Q&A for How to Be a Good Housewife

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    I am a housewife with a baby girl. I think I do a lot, but the house still doesn't look clean, and the administrative things are not always done. How can I manage this better to get everything done and looking good?
    Community Answer
    Try making a schedule before bed. It can be difficult to balance between housework and parenting, so you may need to adjust your expectations for yourself, especially while your little girl is so young.
  • Question
    How can I be fulfilled as a housewife?
    Community Answer
    Being a housewife IS fulfilling! If you don't WANT to be a housewife, then don't. However, there are those who find great happiness and fulfillment from creating a household schedule, making balanced healthy meals, shopping cheaply, cleaning frequently, and caring for children. This list is meant for those who WANT to do those things. Getting out of the house, being active in the community, and making friends helps for happiness and balance in your own life, but if that alone is not fulfilling to you, maybe you shouldn't be a housewife.
  • Question
    How do I become a housewife?
    Community Answer
    Marry someone who is willing to support you financially as a housewife.
  • Question
    How do I be a good housewife if my husband abuses me?
    Community Answer
    Being a good housewife should not be your concern in this situation - it should be getting out of this relationship as soon as you can. If your husband abuses you, leave him. You should never have to deal with that from your spouse.
  • Question
    What do I do if my husband speaks with other women?
    Community Answer
    If you have trust, then he should be able to speak with other women, just as you should be able to speak with men without an angry reaction. Excessive flirting, on the other hand, isn't really okay, as his eyes should be for you. You need to find your own boundaries with what you are comfortable with each other doing.
  • Question
    I am a teenager and just had a baby couple months ago and I live with my baby father but he just finds things to make arguments about, and pushes me around physically, abuses me verbally all the time, so what do I do then?
    Community Answer
    You say he is your baby father but not your husband. Regardless of your relationship status, he has no right to make your life a difficult one or to abuse you. Tell him to help you with the child but to move out unless he is willing to be polite and considerate toward you. Rudeness, shaming and abuse are unacceptable in any relationship and you can do better. Make arrangements to live alone with your baby but to give him access to help with the child as appropriate. If he continues to abuse you, get help from your family and/or authorities to prevent this from happening again. Your child comes before the baby father's immaturity.
  • Question
    What can I do if my husband is always on his phone?
    Community Answer
    He might not realize this bothers you. Communication is important in any relationship and you might be surprised that just calling his attention to the problem is enough to solve things.
  • Question
    Does a side job have to be an online job?
    Community Answer
    A side job does not have to be an online job. It can just be something you do in your spare time.
  • Question
    How do I get a job from home as a housewife?
    Top Answerer
    Check out the website The Penny Hoarder. They post whenever a company is looking for stay-at-home workers.
  • Question
    I'm a housewife and have two young children. I don't always manage all the chores and my husband complains that I don't do anything. How can I show him I still work hard?
    Top Answerer
    Ask him what he means by what you "don't" do. More importantly, ask him about the chores he is responsible for. Do they get finished? Does he have any, or does he think because you're a housewife you should do it all? If it's the latter, you need to remind him that marriage is an equal partnership and just because he goes to work doesn't mean all the responsibility of the kids and house automatically falls on you.
  • Question
    What do I do if my husband flirts with other women and watches porn, even though he knows it bothers me?
    Community Answer
    Talk to him about it. Tell him that it makes you uncomfortable. If he still doesn't change, consider marital counseling.
  • Question
    How do I talk to my spouse about problems?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to him about your problems face-to-face. Be calm and reasonable: you two are adults and should be able to talk it out. Encourage each other on fixing your problems. Or, try talking to a therapist or a marriage counselor.
  • Question
    My wife stopped working about 4 years ago. The laundry is never done, and she does not maintain the home. She avoids responsibilities for the home and the kids. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You should have a conversation with her. Maybe she is depressed or ill or something else is going on. Ask her if something is bothering her. If there's nothing like that going on, tell her that it's perfectly fine that she wants to stay at home, but you need her to do certain things around the house since you're at work all day. Be calm, and be specific about what you want and need, and hopefully she will be accommodating.
