Adjust earnings and increase difficulty in Stardew Valley with Profit Margins
The Profit Margin system was first introduced in Stardew Valley's Version 1.3 update. This system allows players to adjust their farm's earnings from crops, fish, animal products, and more. If you want a greater challenge, lowering your Profit Margin is a great way to increase Stardew Valley's difficulty. As long you're playing the most up-to-date version of the game, you can easily change the profit margin on your Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, and in the mobile app. This wikiHow will explain the Profit Margin in Stardew Valley, including when and how to change it.
Things You Should Know
- By default, you'll have 100% Profit Margin. Lowering your Profit Margin will decrease the Gold you can earn by selling items.
- Only lower your Profit Margin if you want to increase the game's difficulty.
- Create a new game, then click the wrench icon. Click the "Profit Margin" drop-down menu and select 75%, 50%, or 25%. [1] X Research source
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Lowering the Profit Margin
Launch Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley is available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, as well as the consoles: PlayStation 4 , PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. [4] X Research source
- For mobile users, Stardew Valley is also available for iPhone in the App Store and for Android in the Google Play Store .
Click New . You can't change the profit margin for an existing game. You'll need to start a new save file.
Click the wrench icon. This will be near the bottom-left of the character creation window.
Click the "Profit Margin" drop-down menu. You may need to scroll to find this option. It will be underneath the checkbox for Spawn monsters on the farm .
Select your Profit Margin. By default, it will be at 100%. Choose 75%, 50%, or 25%.
- The lower your Profit Margin, the less you will earn when selling items.
Click OK . This will save your choices.
Complete the remaining Farm setup. You'll need to create your character, fill in the required fields, and select a farm layout before you can proceed. [5] X Research source
Click OK . Your new save file will begin. You can now play Stardew Valley with your selected Profit Margin.
- Some aspects will remain unaffected, such as the unlocking of the sewer key .
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