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A quick guide to checking your Snapscore to count sent/received Snaps
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If you want to find out how many Snaps you sent to and received from friends, you can check your Snapscore. This contains the total number of Snaps sent, viewed, received. Here's how to see how many Snaps you’ve sent and received on Snapchat.

Things You Should Know

  • Open Snapchat and tap your profile icon. Tap your Snapscore to view how many Snaps sent or viewed, received, and added to Stories.
  • A Snapscore is calculated by adding the total number of Snaps sent/viewed, Snaps received, and Snaps you added to your Story.
  • You can view someone else's Snapscore by going to their profile.
  1. This looks like white ghost on a yellow background. If you aren't already logged in , tap Log in to do so now.
    • Be sure to update Snapchat.
  2. This will be in the top-left corner, regardless of which tab you're on.
    • If you have a Bitmoji , you'll see your Bitmoji.
  3. This is the number underneath your Snapchat username .
    • A pop-up menu will open.
  4. You can find your overall Snapscore at the top. [1] This number increases when you view Snaps, when your Snaps are viewed, and when you add to Stories .
    • At the bottom, you can find the number of:
      • Snaps sent or viewed
      • Snaps received
      • Snaps added to Stories
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  • Question
    Can someone else check how many snaps I've sent and received?
    Community Answer
    No, but they can see your overall score of both sent and received added together.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open Snapchat .
      2. Swipe down to open your profile page.
      3. Tap your username.
      4. View your number of snaps sent on the left and your number of snaps received on the right.

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