Q&A for How to Become a Buddhist Monk

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    How do Buddhist monks get their food?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Monks may get their food from their monastery, which will food donations or use monetary donations to buy food, though some Buddhist sects may require monks to get food by begging (alms).
  • Question
    Can a Buddhist monk get married?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Not usually, but it depends upon the sect. Buddhist monks and nuns can marry in Japan, as well as in certain sects of Tibetan Buddhism. American Buddhist sects based on Japanese schools like Zen may also allow monks and nuns to marry.
  • Question
    Can I be a Buddhist if I'm not a virgin?
    Community Answer
    Yes, virginity is not a factor.
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    Can I get a free book on Buddhism?
    Community Answer
    There are many free books about Buddhism. Check your local library, or search for PDF files online.
  • Question
    How a girl can become a monk?
    Community Answer
    Females can become nuns as the males become monks.
  • Question
    What age do I become a Buddhist monk?
    Community Answer
    Any age. It does'nt matter how old you are as long as you are devoted to endless service of devotion and compassion.
  • Question
    What are the categories of monks as far as ranking goes?
    Community Answer
    In the Thai forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism: 1. Anagarika (Postulant - can still own money, a homeless monastic but technically still a lay person, wearing white robes) - 6 months to 1 year - 8 precepts 2. Samanera (Novice - can't own money, officially not laity anymore, wearing orange robes) - 1 year - 10 precepts 3. Navaka Bhikkhu (New monk - fully ordained monk, dependent upon teacher for the duration of being a Navaka) - 5 years - 227 precepts 4. Majjhima Bhikkhu (Middle monk - like graduating, gets to travel, independent of teacher) - 5 years 5. Thera Bhikkhu (Elder monk - teacher, "Ajahn") - remainder of ordained life
  • Question
    How can I be a Buddhist monk in Bihar, India? I am depressed so much from my life.
    Pure Buddhism
    Community Answer
    Please do not use the reason of depression to become a monk. It requires a lot of sacrifices to become a Buddhist monk. Please contact a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka to get some advice.
  • Question
    Can a lady become a monk?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they are known as nuns; however, they usually do not interact with monks as much due to precepts.
  • Question
    Can a girl become a monk?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a girl can become a monk, but they have to follow slightly different rules.
  • Question
    How do I become a Buddhist monk in China?
    Community Answer
    Many Buddhist temples exist in China. Find one close to you, or, simply study by yourself with books and online teaching.
  • Question
    What time of the year can I become a Buddhist monk?
    Community Answer
    Any time year would be as good as any other.
  • Question
    How can I tell my religious family that I want to change religions?
    Community Answer
    Just tell them, and allow events to unfold as they may. If you still want to pursue this path after discussing it with your family, then continue onward. Your path is your own.
  • Question
    As a 26 year-old female, can I became a monk?
    Community Answer
    Women can only become nuns, not monks.
  • Question
    What if I want to have children?
    Community Answer
    Within the Zen tradition, it is possible for ordained monks to marry and have children.
  • Question
    Can I become a Buddhist monk while being a soldier?
    Community Answer
    No, you may not be a Buddhist monk while being a practicing soldier. Buddhists are strictly opposed to violence.
  • Question
    Can a Buddhist monk ever leave the monastic life?
    Community Answer
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    Can a married man become a Buddhist monk?
    Community Answer
    "The Buddhist view of marriage considers marriage an (exclusively) secular affair." Which means that married individuals cannot be monks.
  • Question
    I am married and have a son, but I want to leave it all behind and seek the truth as a monk. Is there any abbey that will help me?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to find an abbey that will allow you to come study with them, but think very carefully about that before making your decision. Leaving your spouse and son would be incredibly difficult on them, and you should decide if they will be able to cope with your sudden disappearance.
  • Question
    How can I become a monk in India?
    Community Answer
    There are hundreds of Buddhist temples in India. Look for one near you. When you think you have a strong enough faith, try joining.
  • Question
    Can I be a monk if I am married and have three children?
    Community Answer
    "The Buddhist view of marriage considers marriage an (exclusively) secular affair." Which means that married individuals cannot be monks. However, if a married man wants to have kids with his wife, it is possible within the Zen tradition.
  • Question
    What is the maximum age to become a monk?
    Community Answer
    There is no maximum age to becoming a monk.
  • Question
    Are tattoos (which are mostly Christian) a reason to be turned away from joining an abbey or monastery?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. You are going for a spiritual journey, what's written on your skin makes no difference.
  • Question
    Can I be a Buddhist monk and not live in the temple?
    Community Answer
    No, unless you become a zen Monk, you must live in the temple as your fellow monks become your family.
  • Question
    Does your head have to be shaved?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does.
  • Question
    How do I become a Buddhist monk in India?
    Community Answer
    There are hundreds of Buddhist temples in India and 9.2 million Buddhists. Look for a temple near you. When you think you're ready, try to join
  • Question
    Can I become a monk if I have lots of tattoos?
    Community Answer
    Yes, having tattoos won't prevent you from becoming a monk.
  • Question
    Can an elder monk have a romantic, but only platonic, relationship with a woman?
    Community Answer
    Your question is contradictory — "romantic" means the expression of love, and "platonic" means friendly.
  • Question
    I am 36. Can I become a monk?
    Community Answer
    Yes. In some countries, such as Myanmar, kids can be monks.
  • Question
    Are there any books on becoming a monk? It must be helpful for me
    Pure Buddhism
    Community Answer
    There are lot of books. However, you would be better to contact a Sri Lankan Buddhist temple to get more information
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