  • Question
    Why should I have to take a side job as contribution? Cooking meals, doing the laundry, taking care of the house and the husband in every way, doesn't that count as my contributions to the household?
    Top Answerer
    It does, but those have no monetary value. Buying groceries and cooking meals is actually subtracting from your net worth. Taking a small, part-time job can get you some side money that can be saved in the event of an emergency or sudden expenses. Though remember, taking a side job means less housework getting done if you are the sole homemaker. If you take a part time job, you and your husband need to compromise the housework.
  • Question
    How do you be a house wife with a full-time job and 2 businesses?
    Community Answer
    A housewife is someone whose main job is taking care of the home and family. If you have a full-time job, your husband should be sharing equally in the home responsibilities. If he works fewer hours than you, he should be doing a larger share. If he doesn't have a job, then he is a house husband and should be doing it all.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm jealous of my husband for spending too much time with his sibling?
    Community Answer
    Be cool. Tell him about it. He'll laugh it off, and you'll be glad you told him.
  • Question
    I am a man - can a man be a housewife?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Anyone can be a housewife, you just need to have a consensus with your partner.
  • Question
    I'm married with 3 kids and have been a housewife our entire relationship. But he continues to talk to other women inappropriately and never tells anyone he is married. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    This is really demeaning and you deserve to be treated like a wife with your husband's respect. If he does such things, you can take certain steps to make him see that it matters to you enough to stop pleasing him. If you don't do things that make you happy and instead keep asking for his attention, he may ignore you more. You can work on your self-confidence by reading Get Self Confidence After a Husband Cheats , work on your husband to listen to you with Get Your Husband to Listen to You , leave him reading Leave a Cheating Husband You Love or forgive him with Forgive a Cheating Husband . What matters is if you both want to stay together. If yes, then you will have to act.
  • Question
    I find this article slightly sexist. It's all about keeping the man and children happy. Why not just divide the chores equally between the husband and the wife (or wife and wife etc.)?
    Community Answer
    Thanks for sharing your views. The steps in this article cater to what is asked in the title. If the role is reversed, like in Be a Good Husband , you will find steps for husbands. It is what the title demands that is mentioned, not how everyone should be in their married life.
  • Question
    How do I make it easy to share everything with my husband, and how can I get more time with him?
    Sandy Hogg
    Community Answer
    Make it a tradition in your house to sit down to dinner every night. If you have little ones, feed them earlier. Older children can eat with you. This is so important. If he eats breakfast at home, eat with him before you wake the kids. Also set aside some time each week that is just for you and him. If none of this is possible, you may need to have snuggle/talk time. Talk to your husband and let him know you'd love to spend a little time each day with him. Have a few strategies ready before talking to him. Men appreciate you thinking of how to solve a problem before presenting it to them.
  • Question
    I am a housewife, and I have a two-year-old child. I don't know how to manage my time. My husband and I often argue about it.
    Sandy Hogg
    Community Answer
    Do a little more as you get used to the schedule you have. That's the trick. Streamline your work, find the best ways, then add a bit more. Get rid of clutter in clothes, decorations, furniture, kitchenware and toys, so you have less to deal with. Establish habits that you'll do automatically. Use the stuff you do for pleasure as a reward for getting stuff done. For example, don't drink your first cup of coffee until the dishwasher is empty, the laundry is folded and the kitchen straightened up. Lunch comes after floors and meal prep for dinner. Afternoon YouTube isn't started until that laundry is put away and the daily chores are done. Things like that.
  • Question
    I am a very new housewife / homemaker. Should i get a monthly allowance? I hate asking for money.
    Sandy Hogg
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. You do so much for the family, things that allow your husband to relax when he gets home. You save the family so much money by doing things at home. You cut expenses by making meals, taking care of clothes so they don't need to be replaced, organizing your stuff so it can actually be used instead of repurchased, watching the kids after school, it all adds up. Sit down with your husband and figure out a budget, and include an allowance for you and him.
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