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Q&A for How to Say Good Morning in French
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QuestionHow do I say "Hello, my name is ____" and "I am ____ years old?"Community Answer"Bonjour, je m'appelle ____" and "J'ai __ ans."
QuestionHow do I say "thank you" in French?Community Answer"Merci."
QuestionHow do I say, "How are you?"Dodo47Top AnswererSay, "ça va?" or "comment ça va?"
QuestionHow do I say "How was your night?" in French?Leo BoivinCommunity AnswerYou can answer in many ways. "As-tu bien dormi" would mean, "Have you slept well?" You could also say, "As-tu passé une bonne nuit?" which means, "Have you had a good night?"
QuestionHow do I say "I love you very much, Mark" in French?Community AnswerLiterally: "Mark, je t'aime beaucoup"; or, "Mark, je t'aime de tout mon coeur," which means "I love you with all my heart."
QuestionHow do I say: How are you this morning?Community AnswerFormally, or to a group of people: Comment allez-vous ce matin? (C'mon talley voo seh mahtan), The T is pronounced because the next word starts with a vowel, though is usually not pronounced otherwise. Informally, it is: Comment vas-tu ce matin? C'mon vah too seh mahtan? The N is not pronounced. Very informally to friends and family: Ca va ce matin? Suh vah seh mahtan? It is not always necessary to state whether it is morning or afternoon as the question is usually taken as the present time of day.
QuestionWhat is the easiest way to learn French?Community AnswerStart with or a French class. From there you can try listening to French songs, watching French TV or movies with subtitles, read a book in French, or go to France.
QuestionHow do I ask "Where are the toilets" in French?Community AnswerOù sont les toilettes? (Pronounced... ou sont le twaalets -- ou sounding like the "ou" in through".)
QuestionHow do I say "Good day, my darling"?Dodo47Top AnswererYou can say "Bonjour (hello), ma chérie" or "Passe une bonne journée (have a good day), ma cherie".
QuestionHow do I greet my father in the morning?Community Answer"Bonjour, papa." (Good morning, dad.) or "Bonjour, pére." (Good morning, father.)
QuestionHow do I say "tomorrow"?Dodo47Top AnswererYou say "demain."
QuestionHow do I say "how was breakfast?"Community Answer"Comment était le petit-déjeuner?"
QuestionHow do I say good afternoon?Community AnswerThe most common way to say "Good afternoon!" is "Bon après-midi!" Since "bon" means "good" and "après-midi" means afternoon, putting them together would result in "Bon après-midi"
QuestionHow do I say "Let's go to France"?Community AnswerYou would say, "On y va en France."
QuestionHow do I ask "Is it hot"?Community AnswerYou can ask, "Est-ce que il fait chaud?" or simply, "Il fait chaud?"
QuestionHow do I say "weekend" in French?Community AnswerThe French and English word for this are the same - "weekend."
QuestionHow do I say "I am fine, thank you" in French?Community Answer“Je suis bien, merci.” Or “Je vais bien, merci.” If you want to be more informal, say “ça va”.
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