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Discover the sister sign pairs and their compatibility
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If you’re into astrology, you may have heard the term “sister sign,” which refers to the pairs of signs that sit directly opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. But what’s the deeper meaning of the sister signs, and what is their compatibility in friendship and romance? If you’re looking for the answers to these questions, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explain what sister signs are, which signs are paired together, and what each pair’s connection is like with expert insights from professional astrologers Stina Garbis and Angel Eyedealism.

What are the 6 pairs of sister signs in astrology?

  • Aries and Libra
  • Taurus and Scorpio
  • Gemini and Sagittarius
  • Cancer and Capricorn
  • Leo and Aquarius
  • Virgo and Pisces
Section 1 of 9:

What are sister signs?

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  1. These signs are technically polar opposites, but their differences complement each other, so they tend to be pretty compatible in friendship and romance. They have a yin-yang dynamic, which usually makes for a balanced and harmonious connection. The two members of each pair also have complementary elements (either earth and water or fire and air). [1]
    • The 6 sister sign pairs are Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces. [2]
    • Earth and water pairs represent a balance between the material and emotional. Together, they form bonds that feel safe and stable, but also full of depth and understanding. [3]
    • Fire and air pairs bring out the best in each other—fire signs provide a spark of creativity and energy, and air signs breathe life into this spark and stoke the flame. [4]
  2. Each pair is made up of two cardinal signs, two mutable signs, or two fixed signs. The modalities in astrology represent specific qualities, so the shared modalities between sister signs lead to a sense of understanding and commonality between them. Here’s a breakdown of each:
    • Cardinal sign pairs (Capricorn & Cancer, Aries & Libra) begin a new season, so they’re dynamic and bold.
    • Fixed sign pairs (Taurus & Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius) carry the middle of the season, so they’re sturdy and stable.
    • Mutable sign pairs (Gemini & Sagittarius, Virgo & Pisces) fall at the end of the season, so they’re flexible and good with change. [5]
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Aries & Libra: The Dynamic Duo

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  1. Both signs tend to be popular and well-liked, but for slightly different reasons. Aries is all about individual expression and boldness, so others admire and look up to them. Libra, on the other hand, has a friendly and personable nature that makes it easy for them to connect with people. Nevertheless, this pair bonds over their shared confidence and sociability, and as Cardinal signs, they’re both leaders and initiators. [6]
    • Elements: Fire (Aries) and Air (Libra)
    • Modality: Cardinal
  2. Fire sign Aries is assertive and a bit impulsive—they’re not afraid to speak up and go after what they want. [7] Air sign Libra, on the other hand, is peacemaking and diplomatic, with a special talent for mediating arguments and bringing people together. [8] These opposite energies may seem like they would clash, but when these two signs get together, they balance each other out in a really helpful way. [9]
    • As Cardinal signs, both Aries and Libra are “movers and shakers,” but they each have their own version of leadership, explains Eyedealism.
    • “Aries is all out war and fighting, but Libra is the diplomacy of how to get your way,” Eyedealism says.
    • In other words, Aries brings boldness and strength, and Libra complements this with collaboration and people skills. When these two different types of leadership come together, there’s nothing this pair can’t achieve!
  3. Aries isn’t one to sit back and ponder their choices—they charge into a situation head-first, guided by their confidence and intuition. Libra, on the other hand, is all about weighing the options carefully and coming to a logical conclusion. At times, Aries may become impatient with Libra’s indecisiveness, and Libra may become stressed out by Aries’ tendency to act before thinking. [10]
    • To overcome this: Aries and Libra will need to focus on being patient with each other and opening their minds to the other’s perspective.
    • There are times when it’s best to be decisive and bold, and times when it’s necessary to work through things rationally before taking action.
    • If Libra and Aries can learn this and recognize the value in the other’s position, they can truly push each other to be better people and achieve their goals. [11]
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Taurus & Scorpio: The Pleasure-Seeking Pair

