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Q&A for How to Understand LGBT+ Terminology
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QuestionI like both genders but I like girls a bit more. Am I still bi?Community AnswerDefinitely! You could be bisexual with just a more female preference. This is totally normal!
QuestionI don't feel like I have a gender, and I'm into both genders, but I rarely want to have sex with anyone except for people I've known for a while. Is this weird?Community AnswerI'd identify you as an agender, biromantic, demisexual person. Agender means without gender, biromantic is feeling romantic (not sexual) attraction toward both genders, and demisexual is only feeling sexual attraction to someone whom you share a strong emotional bond/connection with. This is not weird, and you're not alone.
QuestionI'm a girl and I'm attracted to both genders. But, I'm not sexually attracted to guys. What am I?Community AnswerYou might be a biromantic homosexual. Study the difference between romantic orientation and sexual orientation, and see which terms fit.
QuestionI don't like either gender, romantically or sexually. I don't love anyone except for family and friends. What does this mean?Community AnswerIn that case, you would be aromantic and asexual.
QuestionI like both genders, but not sexually, would that count as asexual?Community AnswerYes, it would. Also, since you are romantically attracted to both sexes, you would be considered biromantic asexual.
QuestionI like "boy" clothes and sometimes I want to be a boy. Am I agender?Community AnswerYou might be genderfluid or a demiboy. Research the different types of genders, and see which words fit best for you. The LGBTQIA community can help you figure out who you are.
QuestionI'm a girl. I like men, but I also like women, or at times don't event care the person's gender if I'm attracted to them. What is my sexuality?Community AnswerMost likely, pansexual (attraction regardless of gender). Read a bit about it and see if it fits you. Otherwise, you may identify as bisexual (attracted to same and other genders).
QuestionWhat can I do if my friends or family don't believe me when I come out as aromantic/asexual at my age?Luna RoseTop AnswererAs someone who is also aromantic and asexual, I can relate to your situation. It's common for sexual and romantic orientations to become clearer during your preteen years, so you likely have a good understanding of yourself. While some people might not immediately accept or understand, it's important to be true to yourself. It might take time for your parents to accept your identity, so consider coming out gradually. Seek support and community from those who understand and validate your experience.
QuestionI'm a male that wants to be female, but am still attracted to girls. What is the term for this?Community AnswerYou are a trans girl/woman, who is gay (or bi/pan, if you like guys too). This is completely normal. Remember, your real gender is the one in your heart, not what's between your legs.
QuestionWhat is the word for when society doesn't like trangender people? For example there's a word for when society is racist for sexist, what about for transgender people?Community Answer"Transphobia" has been used in the past, although it is controversial because "phobia" suggests an anxiety disorder, when anti-trans hate is a choice, not a disability. Cissexism, "anti-trans discrimination," or something similar may work better.
QuestionI like girls and I am a girl, but I don't want to have sex. Is there a term for this?Community AnswerYes, homoromantic asexual. This is perfectly normal.
QuestionWhat do I call a niece that has just come out as agender?Community AnswerThe gender-neutral term is "nibling." If they don't like that, just use their name and/or say "my brother/sister's child."
QuestionWhat is it called when a girl mostly likes guys but also likes girls? Would this still be considered bisexual?Community AnswerYes. She might be a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey Scale. She might call herself bisexual, pansexual, or "heteroflexible" (a more casual term).
QuestionDo I have to identify as a sexual orientation?Ashleigh WamplerCommunity AnswerYou don't have to, but if you're the type of person who doesn't care about gender, you may be pansexual.
QuestionCan I be bi curious? And if so, how do I know for sure?Community AnswerIt's possible to be bi curious, which is more commonly referred to as "questioning." Only time and experience will tell. Try casually dating, and see what happens. (Be careful not to lead people on, if they want more than you do.) Be patient with yourself, and see what you discover.
QuestionI was born male, but I love to dress up and be female. I am also attracted to both men and women. What am I?PearlescentCommunity AnswerI would say that you are bisexual, because you like partners of both genders. If you like to be female, as in asking to be called by female pronouns regularly, but you also identify as male sometimes, I'd say you're also gender-fluid.
