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Q&A for How to Clean a Plasma TV Screen
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QuestionHow do you clean a plasma TV without streaks?Marcus is the owner of Maid Easy, a local residential cleaning company in Phoenix, Arizona. His cleaning roots date back to his grandmother who cleaned homes for valley residents in the 60’s through the 70’s. After working in tech for over a decade, he came back to the cleaning industry and opened Maid Easy to pass his family’s tried and true methods to home dwellers across the Phoenix Metro Area.Glass microfiber cloths help you avoid using liquid to clean your TV. The best way to clean fingerprints off a plasma TV is with a glass microfiber cloth. You can find them at home improvement stores and glass repair shops. It allows you to clean glass surfaces and remove fingerprints without using any liquid whatsoever.
QuestionHow can I clean Sharpie marker off my plasma screen?Community AnswerTrace over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker. It should wipe away with a clean cloth.
QuestionHow do I get fingerprints off a plasma TV if the soft cloth doesn't work?Community AnswerYou can dampen the cloth first, and that should do the trick.
QuestionI wiped my plasma screen with a microsoft cloth but it left marks. How do I get the marks off?Community AnswerDampen a soft, lint-free cloth in a weak detergent solution, preferably one intended for cleaning screens. Gently wipe the screen with it. Once you are done, wipe the screen again with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth.
QuestionHow can I get felt-tip marks out of my leather boots?Community AnswerYou should try using rubbing alcohol. If that doesn't work, try going over the mark with a dry erase marker and quickly wipe off both of them together.
QuestionHow do I get marks left by vinegar and water off the screen of my plasma TV?Noe HašekCommunity AnswerUse a microfiber cloth and gently dust and rub where the marks are. They should come off easily.
QuestionCan I use this method on LED TVs?Community AnswerWith LED TVs, just use a cloth with some water and you're fine. It works well, and you won't destroy your TV with chemicals.
QuestionDo I need to clean behind the glass screen on my plasma tv?Community AnswerNo, you don't need to.
QuestionI used a baby wipe to clean the screen and it stained. How can I fix it?Community AnswerUse a microfiber cloth and add a few drops of distilled water to it. And then take the damp cloth to wipe clean the stain off your screen.
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