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Easy ways to see your Apple Messages history on multiple devices and platforms
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Viewing your Apple Messages history is as simple as opening your Messages app and reviewing your conversations! You can also view the media (e.g., pictures and videos) from inside any given conversation. If you're missing messages you had before your last backup, you can also access these messages on iCloud and restore them, or use iTunes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Viewing Your iMessages (iOS)

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  1. If you're already in a different conversation, tap < in the top left corner of your screen first.
  2. This will allow you to see your Messages history from as far back as the conversation goes!
    • You will not be able to see deleted messages here.
  3. This is the encircled "i" in the top right corner of your screen.
  4. Media comes in two formats that you can switch between by tapping the pertinent button:
    • Images - All images and videos from your conversation.
    • Attachments - All attachments (e.g., audio clips) from your conversation.
  5. You have successfully seen your Messages history for a conversation!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Viewing Your iMessages (Mac)

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  1. This is the blue speech bubble icon in your dock.
  2. You can do so from the left side of your Messages program. [1]
  3. As long as your messages haven't been deleted, you can review the conversation's history!
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Restoring an iTunes Backup

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  1. Use your Apple charging cord to do this.
  2. Depending on your computer's settings, it may open automatically.
  3. This icon resembles an iPhone and is located beneath the "Account" tab. [2]
  4. This is in the "Backups" box in the middle of your iTunes page.
    • You may have to disable Find My iPhone on your phone before continuing.
  5. You'll find this option in the "Restore from this backup" section; click the bar with your iPhone's name in it to select a restore point.
    • You won't want to select the most recent one (e.g., the one your phone just performed) because it won't contain your deleted iMessages.
  6. Your iTunes will begin restoring your phone; you should see a "Time remaining" value on the bottom of the restoration pop-up window.
  7. Your iMessages should be restored along with the rest of your phone's data!
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Restoring an iCloud Backup

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  1. You won't be able to restore from iCloud if you aren't running the latest version of iOS. To check for an update:
    • Tap General .
    • Tap Software Update .
    • Tap Download and Install if there is an update available.
  2. If you had to update, you'll need to re-open Settings. [3]
  3. If your iPhone has a passcode, you'll need to enter it to continue.
  4. This may take several minute; once it's done, you can begin restoring your iPhone.
  5. These include:
    • Preferred language
    • Preferred region
    • Preferred wifi network
  6. [4]
  7. You can also skip this step.
  8. This should be on the "Apps and Data" screen.
  9. Make sure you pick one that will hold the iMessages you wish to retrieve.
  10. This may take several minutes.
  11. This will restore your phone and its data, including your lost iMessages!
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Expert Q&A

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      • While Digital Touch messages don't necessarily expire, you will have to tap them to view them again.
      • Restoring from a previous backup means that you'll lose some of your more recent data.
      • Depending on your message settings, your messages might delete themselves after a certain amount of time. You can change this setting from within the "Messages" tab in the Settings app.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you don't see your past messages on one device, check a different device where you're also logged in to your Apple ID. The messages may still be visible there.
      • Take screenshots or download important messages that you don't want to lose so you always have a backup.
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