Senior Assassin, or Senior Water Wars, has become a common tradition for many high school seniors across America. Each participant is assigned a “target” they must eliminate by squirting them with a water gun. The last student remaining wins the game and typically receives a cash prize. However, what was once an innocent game has received a reputation for being dangerous. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about Senior Assassin, including what it is, rules and gameplay, and its potential dangers and controversies.
Senior Assassin Rules
Receive your first target from the game host, and make sure you understand when and where you can play the game. Learn information about your target and make an attack plan. Shoot your target with a water gun within the game’s time frame to eliminate them. Get a new target and repeat the process until you win.
Senior Assassin Rules & How to Win
Sign up for the game and receive your target from the host. Each game of Senior Assassin has a game host who organizes the game and does not play. [2] X Research source See the host to sign up (and pay your application fee, if necessary). They’ll then give you your target, or the person you need to eliminate.
Understand your game’s rules and boundaries. Each class plays Senior Assassin a bit differently, so make sure to read the rules carefully before you begin playing. These are often found on a designated social media page, but the host should inform you where to find them. These rules include where and when you can ambush a target, whether there are any “safe zones” or “power-ups” that will protect you from elimination, and the time frame in which you must eliminate your target. [3] X Research source
- In general, students are not allowed to play Senior Assassin on school grounds or on private property because the game is not sanctioned by the school or police.
- The rules are typically decided by the host or an anonymous organizer or group of students within the school.
Research your target to know when to attack. Depending on the size of your class, you may not know the person you’re targeting. Look them up on social media and ask your friends for information to learn their schedule. This will help you figure out where and when to ambush them. [4] X Research source
- For example, learn if they have an after school job or what time they usually get home in the afternoon.
Be aware of your surroundings and don’t trust anyone. Remember, someone is trying to eliminate you, too. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when you’re in vulnerable places, like leaving work, getting out of your car, or unlocking your front door. When playing Senior Assassin, you can’t trust anyone—even your closest friends. Be vigilant and don’t be afraid to lie about your whereabouts. [5] X Research source
- To avoid surprises, keep your water gun on you at all times, as well as any items or accessories that protect you from elimination.
Plan a surprise attack to eliminate your target. Some of the most common ambush attacks include hiding in the bushes outside of your target’s house, waiting for them to leave for work or go to their car, and making deals with their parents or siblings to be let inside the house. Squirt your target with a water gun to eliminate them from the game. [6] X Research source
- If you get eliminated before you can ambush your target, you’re out of the game. The person who eliminated you will then go after your target.
- Depending on the rules, you may have to have at least one witness or video evidence to prove that you eliminated your target. In general, you’ll likely have to tell your game host when you eliminate someone so they can keep track of who’s still in the game.
Go after your next target until you’re the last person standing. In general, once you eliminate your original target, they’ll tell you who their target was. This is the next person you must eliminate to advance in the game. If you eliminate that person, you’ll go after their target and so on until only you and one other person remain. [7] X Research source
- It’s also possible the game host will give you an entirely new target, not the target of the person you eliminated. This varies depending on your game’s rules.
Expert Q&A
- If you want to protect yourself or your friends from elimination, purposely provide misinformation to others. For example, mention that you work on Tuesdays and Thursdays when you really work on Mondays and Wednesdays.Thanks
- If you’re in charge of setting up your Senior Assassin game, make sure the rules are easily understood and accessible. Consider setting up an Instagram or another social media page where students can find the information they need, and be willing to answer any questions they have.Thanks
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