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Q&A for How to Become a Curmudgeon
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QuestionCan I be a Christian and a curmudgeon?Community AnswerSure. The "rules" of Christianity don't regulate what kind of personality you must have, you are free to be a curmudgeon if you like.
QuestionPsychologically speaking, what makes curmudgeons the way we are?David JoinerCommunity AnswerThere is no single answer to this question. People can be ill-tempered for any number of reasons, but a primary cause is environment, and an inability to effectively express yourself through communication. Being ill-tempered is often a by-product of frustration, and frustration often comes from not being able to understand or express something.
QuestionWhat is the opposite of a lovable curmudgeon?Community AnswerSomeone who can smilingly accept another's opinion without taking that opinion as a personal attack.
QuestionAre curmudgeons neck beards?Lavender_babylonCommunity AnswerNo, a curmudgeon is not the same thing as a neck beard. A curmudgeon usually means a grumpy old man.
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