Q&A for How to Care for a Hibiscus Plant

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    What causes yellowing leaves?
    Community Answer
    There are many potential causes. It may not be getting enough water, or there may be a fungus on the plant. You should also check the fertilizer levels.
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    The flowers on my hibiscus have reduced in size Can you tell me the possible reason for this?
    Community Answer
    First flowers can grow huge due to high nutrients. But with more blossoms nutrients get divided, so all flowers which bloom after may be small. You can fertilize with a natural phosphorus to provide more nutrients.
  • Question
    I planted a hibiscus plant this spring, and we are having extreme hot/dry conditions, which are unusual for our area. My plant looks very droopy by early afternoon. I don't want to over water it. How can I be sure I am caring for it correctly?
    john qu
    Community Answer
    First, water your plants plants more frequently. Also, If you have sandy soil, get some clay and mix it up with the dirt to improve ventilation.
  • Question
    Why do my plant's buds drops off before opening?
    Community Answer
    Because the plant does not have enough water or enough sunlight. I suggest moving the plant to where there is more sunlight or giving the plant more water.
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    Once a flower is dead, do I pinch it off the stem?
    Community Answer
    You can pinch spent blooms off of any plant to conserve energy. Once brown and shriveled, just pull them off.
  • Question
    Will a hibiscus plant die back in the winter and get new growth in the spring? My hibiscus looks dead right now, and I don't know if I should be doing something.
    Community Answer
    They are perennials, because they are viable year after year. Annuals are plants that grow, flower, and die in the space of one year. Of course, hibiscus are also tropical plants, so if you grow them in a northern area where winter temps fall below freezing, they will be killed by the cold and you will have to get new bushes every year - thus, you might think they are annuals.
  • Question
    What should I do about new growth at the base of the plant?
    Community Answer
    Prune it to get better foliage on the upper part of the plant. But before that, ensure that your hibiscus is thick enough (2 cm or more diameter).
  • Question
    What can I do if my hibiscus plant buds, but the flowers shrivel up?
    Community Answer
    When the faded flowers shrivel up, simply twist them off to promote more blooms.
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