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Learn how Quora works, from creating an account to making posts
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Quora is an online questions and answers website with a very diverse content and user base. It is an extremely useful platform for getting answers to your questions as well as brushing up your writing skills by answering questions. This article is a guide to help you get started on Quora.

Getting Started with Quora

  1. Navigate to Quora in a browser.
  2. Select "Sign Up," or sign in.
  3. Select topics you're interested in or know about.
  4. Browse the feed to see others' questions.
  5. Select "Ask Question" to ask your own question.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Getting Started

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  1. 1
    Open the Quora website. Search for Quora on the search engine or enter https://www.quora.com in the search bar and press Enter .
  2. 2
    Sign up for Quora. Click the Sign up , you'll be asked to continue the process using your email or by using your Gmail or Facebook login details, choose one as per your convenience and proceed with the procedure. Quora doesn't allow its users to go through many answers without creating an account.
  3. 3
    Choose your interests. The account setup prompts you to select minimum ten topics that interest you. This will help the website to organise your answers' feed. Your answer feed is a random display of new questions and answers on the topics you find interesting. Select Continue to proceed.
  4. 4
    Submit what topics you know about. You need to type them into the search box. Commonly added topics include the profession you're involved in or the hobbies you have. Everything which catches your attention can be entered here. You can add and delete these topics later. Select Continue to move ahead with the account setup.
  5. 5
    Sync with your Facebook account (optional). If you singed up using your email and you wish to connect your Facebook account with your Quora account, select Continue and follow the directions.
    • If you don't want to sync your Facebook account, select Not now to skip this step.
  6. 6
    Become familiar with the feed. You will be taken to your feed, where questions related to your interests appear.
    • You can answer the question, comment on an answer, upvote, downvote or share an answer by clicking on their respective buttons, follow the question or bookmark it.
    • Since the feed changes with every refresh, it is recommended to use the bookmark option frequently so you don't lose the answers you like or found helpful.
    • You can also add credentials about your work, study, etc.
  7. 7
    Ask questions. Select Ask Question from the top-right side of the screen and type in your question. You can ask the question anonymously by checking the Ask Anonymously box.
    • If you ask the question anonymously, copy the link of the question and save in a text file because this question won't be visible on your profile directly.
    • Make sure that the question is free of errors. If you feel the need, you can even include a link that gives context.
    • You can even request specific people for answers. Best way to find the best people who might be helpful by searching some keywords relevant to the question, it will display the users with those keywords in their credentials.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Answering Questions

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  1. Analyze if you can answer a particular question correctly. Your answers are released to public domain and the readers are willingly ready to accept your answer as accurate and true, so make sure your answers are factually correct . Answers on Quora are usually a source of information for assignments and thesis so one must be very cautious while writing answers.
  2. 2
    Make your answers clear and skimmable. Every reader appreciates short, to the point and concise answers. Use the formatting toolbar to make the text bold , italic or strike .
    • If you're answering controversial questions, try to write neutrally. It is easy to get carried away and create extremely emotion-packed answers, but always remember that you are answering a question, not expressing your own feelings.
  3. 3
    Add images to your answer. Answers with graphic elements are taken better than the rest of the answers, use the toolbar to add images to your answer.
    • Make sure that the image is relevant to the answer, otherwise the Quora moderation may collapse the answer. When an answer is collapsed, it stops getting exposure in the website.
  4. 4
    Keep updating the answer if necessary. If the facts of your answers are subject to change , make sure you keep updating the answer. This can be done by going on the answer menu and selecting Edit Answer .
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I submit questions to a specific space on Quora?
    Top Answerer
    Go to the space you desire to ask a question, and click {{button|Say something}}. You'll get a space to write, and up the top, will be something which says {{button|Post}} with an arrow drop-down menu. Click on this, and you'll get the option to change the space post to a space question, so click {{button|Question}} and type in your question if you haven't done so already, then click {{button|Post}}.
  • Question
    How do I delete a question on Quora?
    Community Answer
    On your question, there should be 3 dots. Click on them, then hit delete. This will remove your question.
  • Question
    How do I dm someone on Quora?
    Community Answer
    Go their profile or questions, there will be three dots. After clicking, you will get the message option.
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