Hey, kids! Have you ever wanted to stay up all night but your parents wouldn't let you? This article will teach you how to stay up all night in your room so you don't get caught.
Get lots of sleep the night before. It's hard to sit up all night when your eyes are droopy and it's easier to fall asleep. [1] X Research source
- Make sure you sleep for around two hours or more than you normally would on a night.
Have three healthy meals during the day. If you can, have snacks of fruit and vegetables in between. These will give you the energy needed. [2] X Research sourceAdvertisement
Start preparing for the all-nighter. If you have electronics, put them in your room and charge them if you plan on using them during the night. If you have a game console that's not in your room, put it there. Get some food, water, and soda or pop in your room as well.
Go to bed as normal. If you can, "sleep" with the TV on, so you'll have a little something to do until your parents go to bed. If you can't, try to stay awake!
Wait for your parents to go to bed. Then, whip out a small game console, such as a DS, DSi, 3DS, DS Lite, PSP, PS Vita, the Wii U Gamepad, Nintendo Switch, or any other small device you may have. Make sure to keep the volume low if you're in a small house or your parents are just light sleepers. If you don't have a small game console, watch TV. If you can't watch TV, read a book. Do anything you can to try to stay awake!
Listen to some music. Use an iPod, MP3 Player, or another music device, with headphones. Wait for about an hour after your parents go to bed, to be safe. If you can, try to keep one ear free so you can hear your parents if they get up. If none are available, listen to it at a low volume. Be careful! Don't wake up your parent(s)! Make sure to have a plan if they wake up to check on you or something like that, like stuff everything under a pillow or your sheets. Observe how you sleep and try to look like how you "normally" sleep. Wait a couple of minutes till you take out your devices or music just in case they come back.
Eat something. After a while, you're most likely to be hungry! Eat some of those snacks, water, and soda mentioned in step 2. Don't be too loud while eating, though! You could wake up your parent(s)! As a matter of fact, you should pre-plan your snacks so while you are making them you don't wake your parents. Maybe put them in your drawer or closet so they don't find them and question you or take them away. [3] X Research source
Play games. Play some computer games. Play on game sites, or on a social networking site, if you have an account. If using social media, remember to follow the terms and conditions. If you are too young to have an account, don't make one as there are laws to protect children and their privacy rights.
- If you can, play some video games. Such as a PlayStation 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, Wii, Gamecube, Original Xbox, Xbox 360, or Xbox 1. Or, a Wii U, and you don't even have to turn the TV on.
- Remember––don't be too loud because your parents will still be awake.
Listen to music. If you have headphones, listen to loud music. If none are available, then listen to it on a soft volume.
Play with some toys. Toys such as Barbies, cars, or Lego blocks.
Read a book or something if you can. Exciting books, not boring ones.
Watch TV. If you can, watch shows on demand or DVDs. Again, headphones are very helpful, so you don't awaken your parents.
Play some games. No telling what kind, but play a couple of games.
Splash some cold water on your face. [5] X Research source
Eat snacks and drink more soda or pop/water.
Splash a little more water on your face.
Switch to early morning TV watching. By now, morning cartoons should be on. Watch away. Now, go on with a morning routine. If your parents wake and ask why you're up, say you just woke up early or wanted to catch a certain morning cartoon.
Watch the sunrise. If you can get outside, then do so. It can be a beautiful sight.
Start doing morning things. Brush your teeth and if you're going to have a shower, make it colder than usual, to help you to stay awake.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat if other kids are sleeping?Community AnswerTry not to wake them up, if you share a room you will need earbuds, and a good place nearby to hide the food and pop/water.
QuestionMy dad checks on me too make sure Im okay. What should I do?IzzaGaming 42Community AnswerHave a plan of what to do if you hear footsteps coming towards your room, even footsteps anywhere, and be ready to do this often.
QuestionWhat if I don't have any electronics in the room and I'm scared about 3 a.m.?Community AnswerIf you do not have electronics in your room, you could read, play with toys, or imagine a scenario in your head for a while. Don’t worry about 3 a.m. The 3 a.m. challenges are nothing but fake stuff to scare people. If you are legitimately scared, just think of something else! And stop watching those challenges.
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- If you are watching a movie on a device or playing games, turn the brightness all the way down. If it is all the way up it will hurt your eyes and make you sleepy. Also, if your parents come and your brightness is all the way up, they will see the reflection of the light on your face, wall, or bedspread.Thanks
- Plan ahead and ask your parents if you can go to the dollar store and buy some things.Thanks
- If you can buy candy at the store then get sour candy it makes you feel awake because of the sour taste.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
- If you're worried about getting in trouble for doing an all nighter on your own, try waiting until you have a sleepover with someone. Sleepovers are kind of an excuse to stay up late (or even all night!) as long as your parents aren't too strict.
- If you're trying to entertain yourself by reading a book, be careful! Reading a book tends to make me sleepier. You might end up falling asleep by accident!
- Try not to do an all nighter right before a school night. You could be really sleepy for the next day and people could get suspicious!
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- Many parents check in on their kids during the night. If this sounds like your parents, be extra careful until they go to sleep.Thanks
- Don't do this for more than one night. It wreaks havoc on your body, and with each consecutive all-nighter, your memory and focus get worse. After an all-nighter, remember to sleep lots to replenish your "debt".Thanks
- Do this at your own risk, your parents may wake up.Thanks
- If you feel really tired, don't force yourself to stay awake. You always have another chance.Thanks
- Do not attempt to do this on a school night.Thanks
Things You'll Need
- Video game console (optional)
- Toys
- Snacks
- Soda or pop
- Electronics
- Books and radio
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