To remove an app from the Notification Center on your Mac, click on the Apple icon → Click "System Preferences" → Click "Notifications" → Click on an app → Uncheck the box next to "Show in Notification Center."
Click on the Apple icon. It's the Apple logo in the top left corner of the menu bar.
Click System Preferences .Advertisement
Click the "Notifications" icon. It looks like a grey square with a red dot in one corner.
Click on an app from the left side of the window.
Click on the "Show in Notification Center" check box to uncheck it. It's on the right side of the Notifications window.
Click the red "x" button. The app will no longer appear in your Notification Center.
Community Q&A
QuestionIs there a way to permanently delete an app I don't want?Community AnswerYes, if you mean one you have downloaded. Find your applications folder in spotlight, locate the application in that folder and delete it. If the app is already loaded, you may not be able to remove it.
QuestionHow do I completely remove things like or Pinterest?Community AnswerGo to Settings, Notification Center, Pinterest (or other annoying app), and choose "Block All".
QuestionWhat to do when I have two like Google Chrome and Google Chrome?FancyghostCommunity AnswerThis is an app-sided issue. You should be able to manage notifications from specific websites in Chrome settings.
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