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  1. They may have different motivations—Eyedealism explains that Taurus is driven by their desire for material comforts, while Scorpio is driven by their desire for power—but the result is the same. Both signs are patient, resourceful, focused and hardworking, so when they meet, they instantly understand each other. As fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio are also steady and reliable, which is a plus because they’re both prone to trust issues. [12]
    • Elements: Earth (Taurus) and Water (Scorpio)
    • Modality: Fixed
  2. Ruled by Venus, Taurus has a deep appreciation for love, as well as a “highly sensual and physically affectionate side,” explains Garbis. Water sign Scorpio, on the other hand, is known for their passion and emotional depth—when they feel something, they feel it hard . When these sister signs find each other, an intense connection often follows, whether it be platonic or romantic. [13]
  3. The similarities that make Taurus and Scorpio compatible also present a few challenges. They can both be a bit stubborn and willful, so they may butt heads at times and struggle to compromise. They can also be possessive and distrustful, which can lead to issues with jealousy, especially in romantic relationships. [14]
    • To overcome this: Both Taurus and Scorpio must learn to compromise and keep their stubbornness in check . Instead of putting up walls when they disagree, they’ll need to talk things out and be open to each other’s perspectives.
    • They’ll also need to work on their trust issues individually, so that they can give each other the benefit of the doubt and avoid unwarranted jealousy.
    • Ultimately, if Taurus and Scorpio keep these things in mind, they make a super solid match for friendship and beyond. [15]
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Gemini & Sagittarius: The Ultimate Conversationalists

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  1. Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication and the mind, Gemini loves to connect with others through stimulating conversation. [16] Philosophical, truth-seeking Sagittarius lives for interesting debates, which makes this sister sign pair a match made in heaven. [17] When Gemini and Sagittarius get to talking, the conversation can go on for hours, and before they know it, they’re either in love or the best of friends. [18]
    • Elements: Air (Gemini) and Fire (Sagittarius)
    • Modality: Mutable
  2. As mutable signs, they’re great at adapting to change and going with the flow. When Gemini changes their mind at the drop of the hat or starts talking a mile a minute, Sagittarius is ready to go along with the ride. And, when Sagittarius feels the itch to hop on a plane and travel the world, Gemini puts in their PTO request and packs their bags. [19]
    • In other words, these two are game for anything, and that’s exactly what each of them needs in a friend or partner. [20]
  3. Since they’re so similar, they may end up in the same career or academic setting, which can lead to competition. According to Eyedealism, both of these signs also have a tendency to get angry suddenly and unexpectedly. “Everybody knows Gemini has a switch side, but Sagittarius also has a switch side. They’re affable until [...] they really lose it,” she explains.
    • To overcome this: To avoid hurt feelings, Gemini and Sagittarius will need to remind themselves that they’re a team, not competitors, and they’ll need to keep their tempers in check.
    • Sagittarius will also need to avoid being unnecessarily harsh, and Gemini will need to try not to take everything Sagittarius says too personally.
    • They may get into verbal arguments on occasion, but they’re great communicators, so they’re usually able to work through them. And when they do, this pair is the perfect example of a power couple. [21]
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Cancer & Capricorn: The Committed Pair

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  1. As the archetypal Mother and Father of the zodiac, Cancer and Capricorn both seek stability in their relationships, though they go about this in different ways. As a Water sign, Cancer brings emotional security, compassion, and a nurturing energy to the table, while earth sign Capricorn brings financial security, structure, and order. [22]
    • Elements: Earth (Capricorn) and Water (Cancer)
    • Modality: Cardinal
  2. Intuitive, empathetic Cancer helps Capricorn open up and embrace vulnerability, instead of hiding their feelings under their ambitious and hardworking exterior. On the other hand, Capricorn helps Cancer gain control over their emotions and lean into their logical, practical side a bit more, which can help them achieve their goals. [23]
  3. “Capricorn is not generally a ‘mushy’ sign,” says Garbis. They feel things deeply, but they have a hard time talking about emotions with others. Cancers, on the other hand, “are pushy about emotional matters. They’ll just keep pushing until they get somebody [to open up],” says Eyedealism. This dynamic can lead to tension, with Capricorn feeling overwhelmed by Cancer’s emotionality, and Cancer feeling offended by Capricorn’s more closed-off nature.
    • To overcome this: Each needs to learn to embrace the strengths of the other. Capricorn brings the rationality and dependability that Cancer deeply needs, and Cancer brings the emotional openness and sensitivity that Capricorn secretly craves.
    • It may take a bit of time and work, but when they take the time to learn from each other, this pair can build a beautifully secure and loving friendship or romantic relationship. [24]
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Leo & Aquarius: The Stars of the Show

