Q&A for How to Make a Prank Call and Not Be Caught

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    If I prank-called someone and told them that their breath stank or told them that they need to take a wash would that result in the police tracing the number?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Probably not. That type of call is very silly and obviously a prank—plus, most people wouldn't call the police because a random stranger told them they smelled bad.
  • Question
    Is it legal to make prank phone calls in the first place?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    It ultimately depends on the type of prank you're placing and the mood of the person you're pranking. Some prank calls could be considered harassment or disorderly conduct, which is banned in many different states and regions. You can also get in legal trouble if you record a call without the other person's permission (in certain states).
  • Question
    How can someone use my phone number to place a prank call to someone else?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Some prank-calling services let pranksters choose a phone number to spoof when the call gets placed. If someone types in your phone number, the app will make it look like you are placing the prank call.
  • Question
    How do I prank call someone I know that has my phone number in their phone?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Use a specialty prank-calling app! These apps can deliver a pre-recorded prank call to your friend while spoofing/hiding your number on caller ID. You can also type *67 before their number, which blocks prevents your caller ID from showing up.
  • Question
    Can I get caught using a fake phone number that looks like someone else?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Spoofed phone numbers can still be traced, but it takes a lot longer. Depending on the situation, the cops might not feel like going to the trouble of tracing and tracking you down—but don't bank on this if you're planning on prank-calling someone!
  • Question
    If I prank-called a restaurant and blew an air horn down the phone and then a fart noise would that be harmless?
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    That's not a great idea. While the prank itself is harmless, that type of call is rude and disruptive to the person answering the phone. Depending on their mood, they might report the call to the local police.
  • Question
    I prank called someone's mum and told them their son has been shoplifting at the local, but acting as the local; the mum called the police because she thought he actually had. On social media, they were posting that the police were going to track the number. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Maybe try apologizing, saying that you truly are sorry, and that you promise to never do anything like that again. It would be best to just call the police and tell them that it was a prank call and you didn't realize it would be taken so seriously. And in the future, never 'prank call' people about serious things like this.
  • Question
    What if the person uses the *69 code to call me right back and they say they're going to call police?
    Community Answer
    In the future, use the *67 code before you dial their number and they can't *69 you themselves. However, if they are upset enough they can report it to the police and you can be traced through the phone company. Many people threaten to call the police but they never do. Apologize to them profusely if this does happen to you, and ask that they don't call the police. If they do anyway, it's possible that you'll be contacted by the police or they will show up at your house. Whether you will get in trouble depends on what you were saying during the prank call and the nature of the prank.
  • Question
    It is important to change your voice during a prank call?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to, although it might be fun to do play around with voices. If you are prank calling someone you know, you should change it so that they won't recognize your voice. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want.
  • Question
    How do you do use the *67 code?
    Community Answer
    Before you dial their phone number, punch in the *67 code. Right after you punch in *67, dial their number.
  • Question
    What if you don't have a cell phone and plan to use a house phone to make prank calls?
    Community Answer
    Dial *67 before making the call from your house phone. Using this code will keep your phone number from appearing on a caller ID display. This code works best when you are making one harmless prank call from a cell phone or home phone. The protection that *67 provides can be destroyed pretty quickly if it needs to be. This code is fairly useless if the police get involved because they can bypass that code easily to get your information. Otherwise, you're good!
  • Question
    Should I do anything differently if I live in Canada?
    Community Answer
    Everything should be the same in Canada, including the use of the *67 code to block your number from appearing in someone's caller ID display.
  • Question
    Does this apply to people in England?
    Community Answer
    You need to put 141 instead of *67 in UK.
  • Question
    Can I be traced off *67? And will *67 work on the same number twice?
    Community Answer
    The person receiving this call won't be able to see your number, but police are capable of tracking it if you try to pull off a serious prank. And yes, *67 will work on the same number twice but it is easier to track and the person on the other end may recognize you, so it is not recommended.
  • Question
    Would you say it's safe to prank call a place like McDonalds or Taco Bell, etc.?
    Community Answer
    It should be. I have seen many YouTube videos of this and they don’t get in trouble. It should be harmless as long as you don’t threaten anyone.
  • Question
    What if I call across the country, but don't use *67?
    Taha Zaman
    Community Answer
    The call will be traced if you don't use *67. You must dial *67 before dialing the number so the call can't be traced. It doesn't matter where you're calling.
  • Question
    Does *67 only work on an iPhone, or will it work on a Samsung Galaxy A6?
    Community Answer
    *67 works with any phone in the U.S. It will work if you are using an iPhone, Samsung, landline, etc.
  • Question
    Does *67 work in all countries?
    Community Answer
    It will work in North America. For codes in other regions, search "cell phone block code" and the country in Google.
  • Question
    Will it be obvious if I prank call family and friends?
    Community Answer
    Yes, for your family at least. For your friends, as long as you use *67 and disguise your voice, you'll probably be fine.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm going to be arrested for a prank call?
    Community Answer
    It's extremely unlikely you're going to be arrested for a prank call, unless you called in a bomb threat or otherwise directly threatened to harm someone. If you did not do one of these things, at worst, you will probably have to pay a fine. Simply apologize for what you did and promise never to do it again. They may go easy on you.
  • Question
    Can I record it if I don't plan to share it anywhere?
    Community Answer
    It isn't recommended. If it is a call that could get you into trouble, the police could find it on your cloud. Besides, anyone who can get their hands on your phone would be able to hear it.
  • Question
    Does this method work in Israel?
    Community Answer
    No, the code is different in different places and the code is *43 in Israel.
  • Question
    What type of phone can I use to make prank calls so I'm not caught?
    Community Answer
    Use a burner phone or download an app to generate a fake number.
  • Question
    Can someone trace my voice via the mobile network using my SIM card?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can be traced by your SIM card. Even if you take your SIM card out, you can be traced by your GPS location and your phone's IP address.
  • Question
    Is it the same in Australia?
    Community Answer
    Yes, except you'd need to punch in #31# before the number you're pranking. Otherwise, it's the same.
  • Question
    Is it important to use the *67 code when making prank calls?
    Community Answer
    *67 is important if you want to call someone that has your number saved so *67 makes the phone number and caller ID not show up, so they can’t figure out it is you.
  • Question
    Can I prank call someone I don't know without the code *67? Will I get caught if I don't use it?
    Community Answer
    If you don't use *67, they will be able to see your phone number if they have caller ID, which means yes, you could get caught. They might call you back, or they might call the police and report your number.
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