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You can easily protect your floor before you paint your walls or ceiling! All you need is a drop cloth and some masking tape. Spread either your canvas, rosin paper, or plastic drop cloth across your entire floor. Secure it to the floor using masking tape, and get started on your paint job!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Selecting Your Covering Material

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  1. Canvas drop cloths are the best option to cover carpet flooring because they are easy to spread out. They also catch most drips and splatters. To use, simply unfold them and spread them across your carpet. You can reuse canvas drop cloths for many painting projects. [1]
    • While canvas is a relatively thick material, it cannot block out heavy spills. Because of this, be careful not to spill a lot of paint. Use a small amount of paint at a time, and be mindful of where your bucket or tray is at all times.
    • Canvas drop cloths are hefty enough that you do not need to use tape. You can simply bunch them up along the walls to keep them in place. However, using masking tape ensures your drop cloth will stay put and protect your floors.
    • You can purchase canvas drop cloths at most home supply stores in the painting aisle.
  2. If you want to protect hard surface flooring, rosin paper is the best option. Plastic or canvas materials are often slippery on these floors, but rosin paper is easy to walk on. It often comes in a roll, so you can unroll it and tape sheets together to cover your floor. [2]
    • The size of your sheets will depend on the size of your floor, but generally speaking, you can cut it into about 5 ft (1.5 m) long sections so it is easy to work with.
    • Purchase rosin paper at most craft stores and home supply stores.
    • You can also use ram board or cardboard flooring if you're going to be painting for a couple of weeks and really want your floors to be protected well. [3]
  3. Plastic drop cloths often vary in thickness, from about .4 in (10 mm) to 4 mm (0.16 in). They are not the best to use on most flooring options because they are very slippery to walk on, though if you want to use them, select as thick of plastic as you can. [4]
    • Plastic drop cloths work better to cover furniture when you are painting, rather than using as a drop cloth. However, they are a popular choice because they are easy to use, relatively inexpensive, and easy to throw away.
    • Since plastic is not an absorbent material, spilled paint will not dry and can run across the drop cloth. If you step in the paint, you can easily track it across your floor.
    • However, even if you spill a gallon of paint, it won't bleed through plastic drop cloths. Plus, it also prevents dust from getting through which makes cleanup easier. [5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Covering Your Floors

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  1. If dirt or debris is caught underneath of your covering, it could scratch your floors when you walk on top. To avoid this, vacuum either your carpet, hardwood, tile, or vinyl flooring before you lay down your covering. Go over all of your flooring for a thorough clean . [6]
    • While this is not required, it will help protect your floors from any additional damage.
  2. Before you lay down your covering, run a piece of 2 in (5.1 cm) wide masking tape around all of the floor edges. Rip them in about 6–12 in (15–30 cm) sections, and stick them at the base of your wall. [7]
    • If you’d like, you can stick half or 1/4 of the piece of tape to your baseboards. This helps prevent any paint from landing on your baseboards or carpet edges.
  3. Depending on the type of covering you are using, you may have to unfold it or unroll it to get started. Then, lay it across your floor so it is flat and flush against your wall. Stretch your covering out so it covers your entire floor. [8]
    • If you are using pieces of rosin paper, place 1 piece at the edge of your wall, and lay the additional pieces next to the first section so they overlap by at least 0.5 in (1.3 cm).
    • If you have furniture in your room, you can simply lay your covering around it. You can fold the edges on top of the rest of the covering and use an additional covering if you need.
  4. If you have any remaining covering sections left over, take a pair of sharp scissors, and cut it along the last edge of your room. Neatly roll up or fold your remaining covering, and place it outside of your room to use next time. This way, you will not trip over any extra plastic or paper.
    • Alternatively, you can fold the extra plastic or paper on top of the layers spread across your floor. Then, tape down the edges so you don’t trip!
  5. After your covering is stretched across your floor, go around your room and line the edge up so it is flush against your wall. You want the covering to sit over top of your initial tape layer, so you can catch any potential spills or drips. [9]
  6. Rip your masking tape into 6–12 in (15–30 cm) sections, and stick 1/2 of the tape on your covering and the other 1/2 onto your floor and baseboard. Continue placing pieces of tape around the perimeter of your covering until it is completely secured to your floor. [10]
    • Do this after your covering is properly aligned, so your sizing is correct.
  7. As you place your pieces of tape around your floor, run your hand over top of the tape to stick it into place. This adheres the sticky side of the tape to your covering and floor, so it will not move as you are painting. [11]
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    How do you paint without making a mess?
    Patrick Coye
    Painting Specialist
    Patrick Coye is the owner and operator of Patrick’s Painting & Home Improvement in Alexandria, Virginia. With over 15 years of experience in residential construction, Patrick specializes in painting, wallpaper removal/installation, drywall, staining decks and fences, and kitchen cabinetry painting. To date, Patrick and his team have painted over 2,000 houses and stained over 800 decks. Patrick's Company won a "Top Job" award from the American Painting contractor magazine in 2020.
    Painting Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Use a plastic drop cloth to protect your floors instead of a canvas drop cloth. That way, the paint has no chance of bleeding through. You'll also want to mask all the places you don't want to get paint on, like doorknobs and such.
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      Things You’ll Need

      • Drop cloth or covering
      • 2 in (5.1 cm) wide masking tape.
      • Scissors


      • Before you start, it is helpful to remove your furniture from the room. If you can’t move all your furniture, stack your pieces on top of each other, and cover them with a plastic drop cloth.
      • For best results, remove the drop cloth or covering from your floor after you finish painting and the paint is completely dry. This will prevent any paint from getting on your floor.
      • When you are finished painting, you can easily fold up your drop cloths and store them away for next time. Wash them in cold water if they are dirty, and let them air dry!
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      • If you use plastic drop cloths, the surface will be a bit slippery. Use caution when you walk to prevent any injuries!

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To protect your floors when painting, plastic drop cloths are probably the cheapest, easiest way to go. However, they can be a little slippery to walk on, so if you're willing to invest a little more, consider rosin paper for hard floors or canvas drop cloths for carpet. Whatever you decide to use, apply a 2-inch wide strip of masking tape all around the perimeter of the floor. Then, lay out the covering over the floor and fold any excess under so you don't trip on it. Finally, apply another 2-inch wide layer of masking tape over the edges of the covering to tape it to the floor. For more painting tips, check out the full article below!

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