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Easily set different ringtones for specific people on any Android phone
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This wikiHow teaches you how to assign a special ringtone to an individual contact on your Android. If you're using a Samsung model, you can use the Phone app to do this. If you have another model of Android, such as a Pixel, OnePlus, or Moto handset, you can use Google Contacts.

Things You Should Know

  • On Samsung Galaxy, select a contact in the Phone app, tap "i", and go to Edit > View More > Ringtone to choose a custom ringtone.
  • On other Androids, tap a contact in Google Contacts, go to â‹® > Set ringtone, and choose a tone.
  • You can select a ringtone that came with your Android or a custom ringtone you downloaded.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Samsung Galaxy

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  1. It's the green-and-white phone receiver icon on the home screen. [1]
  2. This displays a list of your contacts.
  3. Some options will expand below.
  4. You will find this below the contact's name and phone number. [2]
  5. It's the pencil icon at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Additional options will appear.
  7. A list of ringtones on your Android will appear.
  8. Choose from one of the built-in ringtones on your Android, or tap the + at the top-right corner to select a ringtone you've downloaded or created.
    • If you're selecting a custom ringtone, select your audio file, and then tap Done to attach it to the selected contact.
  9. After choosing the ringtone, you'll need to tap the back button to return to their contact information. Tap Save at the bottom of the screen to save your contact's new custom ringtone.
  10. It's at the bottom-right corner. The next time your contact calls you, you will hear the selected ringtone.
  11. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Other Androids

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  1. The Google Contacts app comes preinstalled on all Google Pixels, the latest OnePlus models, Moto Power, and many other popular handsets. Look for a blue icon that's an outline of a person.
    • Some Androids come with a different app called Contacts—you may be able to use that app to change a person's ringtone, but the steps will be a little different.
    • If you don't have Google Contacts, you can download it from the Play Store .
  2. This opens the contact's details.
  3. A menu will expand.
  4. A list of ringtones will expand.
  5. This assigns the selected ringtone to your contact. You can now close the Contacts app or use the back button to customize another contact.
    • If you want to choose an audio file instead of one of the built-in ringtones, select Add ringtone at the bottom of the list, tap the three-line menu, tap Files , tap Audio , and then choose the song. [3]
  6. Your custom ringtone is now set for the selected contact.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I set a special ringtone like Give Me Shelter by the Rolling Stones?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can download ringtones from the web using tools like Zedge, or create them on your computer using apps like GarageBand or Audacity.
  • Question
    How do I extend the length of a ring tone?
    Community Answer
    Load the sound into a sound editor (Audacity, Sound Forge, etc), select the whole sound, Ctrl+C to copy, go to the end of the soundwave, and Ctrl+V as many times as you want it to repeat. Save it with a different name and copy it back to your device. Select the new sound in your device. Done!
  • Question
    How do I make up words for a ring tone?
    Community Answer
    You can use Audacity (free for both Linux and Windows), and then record the words yourself, or let someone else do it. Export the file as an MP3 and copy it over to the Android. The Ringdroid app will find it, if it is for a specific contact.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open the Phone app.
      2. Tap Contacts .
      3. Select a contact.
      4. Tap Details or the small "i".
      5. Tap Edit .
      6. Tap Ringtone .
      7. Select a ringtone.
      8. Tap Done .
      9. Tap Save .

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