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  1. Fire sign Leo is bold and incredibly sure of themselves. They’re not afraid of being the center of attention—in fact, they totally live for it. [25] Aquarius also captivates the crowd, but in a slightly different way. Eccentric and original, Aquarius marches to the beat of their own drum, and they’re always unapologetically themselves. [26] When this duo walks into the room, they’re definitely turning heads!
    • Elements: Fire (Leo) and Air (Aquarius)
    • Modality: Fixed
  2. They admire each others’ boldness and uniqueness, and when they find each other, they form a very exciting and energetic connection. With Leo’s creativity and Aquarius’ ability to think outside the box, they also make an impressive team for artistic endeavors and professional projects. [27]
  3. Leo feels a strong need for praise and attention, so they may be turned off by Aquarius’ aloof and unconventional ways of expressing affection. On the other hand, Aquarius values personal freedom and independence, so they may feel the need to retreat if they think Leo is being too demanding. [28]
    • To overcome this: Aquarius and Leo will need to put in a bit of effort to understand each other and meet each other’s emotional needs.
    • “Aquarius is a sign that needs space,” so if Leo is constantly demanding things, “they’re not going to be very into it,” says Eyedealism.
    • On the flip side, Leo is a sign that craves affection, and they want to see that Aquarius is “investing time and resources" into them, explains Garbis.
    • When Leo respects Aquarius's need for space and Aquarius makes an effort to offer Leo the affirmation they need, this pair can have an electric and invigorating connection. [29]
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Virgo & Pisces: The Deep Thinkers

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  1. Practical, meticulous Virgo focuses on analyzing the material world to understand life better. Dreamy, intuitive Pisces, on the other hand, seeks out mystical and spiritual knowledge to make sense of reality. Although they come at things from opposite angles, their deep-thinking, truth-seeking attitudes are definitely a commonality. They also bond over their shared desire to be helpful and of service to others.
    • Elements: Earth (Virgo) and Water (Pisces)
    • Modality: Mutable
  2. Virgo brings some much needed groundedness to Pisces, while Pisces encourages Virgo to open up emotionally and tap into their intuition. And, since they’re both mutable signs, each is able to adapt and embrace the new avenues the other leads them down. [30]

    Angel Eyedealism

    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist

    Virgo can be a bit critical, but Pisces is good at letting things go. Although Virgo is a fluid sign, they’re also prone to micromanaging. Luckily, these things are water off a duck’s back for Pisces, meaning they’re able to let Virgo’s little criticisms roll off their back, rather than taking them personally.

  3. Virgo values consistency and predictability, so Pisces’ shifting moods can definitely unsettle them. Pisces, on the other hand, is all about “vibes and instincts and feelings,” says Eyedealism, so they may find Virgo’s focus on logic and rationality frustrating.
    • To overcome this: Virgo and Pisces will need to put in some work to make sure they are meeting each other's emotional needs.
    • For Virgo, this might mean challenging themselves to be vulnerable and share their feelings with Pisces. For Pisces, this could mean making an effort to gain a bit more control over their unpredictable emotions to avoid stressing Virgo out.
    • They’ll need to be intentional and patient with each other, but if they can do this, they make a wonderfully balanced pair!
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Section 8 of 9:

Do sister signs get along?

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  1. One big reason for this is the fact that sister signs share the same modality, which means they have a lot of shared traits. The cardinal sign pairs are natural leaders, the fixed signs are stable and trustworthy, and the mutable pairs are flexible and adaptable. With these commonalities, the sister sign pairs tend to understand each other instantly and feel safe around each other.
Section 9 of 9:

Are sister signs a good match?

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  1. This is likely because sister signs are opposites on the zodiac wheel and have opposite elements. In romance, opposites often attract, so sister sign pairs often feel magnetically drawn to each other. And, once they start a relationship, their complementary energies can make for very passionate and intense connections.
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