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Find out what that hug meant and how to move forward
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There’s nothing quite like a tight hug from a friend, but sometimes you’re left wondering: “What did that mean?” People give that extra squeeze for any number of reasons, ranging from familial feelings to flirting. We’ve compiled a list of possible motivations, scenarios, and responses to help you figure out where you stand. Keep reading to learn all about tight hugs.

Things You Should Know

  • Tight hugs can mean someone wants to show you affection, they see you in a familial light, they’re looking for your support, or they want to take your relationship to the next level.
  • When you’re trying to decipher a tight hug, take the context of the situation into account.
  • Based on context, reciprocate the hug, go in for a kiss, or politely set a boundary to not be hugged like that again.
Section 1 of 3:

Why do people give tight hugs?

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  1. Hugs are a warm way to show you love someone, and this one’s got a little extra oomph. When your feelings are so strong that you can’t put them into words , a tight hug can be the best way to get them across. [1]
    • If the person hugging you isn’t good with words in general, you can assume they find it easier to physically let you know they care. Men especially, because of historically being discouraged from verbally connecting with their feelings, can express closeness through touch alone.
  2. A big, tight bear hug can be a way to convey a protective, familial love for someone. The tightness of the squeeze coupled with the way the hug envelops you can symbolize your friend’s want to comfort and protect you.
    • If this hug comes from a close male friend, he could just be showing you that he sees your relationship as brotherly or paternal.
    • Hugging someone can be a display of trust as well since you offer a vulnerable area (your back) for someone else to touch.
  3. If your friend knows you’re going through a rough time, a tight hug could be a way for them to reassure you and address your needs. On the flip side, they may be in a bad place and are looking for your support. [2]
    • If you’ve just had an emotional talk with them it’s more likely for this to be the reason for the hug.
  4. You can think of physicality in a relationship as a set of steps. Before you hug, maybe you shake hands. Before you kiss, maybe you give a tight hug. You two may be at the “quick friend hug” level, and they could be trying to move up the ladder. This doesn’t necessarily point to romantic interest, but could definitely be a development in the relationship.
    • This is more likely to be the reason if you’ve just started getting tight hugs from them than if your friend hugs that way all the time.
  5. The person you’re hugging may be trying to tell you that they’re interested. The tight hug could be their way of saying: “I want to be closer to you”, while they press their body up against yours. If they’re looking at your face and then smile and close their eyes, that could be a sign they’re trying to flirt.
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Context for Tight Hugs

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  1. Ending a hang with an encouraging squeeze can mean they enjoyed doing something with you and want to do it again. The extra energy at the end of this hug lets you know “Hey, I had a good time with you. [3]
  2. When things get tough a hug can really help. If you had a difficult conversation with someone or were venting about a bad situation, this hug likely means they’re trying to cheer you up. [4]
    • This goes both ways. If they’ve been talking to you about something painful in their life, they could be looking to you for comfort. Other signs are if their head is down or rests on you. They could be literally looking for a shoulder to cry on.
  3. Are you noticing extra touchiness outside of the hug? Maybe a lingering hand on your arm or a squeeze on the shoulder? Look for the signs that this person wants to be more intimate with you, like where they put their hands and how your bodies touch.
    • If the person is shorter than you are, putting their arms around your neck brings your bodies against each other and gets your face up close and personal. A gentle stroke on the back of your neck also signals that this hug is more than just friendly.
    • If you’re shorter and they put their arms around your waist, that also brings you in closer.
    • Pay attention to where they put their hands. Are they cupping your neck? Holding your lower back? Pulling you in by the hips?
    • The way your bodies touch is important, too. A hug where only your chests are together is much less intimate than one where you’re pelvis to pelvis.
    • Some believe hugs led from the left side (when you raise your left arm first) are openings for intimacy since your hearts end up against each other. [5]
  4. A tight hug is one thing, a long tight hug is another. While the former means you want closeness with someone, the latter means you don’t want the hug to end. When someone’s holding on to you for a long time there may be something else going on. [6]
  5. Getting this kind of hug from someone in a monogamous relationship can be even more confusing. While there’s a slight chance they’re communicating romantic or sexual interest, it’s more likely that this hug means you’re good friends. [7]
    • If you think that someone in a relationship is coming on to you, pay extra attention to other signs of flirting and physical desire.
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Section 3 of 3:

How to Respond to a Tight Hug

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  1. Different scenarios require different responses—they probably don’t want you to lean in for the kiss if they see you as a sibling. Think about the factors around the hug to decide the best way to act.
    • If they look into your eyes or at your lips or are pulling your hips during the hug, they’re far more likely to want a kiss than if your lower bodies are apart, their head is down, and they didn’t look at you.
    • Take into account:
      • Do they usually give tight hugs?
      • Have you had a conversation that invites physical intimacy?
      • How much of your body was touching theirs?
      • How long was the hug?
      • Do they act flirty in other ways?
  2. No matter the context, if someone hugs you tightly you can assume they’re inviting a tight hug back. Look at their body language to find out when to let go.
    • If you’re not enjoying the hug, bring it up to the other person. [8] You can say something like: “Hey, I actually don’t like being hugged that tightly.” Just be non-confrontational and polite.
  3. If you think you’re picking up hints but are unsure what they are, it’s always good practice to talk about the situation. Ask how they feel about you in a gentle, non-confrontational manner. [9]
    • You can say: “I’ve been wondering how you feel about me, could we talk about it?”
    • If you’re feeling very frank, you can even say: “Is there a reason you’re hugging me so tight?”
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