Q&A for How to Deal With a Long Vacation Car Ride (Teens)

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    What are some recommendations for alleviating neck pain?
    Jason Myerson, DPT, DMT, OCS, FAAOMPT
    Physical Therapist & Certified Orthopedic Specialist
    Jason Myerson is a Physical Therapist and a Certified Orthopedic Specialist. He is affiliated with Performance Physical Therapy & Wellness with clinics located in Connecticut. He serves as adjunct faculty in the Physical Therapy Department at Quinnipiac University. Jason specializes in helping active people get back to hobbies, activities, and sports they love while utilizing an integrated approach to wellness. He holds an MA in Physical Therapy from Quinnipiac University and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from Arcadia University. He is Residency and Fellowship trained in Orthopedic Manual Therapy, achieved a Doctorate in Manual Therapy (DMT) and became a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT).
    Physical Therapist & Certified Orthopedic Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Doing a light workout helps increase blood flow into the neck tissue, which helps loosen it up. Try some gentle range of motion exercises and arm movements. When stretching your neck, make sure that it's always light and not medium or aggressive, because that could lead to more pain.
  • Question
    How do I make a back seat comfortable?
    Community Answer
    Try getting a travel neck pillow, or bring a pillow for your back to place against your seat while you're sitting during the long journey. Store bags and other items in the trunk if possible so you have plenty of leg room.
  • Question
    How can I watch a movie or Netflix without WiFi on a long car ride?
    Community Answer
    You ccould download a movie or episode before your trip, and then you'll have it in advance.
  • Question
    What if my parents take away my devices?
    Community Answer
    You could always read or take a nap. After that, you could have a conversation with the others in the car. Sometimes, even staring out of the window for a bit can kill 30 minutes.
  • Question
    What if I travel at two in the morning? I know I can sleep, but I just can't and it gets so boring. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Dim the brightness on your phone and watch a movie until you feel drowsy. If that doesn't work, put headphones in and listen to music that calms you enough to make you fall asleep.
  • Question
    What if I get car sick?
    Community Answer
    Try to sleep and don't eat much. Also focus on the horizon and, if that doesn't help. suck on a mint.
  • Question
    What if you're travelling in a truck and you don't have very much room?
    Community Answer
    You can still do most of the activities described here, you just might have to get creative about how you use your space. The best pastimes will be ones like reading, napping and talking that don't require you to move around very much. And, of course, be sure to take frequent stops so you can stretch your legs and get your blood flowing.
  • Question
    What should I do if I get really bad headaches, and can't use medication because I am a child?
    Community Answer
    Drink lots of water, try to rest, and ask your parents if you may use children's Tylenol.
  • Question
    How can I get wifi in the car?
    Community Answer
    Some cellular carriers have hotspot technology that can turn your cellular data into wifi. Watch out though, this can be expensive if you use a lot of data!
  • Question
    What do you do when you run out of things to do?
    Community Answer
    Do them again! Switch things up so that you don't spend too long performing the same activity. For instance, you could take a nap, then read for a while, then have a conversation with your friends or siblings. After that, listen to music for an hour or so and see if anybody wants to play a word game. There are all sorts of options!
  • Question
    Is watching movies or reading a book bad for my eyes when in a moving vehicle?
    Community Answer
    No, it's not but you may get motion sickness depending on you personally.
  • Question
    What happens if I crash?
    Community Answer
    You should stay calm and see if everyone is okay. Don’t go back to get things. Try and get far away from the accident, and call emergency services.
  • Question
    Won't I get car sick if I read a book?
    Community Answer
    Some people do get car sick if they read in the car, but other people can read in the car without issue.
  • Question
    If I plan to drive through the night, should I get lots of sleep the night before?
    Community Answer
    You can do that, or you stay up the night before and sleep during the day. This way you'll be fresh and well-rested for your night drive. Make sure to pull over if you get very tired, though.
  • Question
    What if I have to share the backseat with a younger sibling and she won't stop bugging me? No amount of music can drown her out and I just want some peace!
    Community Answer
    Just ask her nicely if she can give you some peace and quiet for a while. Try to find something quiet for her to do, like a show she can watch with headphones on, or something she can color, etc. If that doesn't work, ask your parents or whoever is driving for help.
