Q&A for How to Find Unique Names for Your Characters

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    Can I name a character after objects?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You can even make it so that their name takes on a special meaning to the character. For instance, if a character always sat around like a duck, you could name him Drake.
  • Question
    How do I pick unique Greek names for a story?
    Community Answer
    Behind The Name is a great website where you can search names that originated from different countries.
  • Question
    How do I come up with a name for a new species of animal or human?
    Community Answer
    Try mixing two names of rare or extinct animals so that no one will have heard it before.
  • Question
    How can I name a city or a world?
    Community Answer
    Try combining two city or country names. You could also make an anagram or add a different suffix/prefix onto an existing name.
  • Question
    Are we allowed to use the examples in this as names?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you don't use the last name, if there was one, and you remember to still make your character unique.
  • Question
    How do I create a unique name for my story book character?
    Community Answer
    Consider every part in the story you are trying to make. Often times, authors, such as John Steinbeck, will give names with special meaning to their characters. However, be sure that the name you choose fits the character and the setting of the story.
  • Question
    What if the name I choose is too weird?
    Community Answer
    No name is too unusual. There could be many reasons behind a name, like if someone's parents were video game enthusiasts or love the Terminator movies so much that they named someone after one of the characters. Though if the parents are just normal people, try to look for unused names that would be considered normal (for example, Jezebel, Magnus). If you want something totally different, try translating a few words in a language like Greek or Latin. Several names come from these languages and cultures. For example, Coriolanus Snow, Cinna, etc.
  • Question
    Can I use the names of people I have met?
    Community Answer
    If it were kinda a random person and you don't use the last name, then yes. Friends or more personal people to you should be asked first.
  • Question
    What if I keep wanting to change the name?
    Community Answer
    Try to pick the best one, or ask a friend or family member to decide for you. If you still can't decide, roll a die or flip a coin. You could also have more characters that the extra names go to. Another option would be to combine the names you like the best, or have the character switch names somewhere in the story (the how and why are up to you).
  • Question
    Can I use a male name for a female character? For example, could I have a girl named Russell or Ernest?
    Community Answer
    Sure. It might be a good idea to explain why she has that name, though. Maybe she was named after her father, or another male relative? It should have some kind of relevance to the story.
  • Question
    How could I create my own meanings for the names?
    Community Answer
    Well, it depends. For example, I used a name that incorporates one of the things that my character will do in the future. My character's middle names are all adjectives that describes them the best. Use your creativity.
  • Question
    Would the surname Patience be acceptable for a modern story?
    Community Answer
    Yes; it could certainly work for a character in a modern setting.
  • Question
    What would be a good Greek name for a character?
    Community Answer
    Something like Xanthia, Argos (quick/argentum means silver in Latin), Hudria (water jug), Kala (pretty) would be good. Or maybe a name from a Greek myth.
  • Question
    What if I made up a name that I think is great, but I'm afraid other people will think it's dumb?
    Community Answer
    Do what you think is best. If you like the name and others say it's dumb, just ignore them it is your character not theirs.
  • Question
    I want to name a character using an anagram for the word "tear" (as in when we cry). Any good suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Tear is an awfully short word to make an anagram for, but some examples I like more than the others are Reta, Trea, Erat, and Aret. You could also try adding in extra letters to spice up the name a bit, e.g. Errat, Treia, Aretta, etc. Some other ways of doing this could be searching up names that mean tear, sadness, or something like that, or try lengthening the phrase you want an anagram from, e.g. "joyful tears," "sad tears," etc.
  • Question
    Would it be useful to translate a word corresponding with the character in multiple languages?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could go into different languages and put them through a few translations and it could mean something deep about the character.
  • Question
    My character is a female half-elf. She has short dark brown hair and blue-gray eyes. She wears loose, torn up clothes and is a werewolf. I can't decide between these names: Rune or Freki?
    Community Answer
    Both are great choices, but I would suggest Rune. It is easier for the reader to remember and pronounce.
  • Question
    What if I like a name, but find out it belongs to a famous person?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter if it belongs to a famous person or not. Many celebrities have unique names, but that doesn't mean you can't use one.
  • Question
    What do you all think of the names Oliver Stevens and Evan Lakeshore? Oliver is a baseball player and ordinary guy, Evan is a loner who can use magic.
    Community Answer
    It seems to suit their personalities, especially "Lakeshore" for Evan. I'd use them if I were you.
  • Question
    Can I choose a normal name for a fantasy character?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Think about Harry Potter. Harry, Ron, and most of the other names are completely normal. Same with Percy Jackson.
  • Question
    What would be a good Latin name for a character?
    Community Answer
    Good Latin names for characters include: Adrinanna, Aggrippa , Naamah, and Lachlan.
  • Question
    How can I name a character after one in a well-known book series without it being obvious?
    Community Answer
    If you are just using the first name or last name it should be okay. If you want to use the whole name, try changing the surname a little. Let's say you wanted to name your character after Harry Potter: you could name him Henry Potter or Harry Potts.
  • Question
    Is Syra Knight a good name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is a good name, as long as it hasn't been used anywhere else yet.
  • Question
    What if I don't like my names but they are the best I can think of?
    Community Answer
    Keep thinking and don't settle for less than the best. Check baby name lists of the most popular baby names (make sure the year is the year the character was born). Names take a while, but be patient.
  • Question
    What names are good for a character who is an African-American teen girl, a little moody, not into school and studying, stuck to her cell phone, but is good inside and thinks about everyone?
    Community Answer
    I like Zoe or Ash. I think Ash is a cool name that totally makes sense with the personality you described.
  • Question
    Can I use a name that copies another book character's name, but explain that their parents loved the book, and chose to name their child after that character?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, I have read books featuring characters named for other fictional characters.
  • Question
    Is Cetus X a good name for a blue wolf?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's a perfect name for a wolf. It sounds cool and dark, especially with the X at the end.
  • Question
    Is Aoi Amano a good name for an anime girl character with blue hair, a sweet and fierce personality?
    Community Answer
    According to background references of anime, Aoi Amano works well. As long as the name relates to action, and coordinates with their background and features of family ancestry, it will work.
  • Question
    What is a good villain name for my book?
    Community Answer
    Villain names are often dark and sinister sounding (i.e. "Voldemort," "Jafar," and "Ursula"), so try to make it sound scary and unique. Something like maybe "Malgoroth" or "Deltharos"? "Kentozelf" might work, too. If you want, you could make their name have evil connotations, like "Maleficent" ("Mal" is the root word for "evil").
  • Question
    What names are good for a modern girl who was born in the 90s?
    Community Answer
    Try looking up popular girl names from the year your character was born in. There are tons of websites listing popular names from specific years and time periods!
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