With their lush greenery and beautiful flowers, rhododendrons (and azaleas, which are included in the Rhododendron family) make a beautiful addition to any landscape. Pruning a rhododendron properly will help maintain its shape and can even encourage more blooms in future years. We’re sharing three different ways to prune your rhododendron, plus tips on when and how often to prune and where to make your cuts.
When to Prune Rhododendrons
After your rhododendron finishes blooming in the spring, remove spent blooms and dead branches to encourage flowering next year. If your rhododendron is overgrown, shape it in either mid to late winter or early summer. To drastically prune a leggy rhododendron—known as radical rejuvenation—cut it back in late winter.
Expert Q&A
Tips from our Readers
- Generally with pruning it's good to cut just past the point where a side shoot emerges, so the plant can continue growing without abruptly truncated branches. I think of it as looking to figure out what the plant is trying to do, and then working "cooperatively" to get the plant into the shape I want. I know they don't "think" as we do, but they do have their genetic plan and they respond to environmental cues. You'll get better results if you pay attention to that.
- Pruning a rhododendron in winter will remove spring buds. It's best to prune after flowering. A handsaw rather than chainsaw is best for cutting larger branches.
- ↑ https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g6825
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g6825
- ↑ https://polk.ces.ncsu.edu/pruningcalendar/
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g6825
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://extension.umaine.edu/gardening/2022/02/16/when-to-prune-rhododendrons/
- ↑ https://web.uri.edu/coopext/services/ge-hotline/faq-hotline/
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/pruning-trees-and-shrubs
- ↑ https://extension.umaine.edu/gardening/2022/02/16/when-to-prune-rhododendrons/
- ↑ https://www.uaex.uada.edu/yard-garden/in-the-garden/reference-desk/shrubs/rhododendron.aspx
- ↑ https://www.uaex.uada.edu/yard-garden/in-the-garden/reference-desk/shrubs/rhododendron.aspx
- ↑ https://extension.psu.edu/how-and-when-to-prune-flowering-shrubs
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v54n1/v54n1-irving.htm
- ↑ https://polk.ces.ncsu.edu/pruningcalendar/
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v34n3/v34n3-furniss.htm
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2018/1/cleaning_pruning_tools/
- ↑ https://extension.umaine.edu/gardening/2022/02/16/when-to-prune-rhododendrons/
- ↑ https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/pruning-trees-and-shrubs
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://extension.psu.edu/how-and-when-to-prune-flowering-shrubs
- ↑ https://libanswers.nybg.org/faq/266485
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v34n3/v34n3-furniss.htm
- ↑ https://polk.ces.ncsu.edu/pruningcalendar/
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v64n2/v64n2-wallace.html
- ↑ https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v54n1/v54n1-irving.htm
- ↑ https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/rhododendron/
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Reader Success Stories
- "After reading this article and seeing the pictures of what to do, I feel confident I can do a good job pruning my old, leggy rhododendrons. I especially appreciated learning the definitions of the parts of the rhododendron." ..." more