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Maybe you're passionate about issues affecting your local community—or, maybe you just think you could do a better job than the current elected officials. Either way, if you've decided to run for local office , congratulations! It's a great way to fight for what you believe in and support the people in your community. Read on for the best tips that will help you win your election.


Choose a race without a lot of competition.

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  1. Your best bet? Run unopposed! But that's not usually going to be possible. Look for a race with the least competition, and maybe only one person running. But if there's a local favorite running who got 90% of the vote in the last election, choose another race. Look for races where the incumbent barely got enough votes to win in the last election. [1]
    • Experienced politicians who are used to running unopposed might be in coast mode. In a race like that, you have the chance to gain momentum and take your opponent by surprise.
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Register your candidacy to comply with local campaign laws.

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  1. Elected offices typically don't require you to have any particular background, education, or experience in politics. There are usually age and residency requirements, but beyond that? Passion, commitment, and the willingness to work hard will serve you better than anything else. [2]
    • In the US, use the U.S. Vote Foundation website to easily find the location and contact information for your local election office. They'll have information about available offices and the duties those offices require.
    • For some elections, you have to gather a specific number of signatures from voters before you qualify for candidacy. The people who sign aren't necessarily saying they'll vote for you, just that they think you should run.
    • There are also many nonprofit organizations, such as Victory Fund , Vote Run Lead , and League of Women Voters , that provide guidance and resources to people running for office.

Build an experienced and committed campaign team.

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  1. Your campaign manager needs to really know what they're doing and how to get your campaign off the ground—anyone else can be taught. If you can only afford to hire one person, hire an experienced campaign manager. Then, they can help you set up your team. Never turn down any offers to help! You can find something for anyone to do who wants to get involved. Here are some key roles you'll probably need to find people to fill: [3]
    • Campaign finance: look for an accountant or someone who has experience handling and managing money, as well as an impeccable reputation for honesty
    • Volunteer coordinator: this person needs experience managing a diverse group of people in a number of different settings—someone with experience in event planning would be great
    • Communications director: someone with experience working with all different types of media, especially social media, who can coordinate your message across multiple platforms, as well as schedule press conferences and interviews and handle media requests for access
    • General secretary or administrative assistant: someone who handles the day-to-day operations of your campaign office, including fielding phone calls, sorting mail, and managing appointments
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Set a budget for your campaign.

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  1. Signs, T-shirts, digital ads, direct mail, printing fliers, bumper stickers—everything costs money. Start with ballpark estimates for all the things you'll need so you can figure out how much money you need to raise.
    • Reach out to nonprofit organizations as well as previous candidates to get a good idea of how much money you'll need. Nonprofits might also provide some materials free of charge—you never know unless you ask!
    • Your local election office will have budgetary information for every candidate in previous elections, so you can look at that as well.

Develop a fundraising plan.

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  1. How many people are willing to give you money—even if it's only a few bucks—will tell you a lot about how many people will be willing to vote for you come election day. When you hold a fundraising event , that also gives you the opportunity to meet with and talk to potential voters. [4]
    • Set up booths at local community events as well as hold your own events. A public picnic in a local park that's also a fundraiser is a great way to raise money as well as awareness and really gets the community involved.
    • Even if you have enough private money to fund your campaign, you still want to fundraise. Asking for money means you have to talk to voters, and voters who donate to your campaign are more likely to vote for you.
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Learn as much as you can about your district.

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  1. All of this information will help you plan your campaign strategy because you can figure out who you need to persuade. The demographic makeup of your district also tells you what type of person you need to appeal to. Think about what those people are interested in and what they like—that'll help you decide on your approach and the overall look of your campaign. [5]
    • For example, if you have a suburban district made up of families, you would want to craft a campaign that appealed to families and make sure all of your events were family-friendly. You might even offer special events for kids!
    • As another example, if your district is in a hip, urban area made up mostly of 20-something singles, you might hold campaign events at the local bar or have a free concert in the park.

Zero in on a problem you can solve.

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  1. It's safe to assume that both you and your opponent are qualified for office and likable enough to think you can get people to vote for you. To win the election, tell the voters how you're going to solve a problem that matters to them. [6]
    • Finding out what matters to voters will help you identify the most pressing problems they face. It could be the potholes on Main Street or the fact that the trash is never picked up on time. Position yourself as the candidate who cares about this problem and is going to solve it.
    • Depending on the office you're running for, it's possible you'll have multiple issues. For example, a mayor is responsible for a lot of different areas, while a school board member only has to worry about the public schools.
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Craft a short and sweet campaign slogan.

