenly between both players. Each pair of tempura cards a player has is worth 5 points. A set of 3 sashimi cards is worth 10 points. Squid nigiri cards are worth 3 points each, Salmon nigiri cards are worth 2 points, and egg nagiri cards are worth 1 point. A nagiri card played on top of a wasabi card is tripled in value. Wasabi cards that aren’t paired with a nagiri card are worth nothing. The number of points you get for dumpling cards depends on how many you have. One dumpling is worth 1 point, 2 dumplings are worth 3 points, 3 dumplings are worth 6 points, 4 dumplings are worth 10 points, and 5 or more dumplings are worth 15 points. Pudding cards are held onto and not scored until the end of the game. After each player scores their cards, shuffle the cards (excluding the pudding cards) and deal a new round. The game is played over 3 rounds. After finishing 3 rounds, players score their pudding cards and add those points to their total score. The player with the most pudding cards gets 6 points. If playing with more than 2 players, the player with the fewest pudding cards loses 6 points. Whoever has the most points after 3 rounds wins! If there is a tie, the player with the most pudding cards wins.