Q&A for How to Dress Like an Ancient Egyptian

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    My teacher said they didn't have eyeshadow back then.
    Community Answer
    They didn't have commercially produced eyeshadow like we do now, but they did use natural sources like plants and minerals to create pigments to use as makeup. Green pigment made from malachite was widely used as eyeshadow.
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    What if I don't have all this stuff?
    Community Answer
    You can make a lot of it yourself. The best place to start is in your own closet! See what you have that is white and gold. Thrift stores, dollar stores, and yard sales are good places to find jewelry. Look for anything gold in color, or large and triangular (pyramid shaped). You can also use poster board to make large cuff bracelets by painting or using crayons to draw designs. Glue on plastic "jewels" (if using crayons, the jewels won't stick very well to the crayon parts because of the wax). Make details with a black marker as seen in the illustrations. You can tape them closed once on your wrist. For the dress, you can use a large, oversized t-shirt with a belt at the waist.
  • Question
    Is there and easy way to do this as a project for school? Any tips?
    Community Answer
    To do this as a school art project is a great idea! You'll need fabric scraps, poster board, plastic jewels, and lots of gold-colored items for the jewelry and head dresses. For the costumes themselves, an economic way would be to use oversized white t-shirts cinched at the waist with belts. They can even be worn over pants or skirts.
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    How can I make a headdress?
    Community Answer
    For the headdress you can take a headband and add a homemade asp (snake), as seen in the illustrations, made out of poster board. The headband can be made of poster board as well. Cut a strip that fits around your head and tape it closed in the back.
  • Question
    How do I make a tunic? Can I use a sheet?
    Community Answer
    Yes! A bed sheet can be used as a tunic. Search up "ancient Egyptian tunic fold" and you will find a few images detailing the steps.
  • Question
    What if I have red hair?
    Community Answer
    That doesn't change anything, so you can just follow the same steps. If you really wanted your hair to be darker, you could wear a wig or use temporary dye.
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    How do I dress like an ancient Egyptian if my ears are not pierced?
    Community Answer
    Find clip-on earrings, or just follow the other steps and omit the earrings, they're not that important. People will still get the idea.
  • Question
    What if I don"t have any plain white dresses? Could I use a dress with details on it?
    taylor brewster
    Community Answer
    You could if you would like to, but you should use a plain white dress. You could also use a long white T-shirt costume, or even your mother's clothes! You can always see what's in the closet.
  • Question
    I’m doing this on a Barbie for a school project any tips?
    taylor brewster
    Community Answer
    You can still do the same steps too, but except smaller! You can search for'' Egyptian Barbie crafts"
  • Question
    How do I style my hair?
    Community Answer
    Ancient Egyptians had different hair styles: long, short, short with braids. You can search "ancient Egyptian hairstyles."
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    Can i use paint for the makeup? I have everything else but this! I'm not allowed to wear makeup.
    Community Answer
    Use face paint.
  • Question
    Where can I get all of these things?
    Community Answer
    You can use belts, old fabric and ribbon. Look for them, too, in local stores. Check your closet. You never know what you can find!
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    What can you do if you only have a silver bracelet?
    Community Answer
    Silver can work too. If you have any other silver jewellery, you can style it up with those too.
  • Question
    Is a black tunic fine too?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that would look Egyptian with the right accessories. Accessorize based on the class you are dressing as.
  • Question
    What were the materials used to make actual ancient Egyptian clothing?
    Lemons n' Limes
    Community Answer
    Ancient Egyptians used to make their clothing out of linen. But it probably isn't the same way we have linen today.
  • Question
    What if I can't wear make up?
    Tarun Kumar CS
    Community Answer
    Many women of lower class in Ancient Egypt did not wear make-up. But, if you are cosplaying as a person of a higher class, such as a Pharaoh, then try materials that are not reactive to your skin. If modern day makeup does not suit you, make pigments from natural materials which you can use.
  • Question
    How can I make an Egyptian necklace?
    Community Answer
    You could use some cardboard, gold and brown acrylic paint, and two large gems of any color. Cut the cardboard into a rounded triangle shape with a slit in the back and make sure there is no cardboard in the middle! Now get to painting. You can easily stick the gem on if it has a sticker back or use some white school glue.
  • Question
    Can a girl wear boy's clothing when dressing like an ancient Egyptian?
    Community Answer
    Yes, sure you can! It shouldn’t make a difference, both costumes would be really cool.
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