"Stimming" is the word for behavior, often repetitive, that stimulates the senses. It can help you regulate your senses and emotions [1] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source and improve your focus. [2] X Research source While everyone stims to some extent, it can be more frequent and intense in people diagnosed with autism , ADHD, sensory processing disorder, anxiety , and other types of neurodivergence. Here are different ways to find healthy stims to keep you focused and grounded.
1Know what purposes stimming can serve. Stimming has many different benefits, and everyone does it to some extent. (Ever seen a neurotypical person tap their foot or twirl their hair?) It can be especially important for neurodivergent people, who may find it helps them...
- Stay calm
- Concentrate
- Cope with discomfort or pain
- Prevent meltdowns
- Express and manage emotions
- Communicate
2Decide whether you're comfortable looking different in public. Some stims are more subtle or unusual than others are. Some may be considered "socially inappropriate." Consider which individuals are more accepting than others, and whether you care about conformity or not. [3] X Research sourceAdvertisement
3Develop a repertoire of stims. This way, you have choices when you get the urge to stim. It's good to know a variety of both discreet and obvious stims, so that you can pick whatever fits your desires and situation.
4Be polite with your stims. Stimming should help you focus and feel good. It shouldn't prevent other people from focusing or feeling good. Avoid disruptive stimming when people need to focus, and don't touch people without their consent. Disability is not an excuse to cross other people's boundaries.
- Use subtle stims (e.g. chewing gum rather than loud echolalia) when people are concentrating, such as during a lecture or exam.
- Step outside to stim a little if you need to.
- Don't stim with other people's clothing or body parts (like hair) unless you're sure it's okay. Some people might not feel comfortable asking you to stop.
5Recognize that people may be more respectful than you think. The autism acceptance movement (which includes talk of stimming) is gaining traction in the public eye, and people are becoming more open to others' differences.
- Plenty of people don't care at all whether you fidget in public.
6Never let social rules interfere with your needs. Sometimes stimming is just for fun or for an optional boost in concentration, but other times, it is a real need. Do not put your needs aside just because other people might judge you.
- People tend to care less than you might think.
- It is absolutely okay to stim in public for any reason—for fun, for concentration, for staving off meltdowns, or for whatever. Do what makes you comfortable. [4] X Research source
7Remember that there is nothing wrong with stimming or being yourself. Stimming is a symptom of disability, just like a wheelchair or having unique facial features associated with Down Syndrome. It is okay to be disabled in public, and do not let judgmental people make you feel ashamed. [5] X Research source
1Look at ordinary objects that move repetitively. Fans, car wheels, and washing machines all make repetitive motions.
2Buy or create stim toys . Plenty of fidgets and desk toys involve some sort of moving patterns.
- Snow globes
- Lava lamps
- Mobiles (A mobile of planets is considered socially acceptable for older ages.)
- Glitter jar (made from water, glitter glue, food coloring, and glitter)
3Look at nature. Watch the wind move long grass or leaves in trees. If nature isn't easily available to you, look up calming nature videos on the internet. Even 30 seconds of watching a video of long grass can help you feel relaxed.
4Find repetitive animations on the internet. These can feel very calming. Many follow a specific pattern, which can be pleasing for autistic people whose brains are optimized for systematizing.
5Play with light. Try messing with a flashlight, lighting fireworks, or flickering the light in a room (if no one else is there).
- Try moving colored paper or translucent objects over flashlights to see cool colors and patterns.
- Download light- and pattern-related games onto your mobile device, such as a firework-generating app.
6Make repetitive motions with your fingers or hands. This can provide gentle stimulation to help you in overwhelming situations, or just help you amuse yourself.
7Enjoy music. This is socially acceptable in most environments, and it lets you have a pleasant song in your head for the next few hours. You can listen to something in headphones or sing/hum if you know it's not disruptive.
8Repeat words and phrases out loud. This is called echolalia, [8] X Research source and it can improve your focus and help you remember things. Be mindful of other people if you decide to do echolalia, to make sure you aren't disrupting anyone's concentration.
- Repeat things that you need to remember, such as material from your exam study guide.
- Repeat something nice someone said to you.
- Repeat something you read.
The mouth and nose are associated with food and can be powerful for self-calming. These stims can be especially helpful when you are stressed or tired.
1Chew gum or suck on a lollipop. Carrying these around can be useful to quickly address stress or focus issues. They are especially helpful if you tend to bite your nails or put non-food objects in your mouth—as soon as you notice what you're doing, stick some gum in your mouth instead.
- Sugar free gum will not cause cavities.
2Consider wearing chewy jewelry. These can have the same effect as gum and candies, and are more portable. While most companies market them to children, a few (such as Stimtastic) are designed for all ages.
3Carry a small piece of sweet-smelling lotion, soap, or essential oils. Pick a scent that is especially calming to you. When stressed, take a sniff and count to ten.
4Enjoy good smells in the scenery. Step into cafes and bakeries, or stop to smell the flowers. Try getting scented candles and personal care products. It can be fun to explore different scents.