QuestionI am a girl. I like guys, but I am attracted to some girls. What does this mean?Community AnswerYou may be either bisexual (this means you are attracted to both genders) or pansexual (which means you aren't attracted to genders but are attracted to people for being people). Both are ok!
QuestionHas science proved that Androgyne is a thing? I feel both but I don't know if I'm over thinking or feeling it.Community AnswerIdentity is more about feelings than it is about data, so you don't need to rely on science when looking for words that describe your identity. If you think Androgyne fits, then use it! Try reading more from the LGBTQIA community to find others like you and learn about your identity. Defining your gender is a journey, so don't be afraid to learn and experiment.
QuestionWhat if I like boy's clothes, and sometimes I feel like a boy, sometimes like a girl, and I'm attracted to boys and girls?Community AnswerYour identity may be "genderfluid" or "genderqueer," your sexuality pansexual, bisexual, or queer. Reach out to the nonbinary community, hear their stories, and see what you relate to
QuestionI realize I am heteromantic bisexual because I am sexually aroused by both men and women but if sexually I prefer the same sex then what would that be? Is there a term for a bisexual that prefers one sex over the other?Community AnswerLook up the Kinsey Scale. You might be a 4 or 5 on it.
QuestionI don't know whether to be a male or female, and I want to be both. Is there a term for this, or am I just strange?Community AnswerThis could be bigender or nonbinary, where you associate as both, or don't fit into either gender and are just you. This is quite common and is a perfectly legitimate gender identity.
QuestionIf you're straight and asexual, what is that called?Community AnswerHeteromantic asexual. Because of asexuality, most people wouldn't consider you completely "straight," and you are part of the LGBT+ community.
QuestionI'm a girl, and sometimes I'll see another girl and think "They're hot." Same thing with guys, but I'm not really sure about the whole sex thing. It just sounds kind of gross and not fun. What am I?Community AnswerThis may just be because of your age. People mature at different times sexually, and it's not unusual to not be interested in sex as a teen/young adult. That being said, you could also be asexual, or biromantic asexual, depending on whether or not you're interested in relationships/dating.
QuestionI like girls romantically, but not sexually. (I'm female.) I have no attraction to guys. Does that make me gay or asexual?Community AnswerHomoromantic asexual would probably be the most accurate term, but you should feel free to identify in whatever way makes you most comfortable.
QuestionI'm a girl, I identify myself as bisexual, but I'm more attracted to women than I am men. Am I identifying myself incorrectly?Ashleigh WamplerCommunity AnswerNo. Bisexuality is different for many people. Some people lean more towards women, and others towards men. Some don't even have a preference. It's different based on the person.
QuestionI am sexually attracted to both men and women. What am I?Community AnswerBisexual or pansexual. Read about both, and see which term is a better fit.
QuestionI'm not sure what gender I am. My pronouns are she/they. What gender am I?Community AnswerDo some research on different gender identities and see what feels right to you. It's not possible for someone to tell you what your gender is by pronouns alone.
QuestionWhat is the difference between sexually attracted and romantically attracted?Community AnswerSexual attraction means that you want to have sex with someone. Romantic attraction means that you are interested in being in a relationship with that person and sharing your time with them.
QuestionI'm sure I'm agender, but my gender presentation changes (sometimes I present as feminine, sometimes masculine, and sometimes androgynous). What am I?Community AnswerIf you feel like you are sometimes a girl, sometimes a boy, sometimes neither, you would be genderfluid. If you only present as different genders, but never actually identify as male or female, you are agender, or more generally just nonbinary.
QuestionLegally, I'm a guy, but I don't want to be. I also don't want to be a girl, but I'm attracted to girls. What am I?Community AnswerYou could be non-binary, which is an umbrella term that describes any gender identity that is not male or female. As for liking girls, you could call yourself "womasexual" or "gynesexual." These are terms for being attracted to women that are not dependent on your gender, as "lesbian" or "heterosexual" would be.
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