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  1. Organize your entire campaign around this slogan. All your speeches, your answers in interviews, your campaign swag— literally everything that has anything to do with your campaign—center around this slogan. Consistent messaging makes it easier for voters to remember you and helps pave your path to victory. [7]
    • Try to keep your slogan to a few words—something you can easily print on signs and T-shirts. For example, if you're running for the local school board, your slogan might be "For the Children."
    • Great slogans are often a play on your name or use a literary device, such as rhyming or alliteration, to make them more memorable. For example, someone named Corey might run for city council using the slogan "Corey Cares."

Buddy up with a popular incumbent.

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  1. With this strategy, you and the other candidate present yourselves as a package deal. You might make appearances together and create signage that presents your campaigns as joined. This allows you to capitalize on the other candidate's supporters. [8]
    • You and the other candidate don't have to agree on everything, but you should agree on the major issues that are central to your campaign.
    • You'll get a lot more name recognition this way because the public will come to associate your name with theirs. If your names happen to rhyme or start with the same letter, even better!
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Start your campaign as early as possible.

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  1. If this is your first race and you're not coming out of the gate with a big budget, starting early gives you more runway to meet and surpass your vote goal. Get voter data from your local elections office and focus initially on people who are likely to vote for you—not people that you would have to convince or persuade. [9]
    • Even if it's too early for official campaign activities, you can still put your online presence in place, poll voters, build a mailing list, and do other things that will give your campaign momentum out of the gate.
    • Focusing on likely votes early also gives you the opportunity to recruit those people as volunteers for your campaign effort.

Prioritize face-to-face contact with voters.

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  1. It's a lot easier to persuade someone to vote for you in person. If they feel like you know them personally and really listened to what you had to say, they'll want to have you representing them in government. [11]
    • Volunteers can help you out with this by knocking on doors and talking to voters as well, but it's important that you get out there and mingle with your community.
    • Community campaign events and town halls are a great way to talk to voters and show them that you care about the issues in the community. For example, you might hold a campaign event to pick up litter.
    • Always pay attention to your physical appearance. Even if you're not at an official event, you might still be in a position to meet and talk to voters—make sure you're somebody they'd want to talk to! [12]

Court influencers as vocal supporters.

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  1. You might be most familiar with the "influencer" title on social media, but influencers exist offline as well. Identify the people in your community who seem to know everybody and who people look up to—those are the people you want on your side. [14]
    • Powerful people in your community can really make or break your campaign. Make sure you get their support early—they can help you achieve your goals.
    • If there's an influencer in your community who's against your campaign, figure out why. Usually, it's because your position on an important local issue would have a negative effect on that person's bottom line.

Earn media coverage with newsworthy events.

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  1. Local news channels often say they're reporting news that matters to members of the community—use that to your advantage. Local voters will see that you're taking action to fight for local issues and be more inclined to vote for you. [16]
    • Keep in mind that you can't expect the news to cover your campaign just because you're running. You need to host newsworthy events. Talking to people with journalism experience can help you figure out how to make your events more likely to be covered.
    • Often, political candidates drive themselves into debt with expensive TV ads that don't really nudge the needle in terms of persuading voters. Don't feel like you have to make a bunch of TV ads just because your opponent is doing it.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How effective are mailers? Are they cost-effective?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Mailers can get very expensive. For local campaigns, they're likely not very cost-effective, either, since all they really help you with is name recognition. Think about all the mailers you get during campaign season—do any of them sway you? Do you pay attention to them, or throw them in the trash? The reality is, most people consider them junk mail and don't pay any attention to them—it's just money down the drain.
  • Question
    What do I do if my competition defaces my campaign signs?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The reality is, unless you've literally caught them in the act, you don't know who's responsible. Accusing your opponent of doing this won't win you any votes. Take the high road, remove the signs that were defaced and replace them if possible, and don't mention the issue again. Focus on your campaign and how you plan to help your local community. Good luck!
  • Question
    How can I make a picture for the election to get a lot of fans?
    Community Answer
    You want to include probably the best picture of you looking professional. You might also want the picture to show your personality such as looking strong, happy, and with a smile on your face.
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      • Talk to your family before you register your candidacy and make sure they're on board. Local elected offices are typically part-time jobs, but they can potentially take away from the time and attention you give to your family. [18]
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      • This article is based primarily on US government election laws and processes. Winning strategies might look different in other countries with different systems in place.
      • Talk to your employer before you launch your campaign. Some might not allow you to run for or serve in office on the side, in which case you'd have to quit your job first. [19]

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