Proprioceptive stims provide deep touch, which has a calming and centering effect on the body. Regular tactile stims are related to texture.
1Wear clothes with textures you enjoy. You can rub your sleeves or feel the silky fabric of your scarf as you are sitting at your desk. Try fleece and microfiber for special softness.
2Hold or rub things with pleasing textures. Try rubber pencil grips, smooth stones, blankets, and jewelry with cool textures.
3Play with stim toys. The possibilities of tactile stim toys are endless. Many are available at special needs stores, and more are sold as "fidgets" to office workers. Here are some examples of tactile stim toys:
- Stress balls and rubber sea urchins
- Tangles
- Chains of key rings
- Slinkies
- Coil bracelets or beaded bracelets
- Fidget cubes
- Balloon filled with a fistful of flour
4Find objects that can provide deep pressure for you. Beanbags, weighted blankets, lap pads, and other tools can offer deep pressure. This can help you feel focused and calm.
- Get a weighted blanket.
- Put on a weighted lap pad or large beanbag.
- Use a massage roller.
- Put your hand or finger inside a heavy book, and close it. (Other people may assume that you're just holding your place.)
- Rub a surgical brush over your skin.
- Put a pillow on yourself, and place a heavy object (e.g. a dictionary) on top. Make sure that you are able to lift it off yourself, or that someone else is nearby so they can help you if needed.
5Ask a loved one for a tight hug. Not only will you feel the soothing effects of deep pressure, but it will be from someone you love.
- You can also squeeze yourself if nobody else is available.
The body's vestibular system is responsible for processing movement.
1Use trampolines and swings. Both of these can be indoors or outdoors. (See special needs stores for indoor swings.)
- Small trampolines are portable and can be leaned against a wall for storage. Some of them have handles to help you keep your balance.
2Find natural ways to move during your everyday life. For example, you might switch out your chair for an exercise ball so you can bounce, rock, and move around in the day.
- Rock in a rocking chair
- Bounce on an exercise ball
- Pace
3Get a vibrating stuffed animal. When pressed, they will shake and provide vestibular input. These can be especially helpful for managing bedtime stimming. Search the phrase "heartbeat bear" online to help.
4Flap your hands, shake your leg, or wave your arms. Some neurodivergent people do this instinctively, and it can help with processing surprises, handling challenging experiences, or expressing emotion.
- If you flap your hands/arms, people will usually be able to tell you are disabled. Whether this is good or bad is for you to decide.
5Spin around in circles. Use a swivel chair, or stand up and spin. This is good for informal situations, outdoors, or at home.
- Stay safe! Watch out for obstacles like sharp corners. If you get too dizzy, stop and take a break.
- This is especially fun in a long skirt or dress.
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Expert Q&A
- Be yourself. Not all of the stimming methods might work, so take time to look for one that might work on helping your focus. There will be a way for you to focus.Thanks
- Remember that you never need to apologize for being disabled in public. You are wonderful and lovable the way you are.Thanks
- Lying on an exercise ball while rolling back and forth can be calming.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
- Don't be afraid to stim in public. You may feel like people are judging you, but frankly, everybody is always too busy focusing on themselves to even register that you're doing anything unique.
- I like to do something I call "popsnapping" where I swing my index finger hard against my middle finger. I find it really calming and it always helps me refocus.
- Be careful when researching alternative stims online. Many articles speak of extinguishing stimming as the goal, and present an overly negative view of autism that can be distressing for autistic people. Try to search mainly in the autistic community.Thanks
- Don't start using stims that could cause harm. Examples include biting nails , scratching or picking skin , and pulling hair . These can become very difficult to quit.Thanks
- ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6728747/
- ↑ https://www.madinamerica.com/2015/04/squirming-may-help-kids-adhd-learn/
- ↑ https://musingsofanaspie.com/2013/07/24/socially-inappropriate/
- ↑ Cynthia Kim: The High Cost of Self-Censoring or Why Stimming is a Good Thing
- ↑ Stimming 101: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Stim
- ↑ r/mesmerizinggifs
- ↑ r/loadingicon
- ↑ https://musingsofanaspie.com/2013/09/18/echolalia-thats-what-she-said/
About This Article
Stimming is a way to move or fidget that can stimulate your senses and help you concentrate. An easy way to stim is to look at ordinary objects that move repetitively, like fans, car wheels, or washing machines. You could also look at nature or watch calming nature videos online to help you relax. Alternatively, try searching “Mesmerizing Gifs” to find a calming one you enjoy. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can make a repetitive motion with your fingers, hum a tune, or repeat a phrase out loud. Chewing gum is another good way to stim. For more frequent stimming, consider buying a stim toy, like a stress ball, slinky, or fidget cube, to keep you occupied. To learn other ways to stim, read on!
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- "This article has helped me find some good ways to express my emotions. I thought something was wrong with me because sometimes, when I get really excited, it feels like everything is on overdrive. Normally, I have to scream into a pillow and move my hands around!" ..." more