Q&A for How to Win at Arm Wrestling

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    How can you build arm muscle without lifting weights?
    Alex Robles, MD, NASM
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Dr. Alex Robles is a Physician, Certified Personal Trainer, and the Founder of the White Coat Trainer. Dr. Robles specializes in helping busy professionals get strong, build muscle, and lose fat. He holds a BS in Biology and an MD from Cornell University. He completed his OB/GYN Residency at New York Presbyterian Cornell. Dr. Robles is also a NASM Certified Personal Trainer.
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Try an exercise like the horizontal push—this includes the push-up and all kinds of push-up variations. It's all about training the muscles in the anterior upper torso, which includes your chest, triceps and shoulders. You can also try a vertical push, which primarily targets the shoulder and triceps muscles. For this exercise, get in a push-up position, walk your hands back towards your feet, and do a push-up by bringing your forehead down towards the ground.
  • Question
    What exercises can I do to strengthen my arms?
    Alex Robles, MD, NASM
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Dr. Alex Robles is a Physician, Certified Personal Trainer, and the Founder of the White Coat Trainer. Dr. Robles specializes in helping busy professionals get strong, build muscle, and lose fat. He holds a BS in Biology and an MD from Cornell University. He completed his OB/GYN Residency at New York Presbyterian Cornell. Dr. Robles is also a NASM Certified Personal Trainer.
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Mix pushing and pulling exercises to build arm strength. Push-ups are a great start and work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Try variations like incline (easier), decline (harder), close-grip, or pseudo-plank push-ups to target your shoulders more. For overhead strength, do pike push-ups: start in a push-up position, walk your hands toward your feet into a "V" shape, and lower your forehead to the ground. As your arm get stronger, move to handstand push-ups using a wall. Pull-ups are great for your biceps and back; if they’re too hard, use resistance bands, practice lowering yourself slowly, or use a sturdy bar. Rows help balance your pushing strength and work your upper back and arms—use a sturdy table or rings to pull your chest toward the support. Do these exercises 2-3 times a week, adding reps or difficulty as you improve, to build strength and prevent injury.
  • Question
    Is it possible to win against someone who is stronger than me?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Twist back against their thumb, and that will loosen their grip. When that happens, they will be weaker and that is your chance to win.
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    When I do any of these tips, my opponent does them too. They are stronger than me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Arm wrestling is a strength sport. Speed and technique can beat strength but strength can also beat speed and technique. If you have equal speed and technique, the stronger guy should win. I recommend you get stronger. Get in the gym and train your back, biceps, hand and wrist.
  • Question
    How do I win if I am 13 but the person I am wrestling is 30?
    Community Answer
    That will be fairly difficult but use the top roll technique to try to gain the upper hand.
  • Question
    What re the muscles involved arm wrestling and how do I strengthen those muscles?
    Community Answer
    Forearms, biceps and triceps. Dumbbell wrist curls will strengthen your forearms. Regular curls will help your biceps, and tricep push-downs (mirror of the curl) are good for your triceps.
  • Question
    What should I do if my opponent is stronger than me?
    Community Answer
    Pull them in close to you and they will constantly lose strength as you pull them inward. Also, make a sudden attempt at pulling their hand down, not slowly.
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    How do I keep domination from the beginning of the game when my opponent is a giant?
    Community Answer
    Speed kills. Beat him to the go for a starting advantage. Then find the path with the least resistance. If he has a longer arm and a leverage advantage, it might be smarter to turn him into a hook. If he has stronger arms, it might be smarter to attack his hand (fingers) instead and toproll.
  • Question
    Can anyone tell me more about the top roll technique?
    Community Answer
    Take your hand and bring it up toward you so that their hand is going back; then they'll struggle to try to fix their wrist. Another good technique is where you twist your wrist so that their arm is in a position in which biceps can only be used (it looks like they're trying to pull your hand up like a dumbbell).