  • Question
    What if no one in the car wants to play games?
    Community Answer
    Don't force them if they're not in the mood. If you keep trying to get them to play, they might get grumpy! Instead, text/email your friends, look out the window, play a game on your phone or tablet or computer, or imagine what your destination will be like and what you will do there. Sleeping is also a great way to pass the time!
  • Question
    How do I deal with my parents being irritating on a long vacation car ride?
    Community Answer
    If you're allowed to, listen to music with earbuds in. If not, tell your parents you're going to take a nap, and then either actually do that or pretend to. If they think you're sleeping, they won't bother you.
  • Question
    What if we all argue over who gets the best seat, which is in the boot, and my brother usually gets it?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    You could do something that makes it fair: such as flipping a coin or Rock Paper Scissors. Explain this to your parents, they should understand.
  • Question
    How do you survive a 16-hour drive as an 11 year-old with a baby brother whom you can't have conversation with and parents that are going to be busy most of the ride?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    Do things alone! Draw, read or listen to music. Maybe you could play little games with your little brother. Once you get bored, you can lie down for a nap.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a long car ride when I'm with a dog?
    Community Answer
    You can pet the dog, maybe play a game with it. Be careful though, some dogs can get car sick. Take plenty of breaks so you and your dog can get out and walk.
  • Question
    What if I have to pee really bad but no one will pull over to let me relieve myself?
    Community Answer
    Tell them it's an emergency and you're going to pee all over the interior of their car if they do not pull over. If you have an empty bottle, you could also try to pee in that.
  • Question
    What if I leave my medical stuff at home and there is not a hospital nearby?
    Community Answer
    Try to get some supplements along the way. Most municipalities have a pharmacy.
  • Question
    How can I talk to somone when there is only one person in the car?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    You can talk to someone digitally. Text or call friends and family! You can update them on what's going on. And you don't necessarily have to talk. You could do some things personally.
  • Question
    I have to sit in the middle of my car because my BFF is coming with us and my mom is sitting in the back also. It’s a 15 hour car ride and I have to be in the middle. What do I do?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    Ask if you can swap places with your friend/Mom. You can take turns sitting in the middle, but if they don't want to do that, ask to lean on them. Your Mom probably wouldn't mind, but make sure to ask first.
  • Question
    How do I take a long road trip with multiple children on a bus?
    Community Answer
    If you're in the mood, play some games with them! I Spy, What's My Number and Hangman are all examples of great games. Also, a lot of kids love to sing along with the radio. Maybe ask the bus driver to crank it up a bit and let the children have a bit of a party? If you really want some peace, unwind by listening to your own music - with earphones, of course. If you're not allowed a phone on the bus, don't worry - there are still plenty of options! Take a sketchbook and pencils, or a coloring book and markers. You can also enjoy the view, take a nap, and chat with others.
  • Question
    What do I do if my device runs out of battery on a long car ride and I can't charge it?
    Community Answer
    Bring a portable charger with you, or if you can't/didn't do that, read a book or magazine, talk to the people you're in the car with, or plan out what you're going to do when you get to your destination.
  • Question
    What happens if your siblings annoy you soooooo much that you want to scream but you're stuck in the car with them for 2 more days!?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    You may feel a tell tale, but with your siblings, you may find it doesn't matter! Tell your parents, and they will have to stop. Try not to retaliate, then they might get bored of it.
  • Question
    How should I listen to music if I don't want to pay for anything and I don't have WiFi? How do I get free music to download to a smaller device?
    Community Answer
    You can use Spotify and make a free playlist, then download it to your device. There are ads, but you don't have to pay anything. You can also use Amazon Prime Music.
  • Question
    What do I do if I forgot all of my activities at home and I can't fall asleep?
    Community Answer
    You can always make up a game. You could also talk to your friends or family, or if you are riding alone, you can turn on the radio and sing along.
  • Question
    What if I get bored of all of the things and I have already redone these?
    Maggie Hamilton
    Community Answer
    Talk. You can never run out of things to talk about! Talk with friends and family about life, funny moments or you could start inventing some games.
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