Q&A for How to Get Tushita Blox Fruits

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    Where are the torch landmarks for Tushita in Blox Fruits?
    Community Answer
    1) Get to the first arc u see with a hole to the left. Just follow the walkway when u spawn there then curve to the right you'll see it there. 2) From the first torch turn to the left and find it behind the small first arch you see. 3) As you face the second torch, move forward, and curve to the left, you'll see some pineapple houses. Enter the top-most pineapple house next to the tree with purple mushrooms next to it. 4) You'll need to go to the myth pirates shipwreck. 5) Go to Forest Pirate and search around the house with a red roof.
  • Question
    If I'm level 1655 can I get Tushita?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you can get Tushita at any level as long as you are in third sea and the level requirement to get to third sea is 1500.
  • Question
    How to start the puzzle?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    First, spawn the Indra boss then go to Hydra Island, underneath the map in the fountain and go up to the top of the first right fountain there is a secret room. There is a portal there which you can enter. After that is the torch lighting.
  • Question
    Can you really light 5 torches in 5 mins?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is really easy with a proper build you can do it within 3 - 4 minutes.
  • Question
    Can someone help me? My user name is Chipshako2013.
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    If you want you can reach people in Discord servers to help you out because this might not be the best place for quick responses
  • Question
    Does Koopkul friend his subscribers?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    He might if you are lucky but mostly not he only friends his YouTube friends, Discord mods and his crew-mates.
  • Question
    Is there a drop chance or is it always 100 percent drop rate for the sword?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    It is a 100% drop rate for the Tushita boss so you just need to kill him once.
  • Question
    What level is needed to finish the torch puzzle?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    There is not level cap for the Tushita quest you can do it at any level. You just need to be in the third sea.
  • Question
    Is this possible to do on private server?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you can do this in a private or public server which ever is feasible for you.
  • Question
    What happens when the five minutes are done and you haven't completed the quest?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    The quest would stop and you would lose all your progress if the Indra boss is still alive you can restart the quest but if he is dead you need to spawn him in again and restart.
  • Question
    Whats the best fruit for killing long ma?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    Any fruit will be good, but long ma regenerates his heath quickly if not damaged, so a good aoe (area of effect) fruit like the budha, magma or blizzard fruit will be good, but with skill, any fruit is good.
  • Question
    Can you glitch in Longma hideout?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    You can glitch in his hideout but if you have not done the puzzle you will not be able to damage him.
  • Question
    How do you light the torches?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    To light the torches, you need to hold the torch in your hand and just walk up to the torches in front of you. Make sure you do it in order.
  • Question
    How do you light a car on fi-, I mean, the torch on fire?
    Noodle Worthy
    Top Answerer
    Nice joke. Anyways as you enter the portal, you get a lit torch in your inventory so you don't need to do any additional work.
  • Question
    If rip_indra dies during the torch lighting, can I continue the quest?
    Community Answer
    Yes, once you go through the glowing door on Hydra Island, rip_indra is no longer relevant to the quest. However, be quick because if you fail the torch lighting, you will have to re-summon rip_indra.
  • Question
    Do I need to kill Longma within 5 minutes of lighting the torches, or can I do it later?
    Community Answer
    You can kill Longma anytime after the 5 torches are lit, and it's one of the best ways to gain mastery on items.
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