  • Question
    Are there any rules in arm wrestling?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are a few rules. Depending on whether you're wrestling in a formal competition or informally (e.g. on a playground or at a bar), the rules may vary. Broadly speaking, your elbow must remain on the table at all times and you cannot pull with more than 1 hand. Formal competitions with a referee may have specific rules regarding how you're allowed to position your wrist.
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    How do I win when I wrestle on chairs?
    Community Answer
    Angle your shoulder that you are using towards your opponent, and use body weight to push him down.
  • Question
    How will I become good at arm wrestling?
    Community Answer
    Do push-ups, dips, pull-ups, and use resistance bands. These will develop your shoulder and arm strength and help you win at arm wrestling.
  • Question
    Are girls stronger than boys?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the individual. Some girls are stronger than boys, some boys are stronger than girls. As they get older, boys tend to become stronger, but there are always some strong girls as well.
  • Question
    Which is the best finishing move to beat an opponent in arm wrestling?
    Community Answer
    Once they are about to lose, don't get to cocky. Insult them a couple times because you are in a position of power. Refrain from spitting at them or yelling profanity. Make sure to finish them before they can get a comeback.
  • Question
    Is there any risk of a bone fracture arm wrestling?
    Community Answer
    Yes, however, that rarely happens. Most 'expert' games have cushions to prevent injury, so that's an idea if you want to be extra cautious.
  • Question
    If my opponent works out and I am a normal person, how do I win?
    Community Answer
    A weaker person with better technique can beat a stronger person with poor technique. Learn the techniques and practice. The best way is to find an arm wrestling club in your area.
  • Question
    I am 16 and my friend is 18. What exercises should I do to defeat him ?
    Community Answer
    If your friend is stronger than you, you'll need to build up your shoulder, hand, and bicep strength to beat him in an arm wrestling match. Focus on exercises like curls, push-ups, and pull-ups.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am playing on the floor?
    Community Answer
    Get your arm as close to your body as possible, and remember to use your wrist.
  • Question
    Are there any at-home workouts, without weights, for strengthening the muscles used in arm wrestling?
    Community Answer
    Calisthenics like pushups, chins and if you are able to, one arm chin ups will help. Also, isometric exercises and arm wrestling with other people as much as you can.
  • Question
    How can I win while sitting down?
    Community Answer
    Use your weight against your opponent. Once you either hook them or top roll, your shoulder will become quite vital. Make sure to lift weights and go to the gym if you are preparing for an arm wrestle.
  • Question
    If I can't do push-ups, what else can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can just do push-ups on your knees to get strong enough to be able to do real push-ups.
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    How can I get leverage on an opponent if his forearm is longer than mine?
    Community Answer
    Keep your arm closer to you so he has to extend his further and you will gain more leverage.
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    What should I do if my opponent's arm is longer and when I bring my arm closer to my body if he even brings his arm closer?
    Community Answer
    Try and make him put his arm out fully instead of close so he will constantly lose strength, then try your hardest to take them down.
  • Question
    Does size matter in wrestling? I have strong forearms, biceps, and triceps.
    Community Answer
    It only matters if your opponent used his or her body weight against you. If they are significantly heavier than you and they put their shoulder into it, they will most likely win.
  • Question
    Does arm wrestling require strong bones?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily, but they will help protect against fractures and various injuries to the elbow, particularly to the fibrous tissues known as tendons.
  • Question
    Should I use the same techniques if I am not using an arm wrestling table?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can unless it is dangerous to do so.
  • Question
    Will my strength still last if I speak during arm wrestling or not?
    Community Answer
    It is better not to speak because then you will break your attention into the arm wrestling match. It is better to keep all your attention focused on your opponent's arm, and you might notice some of his tricks.
  • Question
    Can I still win if I am very weak?
    Community Answer
    If your opponents are weak, too.
  • Question
    How can I improve my muscular strength without training equipment?
    Community Answer
    For arm strength, try doing pushups and other kinds of exercises like the arm hang. If you need some makeshift dumbbells, try water bottles with water or sand in them; they are heavy and have a good grip.
  • Question
    How do I stop a guy from finishing quick?
    Community Answer
    Make him lose grip. This will weaken the muscles.
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