How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Prepare for Each School Day
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QuestionWhat's the best way to study and do homework before school each day?Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine.Try to spend 20 minutes studying each subject at night. That way you won't have to cram for your exams later on. Also, make sure you do all of your homework every night so you don't miss assignments or turn them in late.
QuestionBecause I'm super lazy (I'm 12), my mom makes my lunch in the morning whilst I get ready so the food is a little fresher. Is that fine?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou certainly shouldn't consider it "super lazy" that your mom makes your lunch for you in the morning. If she's happy to do it for you, there's nothing wrong with that! As you get older, you might decide that you no longer want your mom to make your lunch for you, and that's okay too. Just make sure to tell her regularly that you appreciate the things she does for you.
QuestionIs it a problem if I don't get 8-10 hours of sleep because I go to bed late?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerExperts recommend that teenagers get 8-10 hours of sleep each night for optimal health. Some can get by with less, but this isn't as common as other teenagers would like for you to believe. Perhaps you could try an experiment: Monitor your energy and mood for a week while maintaining your usual sleep schedule. Then, try to go to bed a little earlier the next week, so that you're getting at least 8 hours of sleep. Monitor your energy and mood each day. If you found you had more energy and a better mood during the second week, then you should make getting more sleep a priority. But if there's no real difference, then maybe it's not a big issue for you.
QuestionWhat if it is an online school?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou don't have to do as much to prepare for online school each day as you would if you were going to school in person, but you still want to make sure you're ready and have everything you need so you don't have to hunt for it. Just do the things that you need to do and skip the ones that don't apply to your situation.
QuestionShould I use routine and checklist apps on my phone to help me get ready?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerAbsolutely—if smartphone apps work for you, go for it! There are plenty of apps that are free and will help you set reminders so you don't forget to do anything. Routine and checklist apps can be a really good way to organize yourself.
QuestionHow do I get ready early without waking up the rest of my family ?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you have to get ready and go to school before the rest of your family gets up, it can be tricky! Try to get as much as possible done the night before, that way you don't have as much to do in the morning. You might even make yourself something for breakfast that you can eat cold, such as yogurt and fruit, so you're not doing things in the kitchen.
QuestionWhat if you don't have enough time to prepare things the day before?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe point of getting things ready the night before is so you have less to do in the morning. But if you don't have enough time in the evening to get done what you need to, it might be that your only option is to get up a little earlier in the morning and take care of it then. You might also figure out what you could do on a weekly basis. For example, you could lay out your clothes for the entire week on Sunday. You could also prep lunches for the week and just keep them in the fridge. That gives you less to do on a daily basis.
QuestionHow do I keep things in an orderly manner?Charlie PollockCommunity AnswerOrganization and routine are very important if you want to keep things on the right track. One way to keep a routine going is to write it down as if it's a set of instructions and follow your steps every day until you know them by heart; this will help you to keep things in an orderly manner. An idea for a morning routine could be: Get up at 6:45 a.m. Get a shower and get dressed. Eat breakfast. Brush teeth. Pack bag. Leave for school at 8:30 a.m.
QuestionHow much sleep do I need if I am a preteen?Charlie PollockCommunity AnswerTeens and preteens need 8 - 10 hours of sleep each night. If you go to bed at 9:30 PM and get up at 7:00 AM, then you can get at least 9 hours of sleep.
QuestionHow should I organize my things when I prepare for each school day?Community AnswerTry to make sure your work for each subject is organized. For example, keep all French work together, all English work together and all math work together.
QuestionHow do I not forget my homework when preparing for each school day?Charlie PollockCommunity AnswerLeave your homework next to your bag, so you won't forget it in the morning. Or, just put it in your bag the night before.
QuestionWhat facial routine should I use as a teenager preparing for school?Community AnswerUse a facial cleanser and moisturizer designed for your skin type. You might also want to exfoliate once a week.
QuestionHow should I pack my books if I have too many to carry each day, both because of the number of books and the weight?Community AnswerTake an extra bag too and split the load. This will even out the weight, making it easier to carry.
QuestionHow should a student do if they want to get to school early and want to excel academically?Community AnswerGet extra sleep, that way you can wake up earlier and get to school sooner. Also, your brain will be fully rested.
QuestionHow long do I need to study when preparing for each school day?Community AnswerNot more than an hour, you still have to do other stuff in order to prepare for school.
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